
"Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" #9

an encouragment link up promoting commuinityHi everyone! For all of you who are new to the link up...all you do is share with us what you're DOING WELL this week! It can be ANYTHING(something you're doing personally, a project you're working on, etc.), no matter how big or small. Because we do so much for others, we sometimes find it hard to celebrate ourselves! That's where this link-up comes in. I wanted to create a space where you could drop by each week and be celebrated and
encouraged! Who knows, you may have something that will inspire one of the other readers…and besides, we can all use some encouragement, right?!!

Each week I'll feature one of our fabulous participants! This week my featured blogger is the lovely Trinity who blogs over a"Transition to Victory" . Please stop by and show her some lovin'! 

I guess you've figured by now, that this isn’t your normal linky-party. My goal is to create a community where we actually get to know one another and each other's blogs, by connecting here on this link-up...where you’re not just a linked up post(if you  get my drift). For all my sisters who don't have blogs, please leave your comment so we can get to know you too! If you have a fanpage or website, please leave the link for them in the comment section.  Here are the rules:

  • If you follow me or any of the participants via GFC(Google Friend Connect), Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Bloglovin' or RSS feed, please make sure to leave in your comment how you're following, so we can return the favor.
  • If you’re a blogger, link up your blog(s)*any post you'd like*, so others can visit and follow you. Leave your comment on what you're doing well this week. Go visit other blogs and comment/follow. Try to visit as many as you can each week. Remember, we're creating a community here.
  • Please play fair (as I’ve seen so many bloggers in link-ups NOT do). If someone comments on/follows your blog…PLEASE return the favor! Remember, we're creating a community. Don't forget to let them know you're dropping by from the "Doing YOU WELL" link-up.
  • As I’ve stated, my goal is to create a community (I'm not trying to be redundant) where we come together to make new friends, connect with one another AND support each other's blogs...that's one of the reasons we blog, right? If your goal is to get followers for the sake of just getting followers…then, you may want to keep it movin’...ahem…this may not be the linky party for you. :-)
  • What are you waiting for ladies…get to linking!
  • Most of all...have fun, meet new friends and gain new followers, and while you're at it invite others to come...the more, the merrier! Don't forget to come back(same time next week)!
  • You're welcomed to grab my "Doing YOU WELL"button if you'd like. It's right there on the side(keep scrolling down, you'll see it). Paste it either in your post, on your sidebar, or wherever you put your buttons for link-ups!
  • Now on to the partaaaay!   


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Denise! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up! Have a blessed day! ;-)

  2. Hi Michell, good to be here again. I am now following you on Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin and I receive your blog updates.
    @Pinterest MyLLLS
    Thank you for the Do You Well linky. Have a great day,

    1. Hi Karren! Thanks so much...I'll be sure to return the favor!;-) So glad you could stop by...have a great day as well! ;-)

  3. Hi Michell
    thanks for hosting this weeks Link Party. I'm a follower. Be Blessed.

    1. Hi're so welcome! Be blessed as well! ;-))

  4. What am I doing well? This week, I am staying on schedule in my art studio, which allows for more time with my family. Blessings!

    1. Hey Cynthia! How awesome is that...that you have an art studio! ;-) Wishing you much success lady!! Have a blessed week!;-)

  5. Hello, and thanks for hosting this blog hop. I am doing well in my weight loss this week. I am doing well in being really happy. I hope you are doing well.

    1. Hey Betty! better time then now, since Spring is here...yay!! So glad you're happy, what a great place to be! Yes, I am doing well...thanks for asking! Have a wonderful week!

  6. Hello!
    I'm sewing well!!!!

    1. Hey Mamma Nene! I'll have to send you a design so you can sew something for me, lol! Thanks for dropping by and linking up...have good one! ;-)

  7. Hi Mitchell,

    Wishing you a heart full of praise and joyful laughter this week, with lots of cheerful folks surrounding you!! :)


    1. sweet!! Thank you so much Denise...I receive it in Jesus' name!!;-) Wishing the same for you lovely lady! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up....have a blessed week!!

  8. Happy Wednesday Everyone :) Thanks Michell for the link-up! I'm enjoying the first official day of spring at home with my two youngest bambinos. I've been doing great at utilizing my calendar and to-do lists which allows me to be less stressed and on point with my responsibilities.


    1. Hey Michelle!! Whooopwhoop...yayyy for Spring!! I so wish I could use a calendar, lol! I use the reminder app on my i-Phone, but need a reminder to check my reminder...IKR! Pray for me, lol! Have a wonderful rest of your week my friend! ;-)

  9. This week I've gotten myself back motivated towards my weightloss goal. Hope you're having a blessed week! :)


    1. Hey Osh! I'm starting my "exercise regimen" today. I fell of the husband brought Oreos, Lay's potato chips and Keebler fudge stripes into the house and I went on a sweet tooth binge...IKR...what.was.he.thinking, lol! Thanks for dropping by and linking up...hope you're having a blessed week also! ;-)

  10. Since I moved my site, I've been stressing (a little) about notifying and keeping my followers. Today, I'm doing me well by taking a break from worrying about it. Just realized I'm not connected to all of your pages and I've been missing posts. Fixing that right now. Blessings

    1. Hey Hope! Believing God that you won't lose any of your connections my friend! That's a good thing Hope(no stressing), it'll all fall into place! ;-) Have a blessed rest of your week lady! ;-)

  11. I'm linked up.. Just about to follow you on Pinterest too :)

    1. Hey Ren!! Thanks for stopping by and linking up my friend...I'll be sure to return the favor! Have a wonderful week!

  12. Thank you for hosting Michelle! Blessing to you friend!

    1. Hi're so welcome!! Blessings to you as well my friend...have an awesome week!;-)

  13. Hi Michelle! Linked a little to late today but love it as always. Do me well this week supporting National Poison Prevention Week.

    1. Hey Joi! It's never too late girl!;-)) Thank you for being our "in house" pharmacist and for always keeping us informed! Doing yourself well indeed! ;-))

  14. Hi Michell, I'm here and I appreciate the chance to connect with bloggers all the time. One of the things I've decided is to prioritize my activities & business. I'm putting myself on a schedule. Thank you very much.

    1. Hey Whitney! So glad you stopped by and linked up! I'd have to say "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" is my favorite part of blogging, as I get to connect with all my blogging friends and catch up with what everyone is doing. As far as you putting yourself on a schedule(kudos) PLEASE teach me how to, lol! That is definitely NOT one of my strong points. ;-) Thanks again...have a wonderful week Whitney!

  15. Thanks as always...excited for some more sharing! :)

    1. Hey Bekah! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up...excited to have you here! Have a blessed week my friend!;-)

  16. Trying to get better everyday.


    1. Hi Patrick!! I'm sure we all can relate to that! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up today...have a blessed rest of your week!

  17. Hi Michell, what a creative blog hop. Some times I think I focus so much on what I need to do that I fail to remember and celebrate what I'm doing well.

    1. Hey Wanda! Thanks so much...that's exactly why I started the hop, to celebrate lovely bloggers like yourself! So glad you stopped by and joined in...have a wonderful week!;-)

  18. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so appreciative for choosing me as your feature blogger this week. What an honor! When I returned home from work today, I was elated to discover that I had been chosen. May the remainder of your week be filled with greatness.

    1. are so welcomed my friend!!:-) Thank you for the support and may YOUR week be filled with GREATNESS as well!!;-)

  19. Michell, this is a fantastic blog hop. I don't get to link up every week because I sometimes feel I am truly not doing things well. But your blog hop reminds me that I can always try again. Many thanks for that!

  20. So glad you came by Anne and I'm so glad you got some encouragement!Of course, like most of us here, you don't think you're doing things well, because we can be our own worst critics.;) But, just so you'll thing I KNOW YOU "DO WELL" is write!!!;-) Thanks so much for dropping by Anne...have a blessed rest of your week my friend!!

  21. Replies
    1. Hi Jennifer, thanks so much for linking up...have a wonderful week!

  22. New to your hop, Michelle. Thanks for the link-up! Already following, but I've put your button on my pinterest page.

    1. Hey Rachel! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by and linking up! Have a wonderful week!

  23. Hi Michelle! We are sharing the same SITS week and I wanted to stop by your blog and check it out. First off, I love your mission statement! It's an inspiring call to action. Also, great link up!

  24. Okay, I know I just commented but I just noticed the Juice + tab at the top of your page. No joke, driving home tonight I saw a car with that on the back of it and wondered what it was all about. How funny!

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by and linking up...headed over to your blog now! Are you as excited as I am? Too funny about Juice Plus+...I LOVE the stuff! ;-) Thanks again...have a wonderful week! ;-)

  25. Hiiiiii! your blog is great, I'd love you to join my websites, and you put my link on your site, and so we benefit both.

    I await your response to


    1. Hi Emilia! Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by...have a wonderful week! ;-)

  26. I love your blog and this blog hop idea!! I am your newest follower and can't wait to see what you post next!! Follow me back at I am truly inspired by your blog and I love getting involved in the blogging community!


    1. Hi Courtney...thank you so much!! Thanks for linking up and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)