
"Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" #8

an encouragement link up promoting communityy
Hi everyone! For all of you who are new to the link up...all you do is share with us what you're DOING WELL this week! It can be ANYTHING(something you're doing personally, a project you're working on, etc.), no matter how big or small. Because we do so much for others, we sometimes find it hard to celebrate ourselves! That's where this link-up comes in. I wanted to create a space where you could drop by each week and be celebrated
and encouraged! Who knows, you may have something that will inspire one of the other readers…and besides, we can all use some encouragement, right?!!

Each week I'll feature one of our fabulous participants! This week my featured blogger is the lovely REN who blogs over at "Consider The Lilies..."Please stop by and show her some lovin'!  Make sure you read her post entitled "You Don't Get To Be My Enemy". 

I guess you've figured by now, that this isn’t your normal linky-party. My goal is to create a community where we actually get to know one another and each other's blogs, by connecting here on this link-up...where you’re not just a linked up post(if you  get my drift). For all my sisters who don't have blogs, please leave your comment so we can get to know you too! If you have a fanpage or website, please leave the link for them in the comment section.  Here are the rules:
  • If you follow me or any of the participants via GFC(Google Friend Connect), Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram or RSS feed, please make sure to leave in your comment how you're following, so we can return the favor.
  • If you’re a blogger, link up your blog(s)*any post you'd like*, so others can visit and follow you. Leave your comment on what you're doing well this week. Go visit other blogs and comment/follow. Try to visit as many as you can each week. Remember, we're creating a community here.
  • Please play fair (as I’ve seen so many bloggers in link-ups NOT do). If someone comments on/follows your blog…PLEASE return the favor! Remember, we're creating a community. Don't forget to let them know you're dropping by from the "Doing YOU WELL" link-up.
  • As I’ve stated, my goal is to create a community (I'm not trying to be redundant) where we come together to make new friends, connect with one another AND support each other's blogs...that's one of the reasons we blog, right? If your goal is to get followers for the sake of just getting followers…then, you may want to keep it movin’...ahem…this may not be the linky party for you. :-)
  • What are you waiting for ladies…get to linking!
  • Most of all...have fun, meet new friends and gain new followers, and while you're at it invite others to come...the more, the merrier! Don't forget to come back(same time next week)!
  • You're welcomed to grab my "Doing YOU WELL"button if you'd like. It's right there on the side(keep scrolling down, you'll see it). Paste it either in your post, on your sidebar, or wherever you put your buttons for link-ups!
  • Now on to the partaaaay!   
Having a blast serving Him !


  1. Thanks for hosting, Michell. I've made some great new bloggers since I've been linking up to this party. Lots of great, empowering women.


    P.S. This week I'm doing myself well by making some dietary changes. :)

  2. Correction: I've made some great new blogger *friends* ...

    1. Whoohoo!! So glad I could be a part of you meeting some "great" blogger friends...that's exactly what my goal was! ;-) And as far as the dietary changes...awesome! I too am doing the same. I'll be 45 this summer and I really want to make sure I stay young, lol! Have a good one my friend! ;-)

  3. I love how you have a 'Pin It' button to our links!

    Thanks Michell!

    1. Hi Heather! Whatever I can do to help promote everyone's blogs! Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Have a blessed week!

  4. Hi Michell, sorry for missing the past two weeks, I was so sick but was stil trying to keep with my scheduled posts.
    What I am doing well this week, is keeping up with my to do lists since there are a few things I need to achieve but so far so good! have a great week!

    1. Hey Tany! Np...we missed you, and I'm so glad you're feeling much better my friend! Oh the dreaded "to do" list, lol! You're definitely "doing well" and better than me, as you're even able to keep up with yours!:-) Hope you have a GREAT week as well!

  5. Hi Mitchell,
    This week I am focusing on surrendering to God that baggage that can weigh me down! I know when I rely on Him to work things out instead of holding on to past regrets, I will stop allowing the things (regret, hurt feelings, failure) that I have encountered along the way to become baggage that prevent me from moving forward! :)

    Blessings and love sister; thanks for the link-up!

    1. That's a good one Denise! We hold onto it because in our minds it's much easier than having to deal with it and letting God take control. Kudos to you my friend for leaving it in the past and moving on!;-) Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Have a blessed week! ;-) XoXo

  6. Hi,

    I am new to this linky party! I am really excited about it :)
    This week I will be helping my Mom take care of my grandparents and there needs. Busy week ahead but it's worth every minute :)

    1. Hi Lauren! Welcome!! What an awesome thing...taking care of your grandparents! You're definitely blessed to still have them around...and yes, it is worth every minute, ENJOY it! Thanks for dropping by and linking up...have a blessed week! ;-)

  7. This blog is one of my favorite things all week as I get to look at others people's great blogs and meet new and interesting people.

    I made a a huge decision this week after thinking about it for a while. The decision is to be done with people's politics. It could be work-I do my job and stay away from most people, will not play the little petty games, It could be social- I will give money to my kids high school teams and such but will stay away from social events as too many little games and stuff happen. Also in the social-staying away from parties and such..

    I will continue to try to search out people (such as people on this blog) who are positive and want people to do good in the right way. I have figured out that I would rather be alone (or with limited people)for the right reasons than around a lot of people for the wrong reasons.

    Thanks for helping me to see that.


    1. That's a great thing Patrick..."wanting to be with limited people for the right reasons than around a lot of people for the wrong reasons". Whatever it takes to live in a "drama free" zone! Thanks for dropping by and linking up...have a blessed week!!

  8. Well, today, I'm just cleaning the house, and doing some "YourVision Graphics and Designs" work, nothing out of the ordinary. :-)

    1. Hey Kerbear! ;-) Sounds like a plan to me, as I am cleaning the house and working on "Prowess and Pearls" work also, lol! :-D Thanks for stopping by and linking up...have a blessed week darlin'!

  9. Liking on Facebook:) - I need to get over to Pinterest - between work and family, I'm time challenged:) However, blogging is relational - and the community has so blessed me:)Have a wonderful day:)

    1. Thanks so much!! Community is a great thing isn't it? We all need encouragement and support! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up...have a blessed day! ;-)

  10. Hello dearest Michell!
    I am linking up my WIWW this time around. And I am so excited about reading all of the other blogs later today! Hope all is well for you!!!
    Hugs to you,
    Scarlett xo

    1. Hi Scarlett! So glad you could stop by and link up! Thanks my friend and I hope all is well with you also! Hugs back at ya...have a blessed day! XoXo

  11. Hi Michell, this week I'm trying to take some steps to doing well eating. I'm having to minimize dairy products, might have to eliminate totally. Anyway, have to do what't best for my body and not make the excuse that I can eat whatever just because I work out.

    1. Hey Joi! Yep, that's a trap many people fall into, including myself! Just because I'm considered "petite", doesn't mean I can eat anything I want to and unlike you, I DON'T work out consistently, lol! Thanks Joi for the motivation to "move it, move it, move it"! :-) Have a wonderful week my friend!

  12. Thank you, Michell. I'm going to follow as many of these wonderful ladies as I can (although it may take me a few days!) My mother has been in the hospital recently, which has taken a lot of my time and kept me from getting other things done. But I'm trying to be gentle with myself and let things go, rather than saying "you didn't get this done, or this, or this..."


    1. Hi Gaye! So sorry to hear about your mother...praying for her complete healing! Good for you for not being "hard" on yourself...sometimes that's easier said than done, but we have to take that step! Kudos to you for doing it! ;-) Have a wonderful week! ;-)

  13. What a lovely surprise, thank you!

    1. You're so welcomed my friend!!:-) Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful week Ren!;-)

  14. I love the way this Doing You Well Wednesday link up is growing!!! Continue to be an inspiration Michell. I'm trying to take my blog more seriously, but I am sooo busy, I barely have time. This week, I've been doing me well, by spending more time seeking God for direction:-)

    1. Thank you Hope for the encouragement and support my are a blessing!! Seeking Him for direction in our lives is always a good thing because we're constantly being pulled so many ways! Awesome Hope...may you have a blessed week! ;-)

  15. Thanks Michell!!!
    It's so encouraging, inspiring and motivating to read everyone's uplifting comments for this week. This is definitely one of my favorite link-ups - even when I don't actually link up it's great to stop through throughout the week and see the wonderful ways everyone is being blessed and blessing others!

    This week I'm making a conscious effort to give my husband more attention and actually speaking with him rather than "at" or "to" him. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily family life and I realized I needed to make sure he knew I didn't take him for granted.

    1. Awwww...thank you so much Michelle, you're a sweetheart!! :-) That's a good one...we so often take for granted the ones who are near and dear to us! It's called familiarity and it's so easy to do. Kudos to you for peeping it out and nipping it in the bud! I'd say you're "doing yourself well" this week! ;-) Have a blessed week my friend!:-)

  16. Replies
    1. Hey Denise! Thanks so much for dropping by and joining us! Have a wonderful week!

  17. I am so glad I found you! What a wonderful community! And, I love the way you encourage followers to follow back. That is a fabulous way to create community! I'll follow back! If I don't, send me a quick note and I will! Great way to keep our glasses full: sharing The Word with each other! Thank you, Michell!

    1. Hi Cynthia!! I'm so glad you found me too! Thank you so much...I believe the Word when it tells me that whatever I sow that shall I also reap! If I want encouragement and support, I must show it to others! Thanks so much for your kind words and thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful evening! ;-)

  18. Hi Michell! Thanks for being a fantastic hostess. I hope you are having a wonderful day!!

    1. Aww...thanks Emily! ;-) I am and hope you are as well! Thanks for stopping by and linking up...have a blessed week! ;-)

  19. cute blog, girl!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)