
Another chapter.....

a new season
Last week marked a milestone in the life of our family. It marked exactly one month until our oldest and only daughter gets married. For anyone out there who has ever experienced this, you know exactly what I mean. As a mother with a daughter, it is something that we dream about their entire lives. The question becomes…are we ever really prepared for it? This brings me to my topic for today…CHANGE. Change is something we all WILL go through at some point in our lives…regardless if we like it or not. How well you deal with it, is determined by how well
of a foundation you’re built on. Change can be hard for women, because we sometimes build our lives on and around the lives of others…our children, our husbands, etc. Because most of us never developed ourselves in the process of developing our relationships; when these people leave or move on…we can sometimes fall apart. If we, on the other hand spend our lives developing ourselves while we develop our relationships; when the seasons of our lives change, we can go with the flow. Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 tells us that there is a season for EVERYTHING. We can’t ever get complacent with where we are in our lives…especially our walk with God. Change is always necessary for growth. We must make sure we’re not holding people hostage by our unwillingness to make changes, or better yet, not allowing THEM to make changes; by making them feel guilty or even worse, making them stagnant because we refuse to grow! This, my friends, is so not fair! Going back to my daughter…on Wednesday, we had as a family, what was probably our last family outing TOGETHER, before Keri gets married…and on Friday, we had her bridal shower, which produced gifts that screamed “BRIDE”…pots/pans, household appliances, towels, lingerie,etc. – you get the picture! ;-)) If I had sat there and cried my eyes out and begged her "to not leave mommy and daddy" - that would have made this season in her life a miserable one and not the joyous occasion that God meant it to be. You see, as productive human beings, we must constantly be growing; yes, even at the cost of making changes that are uncomfortable, uneasy and unknown! It’s all a part of life or rather, the “cycle” of life. What are you doing to prepare yourselves for the changes that WILL, at some point, take place in your life? I call you blessed!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! It spoke to me on so many levels!
    Such an encouraging message during a season of change in my life! Thank you for sharing!!



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