
"Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" #5

an encouragement link up promoting community
Hey ladies...we're into our fifth week! So excited about the community we're building here! I will be out of town later on today, so I won't be able to chime in on the conversation until Thursday! In the meantime, you all make some new friends and hold down the fort until I return! Now on to the partaaay!

For all of you who are new to the link up...all you do is share with us what you're DOING WELL this week! It can be ANYTHING; no matter how big or small, as long as it’s leading you towards…DOING YOU WELL! We as women have gone most of our lives doing others well, but when it comes to doing ourselves well…we must admit, we have fallen short. The enemy wants us to
focus on all the things we just can't seem to get right in our lives...and when it's time to celebrate all the things we are doing right...he makes us feel unworthy, so we find it hard to celebrate ourselves! Who knows, you may have something that will inspire one of the other readers…and besides, we can all use some encouragement!! Btw...I'm enjoying reading your lovely comments on how you're doing yourselves well! ;-) Join in on the convo and please feel free to reply to comments made by others. 

As you can probably tell by now, this isn’t your normal linky-party. My goal is to create a community where we actually get to know one another and each other's blogs by connecting here on this link-up...where you’re not just a linked up post(if you  get my drift). For all my sisters who don't have blogs, please leave  your comment, so we can get to know you too! If you have a website or fan page, you can leave the link for them in the comment section. If you don’t have anything to share, you can still link up(I highly recommend you say something though, so we can get to know you, that's the point, right).;-)  Each week I'll feature one of our fabulous participants! Our featured blogger this week is the lovely Tracey who blogs over at " My Daily Walk" go over and show her some lovin'! Here are the rules: 

  • If you follow me via GFC(Google Friend Connect), Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest,  please make sure to leave in your comment that you're following, so I can return the favor.
  • Leave your comment on what you’re doing well this week. If you’re a blogger, link up your blog(s)(any post you'd like) so others can visit and follow you. Go visit other blogs and comment/follow. Try to visit as many as you can each week. Remember, we're creating a community here.
  • Please play fair(as I’ve seen so many bloggers in link-ups NOT do). If someone comments on/follows your blog…PLEASE return the favor! Remember, we're creating a community. Don't forget to let them know you're dropping by from the "Doing YOU WELL" link-up.
  • As I’ve stated, my goal is to create a community (I'm not trying to be redundant) where we come together to make new friends, connect with one another AND support each other's blogs...that's one of the reasons we blog, right? If your goal is to get followers for the sake of just getting followers…then, you may want to keep it movin’...ahem, I meant..this may not be the linky party for you. :-)
  • What are you waiting for ladies…get to linking!
  • Most of all...have fun, meet new friends and gain new followers, and while you're at it invite others to come...the more, the merrier! Don't forget to come back(same time next week)!
  • You can grab my "Doing YOU WELL"button if you'd like. It's right there on the side(keep scrolling down, you'll see it). Paste it either in your post, on your sidebar, or wherever you put your buttons!
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him ! 



  1. Hey Michell!

    Great to come across your lovely blog!

    I have just followed you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and subscribed via RSS :-) Whew!

    Blessings to you as you abide in our Lord!

    1. Hi Tehila! So glad you found me too! Thanks so much for stopping by and for the follow(s)...headed over to your blog shortly! Have a blessed rest of your week! ;-)

  2. Thanks for hosting, Michell. This week, I'm incorporating running into my daily mile {a walk/jog combo}. Doesn't sound like much, but it's an advancement, right?? Also, my husband and I just talked about making small changes in our diet together {drinking more water, as we NEVER drink water. I know, we're bad. Does tea count??} Lastly, I'm donating some shoes to an orphanage that our church has in Haiti {my brother's idea}.

    That's a start. :)


    1. Hi Meredith! Yes it is a start...and a great start it is! Thanks for the reminder; I have some things that I can is always a good thing! It's good to have someone doing it with you...accountability is a good thing; guess that's why I'm always dropping the ball when it comes to exercising, lol! Thanks so much for dropping by my friend, have a blessed week!;-)

  3. Hi Michell, so I come over here, as I do every Wednesday to link up, and I see I'm your featured blogger. Blush! :) Thank you Michell, you bless me muchly (don't know if that's a word but its how I feel :) )
    God bless Michell and have a great day

    1.'re so welcome Tracy!! If it's not a word...we'll make it one, lol! God bless you as well my friend and may you have a blessed week! ;-)

  4. Hey Michell! This week, I am following you on FB! Thanks so much for hosting this lovely hop! Hope your doing something fun while you're gone! :)


    1. Hi Heather! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up...I'll be sure to follow you back!;-) Have a blessed rest of your week! ;-)

  5. Thank you, Michelle, for hosting this for us! I am linking up a post from a week or so ago, but one that is near to my heart. :)

    Thank you for encouraging community!
    Be blessed,
    Scarlett xo

    1. Awesome Scarlett...I'll be sure to go over and read it! You are so is so important, especially for us women! ;-) Thanks for dropping by and linking up...have a blessed week! ;-)

  6. Sorry! I know your name is Michell. My fingers were going too fast, I guess. :)

  7. My dear friend, thank you for hosting and bringing us all together! Such a blessing!! This week is "Shakin' the Foundation" first church service!! We are doing it well by our obedience in stepping it as God is calling us :)

    Many blessings to you!!!

    1. Alright now lady...whoop whoop!! So excited for you and wishing you much success Stacey! Thanks for stopping by my friend...have a blessed rest of your week!!;-)

  8. Had a great week and did some things that I wanted to do and took care of myself which is something that I do not do a lot.

    1. Hi Patrick! That's awesome! Sometimes we have to take a step back and refresh makes us more productive! Thanks for dropping by and linking up! Have a blessed week!

  9. Hey Hey Michell! Not too much out of the ordinary but I did manage to clean up my old room at my parents house that was storing lots of junk so I guess that counts.

    1. Hahaha, too funny Joi! Oh yes, that definitely counts! I wish my daughter would come and get her stuff(instead of the house, it's in the garage,lol). Have a wonderful week darlin'! ;-))

  10. Hey Michell!! I don't see a "url" in the choices for comments anymore... did you change that or am I losing my mind!!?? Anyhoo- Thanks for the link up opportunity!!! I am sharing a good story about a lost Tooth Fairy Note... with an important message behind it. :) I am still in my pjs today- now THAT'S doing me well!! LOL

    1. So sorry about that Chris! Meredith over at "Mothering From Scratch" was saying the same thing, but I have no idea how to fix it. I'll go back in and see if I can fix it. If anyone out in the bloggersphere knows how to...please HELP! Anyhoo...I'll go over and check it out and you betcha...being in your PJ's is DOING YOU WELL! Lol! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed week Chris!;-)

  11. Hi Michell,

    This is my first "Link Up"... Thanks to Meredith at "The Laundry Can Wait" for guiding me here. Hope I am doing this right, ha.

    I followed you and linked up, is that all I do??

    my Blog is

    Have a fun vacay. :)

    1. Hey Heather!! So glad you joined us...Meredith is a sweetie isn't she? Yep, you did it right, lol! Thanks for linking up and thanks for the follow...I'll be sure to head over to your blog! Have a blessed week!;-)

  12. This week I spent some time doing more devotional readings... something I desperately need to make a constant habit out of. I also got myself back into the workout program! Nothing like working your mind, body and soul!! :)
    Hope you are well Michell and thank you for these fabulous link ups!!! xo

    1. Hey Nichole! I know I speak for most people when I say...when it comes to the things of God, we need more consistency. Kudos to you for working your mind, body, soul AND spirit! You are so welcome my friend and hope you are doing well also...have a wonderful weekend!;-)

  13. This week is all about getting ready for my second craft show here in the "D" Detroit. Also in between time. Filling orders for two stores!! and online orders. Crazy week~but I love it!

    1. Hi Lisa! Didn't know you were from Detroit. My husband was raised there and our youngest sons were born there(one in Detroit, the other in Southfield). We have lots of family and friends there also...definitely a SMALL world, lol! Awesome, awesome,'s a GOOD thing when it's crazy and you love it! ;-) Wishing you much success with your sales! Have a wonderful weekend!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)