
"Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" #7

an encouragement link up promoting community
Hope you ladies have had a FANTABULOUS week so far! For all of you who are new to the link up...all you do is share with us what you're DOING WELL this week! It can be ANYTHING(something you're doing personally, a project you're working on, etc.), no matter how big or small. Because we do so much for others, we sometimes find it hard to
celebrate ourselves! That's where this link-up comes in. I wanted to create a space where you’re celebrated and encouraged! Who knows, you may have something that will inspire one of the other readers…and besides, we can all use some encouragement, right!!

Each week I'll feature one of our fabulous participants! This week my featured blogger is the lovely Meredith, who blogs over at "The Laundry Can Wait".  Please stop by and show her some encouragement and lovin'! 

I guess you've figured by now, that this isn’t your normal linky-party. My goal is to create a community where we actually get to know one another and each other's blogs, by connecting here on this link-up...where you’re not just a linked up post(if you  get my drift). For all my sisters who don't have blogs, please leave your comment so we can get to know you too! If you have a fanpage or website, please leave the link for them in the comment section.  Here are the rules:

  • If you follow me or any of the participants via GFC(Google Friend Connect), Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram or RSS feed, please make sure to leave in your comment how you're following, so we can return the favor.
  • If you’re a blogger, link up your blog(s)*any post you'd like*, so others can visit and follow you. Leave your comment on what you're doing well this week. Go visit other blogs and comment/follow. Try to visit as many as you can each week. Remember, we're creating a community here.
  • Please play fair (as I’ve seen so many bloggers in link-ups NOT do). If someone comments on/follows your blog…PLEASE return the favor! Remember, we're creating a community. Don't forget to let them know you're dropping by from the "Doing YOU WELL" link-up.
  • As I’ve stated, my goal is to create a community (I'm not trying to be redundant) where we come together to make new friends, connect with one another AND support each other's blogs...that's one of the reasons we blog, right? If your goal is to get followers for the sake of just getting followers…then, you may want to keep it movin’...ahem…this may not be the linky party for you. :-)
  • What are you waiting for ladies…get to linking!
  • Most of all...have fun, meet new friends and gain new followers, and while you're at it invite others to come...the more, the merrier! Don't forget to come back(same time next week)!
  • You're welcomed to grab my "Doing YOU WELL"button if you'd like. It's right there on the side(keep scrolling down, you'll see it). Paste it either in your post, on your sidebar, or wherever you put your buttons for link-ups!
  • Now on to the partaaaay!   

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Okay, I know I’m cheating, lol! But it’s my linky party, so I can participate, right? ;-) Since this is Doing You Well Wednesday, I wanted to add my contribution, well…it’s not actually me, it’s my aunt. A true testament to doing yourself well! Read my link-up “A Silent Strength” above and find out why. Much love to you ladies!

  2. Thanks for hosting. I love your blog and am a new follower :)
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Hi Anna! Thanks so much for dropping by, linking up and following...headed over to your blog in a few! Have a wonderful week! ;-)

  3. Thanks for hosting, Michell. Yes, you can totally participate. After all, it's YOUR wonderful blog. :)


    1. Hahahaa Meredith! I thought so, just thought I'd ask, lol! Thanks for linking up today! Have a wonderful rest of your week my friend!;-)

  4. Just starting my rounds at Doing you Well Wednesday. I am already a follower, and I love your posts. I put two blogs on here for you to chose which one you want to visit. My weight and general anything blog My family history blog

    1. Hey Betty, thanks! Sounds great, thanks so much for dropping by and linking up! Have a wonderful week!;-)

  5. Hi Michell! So glad you have a link party! I just linked my 'Springtime White Chocolate Sugar Cookies'. Can you fix the (2) 'Pin It' buttons to just one?


    1. Hi Heather...thanks so much and thanks for linking up! I'm game for ANYTHING "springtime", but sugar cookies sealed the deal! ;-) It looks like it's already fixed, as I only see one on my end. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Have a wonderful week!;-)

  6. happy to join in the fun hugs and thank you for hosting xo

    1. Hey Katherine, hope all is well!! So glad you could join us today! Will be headed your way tomorrow for your link-up! Have a wonderful rest of your week!!;-)

  7. Thanks for hosting! This week, I'm doing me well by encouraging myself and others. Blessings to you Michell!

    1. Hi Hope! That's awesome...a perfect example of sowing and reaping! As you encourage others, God will make sure you get encouraged in the process! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up my friend! Blessings to you as well! ;-)

  8. This week I'm doing me well by not letting stress overpower me. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week :)

    1. Hi Osh(love that name)!;-) That's a great place to be! May the peace of God continue to rest in and upon you and may you enjoy the rest of your week also! Thanks for dropping by and linking up!!

  9. I am "Doing Well" for the enemy did not win with his attack campaign this week!!! Praise God!!! Thank you for hosting sista!! You are the hostess with the that is :))


    1. Hey Stacey! Whoop whoop, we kicked the devil's butt, yet another week! Lol! Praise God indeed! And're the sweetest, lady! ;-) Thanks for linking up...have a blessed rest of your week girlie! ;-)

  10. Thanks for hosting this awesome link up Michell!! I think you could post that one about your Aunt every day for a month or so and I would be good with that!! It's just such an amazing story!! :)

  11. Awwwww...Chris! That makes me're a sweetheart my friend! Thanks for making me realize just how special my aunt was! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a wonderful week lady! ;-)

  12. Well this week, I'm delving more into the Word of God and praying more than ever before. Doesn't seem like a big deal to most, but I keep being reminded of the scripture "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

    1. Oh yes is a VERY big deal! When we keep our focus on Him, EVERYTHING falls into place! I'd say you're doing you well! Thanks for linking up hon...have a blessed rest of your week! ;-)

  13. I love the idea of focusing on something we're doing well!

    1. Hi Adrienne! Thanks so much! I'm a believer in encouraging and celebrating one another! It pushes us all to live better lives. Thanks for dropping by...have a wonderful week!;-)

  14. Hi Michell, I am a new follower from The Great Blog Train linky party. Have a fantastic week.

    1. Hi Darlene! Thanks so much for dropping by, linking up and following...headed over to your blog now! May you have a fantastic week as well!;-)

  15. Trying to stay positive in life. Have been trying to let things roll off my back as people get stranger. Figured out that I am happy with me and would not be anyone else.

    1. Hi Patrick! That's a great thing! Praying you continue your positivity! Good for you, if you can't be happy with yourself, then who can you be happy with? Btw...I realize I must start referencing this "linky-party" to women AND "gents"! Lol...have a blessed week!

  16. Hello there Michell! I'm having a great week so far in fitness! I launched a new BODYCOMBAT class at one the gyms I teach for and it went great. This week I'm DYW in the fitness avenue of my life! I'm super excited! I love adding new classes to the schedule. I would love to teach full time and work in the pharmacy as needed! This is good exposure for taking steps to doing so. Hope you are having a fabulous time Doing you well!

    1. Hey Joi!! Kudos to you lady...whoop, whoop! I've got my faith with yours that God will fill your schedule so full, that you'll have no choice but to go full-time lady! I AM having a fabulous time Doing me well, as I see you are too, lol! Have a wonderful week Joi!

  17. Hi - I just found you through a list of Southern bloggers - was looking through the list to find other SC bloggers. Happy to have found you.

    1. Hi Gaye! Thank you so much for dropping glad you found me too! Will head over to your blog in a few! Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. {Melinda} Going to try to make it a weekly thing and link up here. Love your heart and love your blog. So much encouragement and wisdom here!

    1. Hi Melinda! Thanks so much for dropping by! Would love to have you link up with us! Have a wonderful evening! ;-)


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)