
Lessons learned...

being an example
As we approach the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and while we have much needed time off to enjoy our families, let us make sure we’re using this time as teaching moments for our children. We ARE our children’s first teachers and everything they see us do, you can best believe… they mimic. This time of year brings on what I like to call the “holiday hoopla” syndrome. You know, we start seeing the commercials, the decorations, all the hype and we start to panic. We start to wonder how
we’re ever going to pull it all off AND if/how we’re going to get it all done with the resources and time - or the lack thereof - we have. 

  You see, God knows everything we need and desire… BIG or small.  Yes, He absolutely loves us and our families and He has our very BEST interest at heart!

 Remember it was He who said that He “richly gives us all things to enjoy” and it was His “GOOD pleasure to give us His Kingdom”!  We taught our children that yes, we should always be thinking of others and putting others before ourselves…that’s what this walk is all about, right? We also taught them that we serve a God who rewards those who serve Him and walk out His word. But, it’s also our job as parents to teach them the balance of it all. If our kids don’t get all they want on their “Christmas list”, do they have a conniption fit because they’ve seen us many times having an “adult” tantrum when we don’t get our way, or have they learned from us that we may not get everything we want, but our hearts should be conditioned to ALWAYS be thankful for what we do have? Or if things don’t go as planned during the holiday and they can’t go to the event that “all their friends” are going to. Do they think of it as another big “disappointment” from mom and dad for not being able to do “anything like the others kids get to do”, because they’ve seen us sit and sulk when our plans have not come together.  Or have you taught them to chalk it up as possibly that “thing” they may have wanted to do “so badly” could have been out of timing and could have been His way of preventing them from a possible injury or accident. You see, I’m a firm believer that there are lessons to be learned in everything! It’s our job as parents to use the wisdom of God to determine what those lessons are. Our children will always be “our children”, but one day they will become adults. The question becomes, have we as parents used the time God gave us to steward over them, to be examples, so we can teach them everything they need in order to become productive citizens, not only on this earth, but in His Kingdom as well? So, as you go about your merry way this holiday season, seek to find the lessons in life to teach your kids, even in the smallest of 
things.<---(tweet this).     Proverbs 22:6

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Hi Michell,
    Yet another thought provoking advise,
    Yes, As you pointed out "we need to train up our children the way the Lord wants us to do. yes,
    "everything they need in order to become productive citizens, not only on this earth, but in His Kingdom as well"
    Thanks for sharing this, thanks for the reminder
    Keep inform

  2. Thanks Phil and thanks so much for dropping by! Have a blessed week! :-)

  3. Such a convicting and inspiring post Michell! Thank you for the reminder that I am teaching my kids through my actions every day this season and always... May I be all that God intends for an example for my children.

    1. Thanks so much Chris! Amen, may we all do the same! Thanks for dropping by lady, have a good one! ;-)

  4. What a beautiful post, and so very true.

    1. Thanks so much Ashley and thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week!

  5. I may not be a parent but this is still a wonderful reminder for me personally to remember what this season is all about. It is so easy to caught up in the unimportant things.
    Hopefully one day I will be blessed with a family of my own and when I do, I pray that I remember these words.
    God Bless!

    1. Thanks so much Nichole! Yes it is easy to get caught up in the hoopla. When the day comes for you to be a mother, I'm sure you'll be more than ready to impart wisdom into your children. Thanks for your comment, have a blessed week! ;-)

  6. Very well stated! Truly inspirational, as well as thought provoking.

    1. Thanks so much Nell! Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  7. Beautiful reflection Michell! I also believe there is a hidden message God sends us everyday, especially during the holidays. May we always check in on Him and find out.

    1. Amen Anne! I believe that also and yes, we should ALWAYS check with Him to see what His thoughts are about the matter! Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  8. I'm not a parent but I like your reminder to not allow the holiday hoopla to steal the joy of this season. Wishing you & yours a happy holiday season.

    1. Thanks so much Wanda for stopping by my blog! May you and your family have a blessed holiday season as well! :-)

  9. visiting from ITWW. Lovely post! Gave me a lot to think about this holiday season!

  10. Thanks so much for visiting Becky! Have a blessed rest of your day!;-)

  11. Hi Michell, so good to see you on Winsome Wednesday and I love your advice here. Yes, I will seek to find every opportunity to point my children to Christ in this season. God bless my new friend

  12. Thank you Tracy! Thanks for hosting Winsome Wednesday, I've met some new friends their! Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed week my friend! ;-)

  13. This is such a good reminder about where to direct our kids!!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly and thanks for dropping by! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  14. Such an good point. Leading by example is the best way! I think it is also important to point out that Mom and Dad make mistakes too. Jesus is the best example and it is important that we teach our children all about who He was. Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower.

    1. Thanks so much Janine! Yes, they do need to know that we make mistakes also. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the follow! I tried following you earlier, but my Google Friend Connect is not letting me. I'll keep trying though. In the meantime, I'll follow you via twitter and pinterest. ;-) Have a blessed evening!

  15. This is so true..I want to raise responsible, well rounded girls. They receive Christmas gifts, but we always emphasize the importance of the reason for the season, our Lord and savior Jesus. Puberty has me praying real hard too...whew! Stopping by from SITS!

    1. Lol...oh yes! I remember those days!;-) Thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  16. Very inspirational Sis! I try to set good examples for my children as The Holy Ghost helps me to work on myself too. Thanks for sharing, do have a super blessed weekend!
    BTW, just liked your page.

    1. Hi lady! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for liking my page! You have a super blessed weekend as well my friend! ;-)

  17. inspiring post thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.xo

    1. Thanks Katherine and I'll see you on Thursday! Have a blessed week! :-)

  18. Thought provoking post. Children will always parody what they see us do. It is up to us as parents to become the change we want to see in our children. The popular adage that, "the apple does not fall too far from the tree" is the truth. When we feed from our Source-God-and in turn feed our children with His word, and teach them to feed as well, they will stand out and be in this world, but not of this world. They will not conform to the vices of this world. Thanks for this call to action.

    1. Thanks Unyime! Yes, so true! We as parents must make sure that what we're feeding our children is the the Truth(Word), otherwise, we're going to have little brats on our hands; which usually is a reflection of the bigger brats who are raising them, lol. :-) Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day! ;-)

  19. Very inspiring, I really enjoyed your page. I'm new to blogging please check me out at

    1. Aww...thanks Kenia! Welcome to the blogging world!! Thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening!! ;-)


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