
Stop sittin' and get to doin'!

avoinding missed opportunities
I'll admit...this “doing you well” kick I’ve been on has made me go back and review some old post I wrote when I first started blogging. As I observe women I come across every day, these old post are more relevant now than ever before. If you’re in that place in your life where God is tugging you to move forward, but your fear of failing or doubt and unbelief that God will actually use you has stopped you from pursuing your dreams; I encourage you to read on.

We have spent most of our lives not being able to venture out of our boxes; you know, the pretty LITTLE gift boxes we put ourselves into 

- the ones we think will be just enough to
allow us to sit prettily on the shelf, not to be used, but to be admired! Afraid of who God has made us and what He has placed within us, because we’ve been told what we can and cannot do or say, but never given instructions on how to walk out our Kingdom assignment, how to be supportive of each other as women and how to be a “good" team player. Far too long we have lived our lives like a dog chasing his tail well below what God intended it to be. Many of us have been taught that we are to BE, DO and HAVE JUST ENOUGH…when God has clearly taught us in His Word that “He came that we might have life and that MORE ABUNDANTLY(to the FULL, until it OVERFLOWS)”John 10:10B! 

I believe wholeheartedly if we’re focused on being SUCCESSFUL at who God called US to be…EVERYTHING we put our hands to do, will be successful as well! We all can attest to the fact that we have a LONG laundry list of why we can’t do this or that. Guess what? That list will still be there – more than likely getting longer as each day goes by – while we sit back and wait. If it’s something God has asked you to do - don’t you know that He’ll show you HOW to do it…step by step! Ladies, if we DON’T do it, more than likely He’ll find someone else to carry out the assignment and we have to wait on yet another opportunity to come our way. Believe me when I say, there’s nothing worse than that "sinking feeling" you get when you see or hear of someone else doing what God told YOU to do! 

Whatever it is; that book, that witty idea, that business…there’s NO TIME like the present! Stop sittin' and get to doin! So go ahead girlfriends, take that leap of faith…you can do it! ;-))
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. I have to keep reminding myself of this constantly! What better place to be than in God's perfect plan?!

    Just stopping by to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can find the link to my post HERE. Have a great week, Michell!

    1. So true place better! Awww...thank you so much, I'll head over and check it out! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed day!

  2. Awesome Post Michelle! God has put so many things in me to do and I'm going to do it.... This post gave me that extra PUSH:-)


    1. Thanks Martina! Yayyy, good for you...can't wait to hear about/see them!! We all(including myself) need a little PUSH every now and then!;-) Thanks so much for dropping by! Have a blessed day!

  3. OH YES MICHELL!!! What a motivating and inspirational post my friend!!! And the best part of taking that step of faith is how things open up and Divine intervention takes place...there's no greater challenge and no greater feeling than going forward in what He is calling you to do. :)

    1. So true Chris!! It's scary and exciting all at the same time, but if God called us to do it...everything falls into place! I love that about Him! Thanks so much my friend...have a blessed day!!

  4. Hey Michell! You were one of the winners of my Kari Jobe CD drawing!!!! Please email me at to let me know where you would like for me to ship the CD to. Thanks!

    Jayma @

    Have a great day and Congrats!! :)

    1. Hi Jayma! Wow!!! Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway and the CD!! I'll inbox you immediately! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed day! ;-)

  5. Awesome Michelle as usual. This is right on target for the New Year and women and their aspiration in 2103. I'm happy to help share. I don't do Pinterest but I'll share on FB:)

    1. Yes Joi! I'm determined that in 2013...I'm doing it BIG, lol! In Jesus that is!;-) Thank you so much for're a blessing! Have a blessed day! ;-)

  6. Whoooo Hoooooo and AMEN sister!!!!!
    Love this post!!!!!!!


    1. Hahaha Stacey...YOU ARE funny! Thanks so much my friend...((((hugs)))) back at ya! Have a blessed day! ;-)

  7. Hi Cindy! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed day!

  8. Michell, girl, you have resurrected the woman I need to be. Your posts are so encouraging and helpful, its really helped my self esteem and my confidence. You are just amazing!!!

    1. Hey Ashley! Awww, thanks so much girl...tGbtg! That's my encourage everyone who comes across my path! I'm so excited for what God is doing in your life! Love you much! Have a blessed week!;-)

  9. Wow Sis. Michelle
    This blog post was very encouraging. I'm getting up and moving in 2013. There are dreams and goals that I must fulfill this year. Thanks for that word.

    Rosalind (ra-ra)

    1. OMGee! Hey Ra-Ra!!! I didn't know you blogged girl! Thank you so much! I've got my faith with yours that everything you're wanting to accomplish in 2013 SHALL come to pass! Headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week and thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  10. Hey Michell,

    I can't say it is doubt or fear, but I can say the outcome is the same from my laziness. Lately, I have been dragging myself about taking this exam to become a licensed therapist. It's been since 2007 since I've been in the field due to losing my job because of the incompetence of the supervisor who was later fired. That is in the past, I can't focus on that. I need to move forward and do this for "me". I have an awesome agency that is working with me, but they can't do it for me. I have to do this myself.

    I encourge continued prayers. I must get past this milestone. Thank you for the encouragement!

    Postive thoughts & prayers!

  11. Oh yes...laziness and lack of motivation can hinder us as well! I agree, the # one way to move forward is to not focus on the past. I will definitely keep you in my prayers and am believing God with you, that you will not only take the exam, but will ace it! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed to your blog now! Have a blessed evening!

  12. This was something a friend was talking to me about a few weeks ago regarding our gifts from God and how we use them. This post was definitely a push in the right direction. Thanks Michelle.

    1. Thanks Cindy! I love how the Holy Spirit gives more than one person the same thing...such an encouragement! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed day! ;-)

  13. very easy to forget this. thank you for the reminder!

    New follower from GFC Hop :)
    Follow back?


    1. Hi Sabz! You're so welcome! Thanks for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  14. I found your blog in the blog hop and I'm so glad I did! Such a wonderful blog :)I would love if you checked mine out!

    1. Hi Emma! So glad you found me too! Thank you so much for visiting and following...I'll be glad to check out your blog, headed there now! Have a blessed day!;-)

  15. OKAY, okay. I'll get writing! ;)

    Thanks for the inspiration, sweet friend.

    1. Hahahaa! Yes Meredith, YOU DO THAT...get to writing that is! Lol! You are so welcomed my friend! Have a blessed day!!

  16. Love this, so encouraging! New follower from the blog hop :)

    1. Thanks so much Mel and thanks for stopping by and following...headed to your blog now! Have a blessed day!!

  17. Doing myself well has been quite the challenge. Discovering value in my Kingdom assignments, loving my family, and keeping my nose pointed in the right direction through the Word of God has given this challenge of doing myself well a purposeful journey. I appreciate excellent leadership in my life who has given me wings to fly.

    1. Hey April! I agree, doing yourself well can be challenging at times, because you have to balance doing you well and putting others first(Hey I think I'll write a post about that), lol...but the reward is just that...A REWARD! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a blessed day!

  18. Thanks so much for sharing this. I often take his good grace for granted, but you realy reminded me here. If it's his will, then let it be done!

    Have a great day.

    1. Hi Susan! Thank you! His grace and mercy are mind boggling, aren't they! He's so gracious and merciful to us, even when we take them for granted! Wow...thank You Jesus! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed day!

  19. Replies
    1. Yayy! You're welcome! Glad you got it and congrats again on winning! Have a blessed day Ren!

  20. Hi Michell, Aloha!! I found you through the blog hop and I always love to find other positive women bloggers, so I have followed you! I would love if you could follow me back as well! Have a great day and look forward to your posts!

    1. Hey Tany, Aloha!!;-) Thanks so much for visiting and following...I would love to follow you back, headed your way! May you have a GREAT evening as well! ;-)

  21. Wow! I totally needed to hear this. I've got a long list of things that I wish to do and that I know would bring glory to God but I'm in my own way because of my insecurities. Thank you for sharing this post Michelle. You were talking to me today! God is going to see me through!

    1. Hey Shaina! So glad you stopped by! I love how He knows what we need to hear! Standing in agreement with you! Amen, He WILL see you through! Have a blessed evening!

  22. I absolutely love your blog! Very uplifting. New follower from Almost Friday Blog Hop. Peace and blessings.

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening!;-)


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)