
I remember when...

parenting advice
Okay, first and foremost I must say that Spring Break was a blast last week! Family vacation AND my SITS Day on Friday! Can you say Oooooweeee!!!!

We had an awesome time at the beach! Unfortunately, my husband and son-in-law couldn’t make it, *insert sad face here*! So, it was just me and the kiddos! Even though our babies will be 24, 22 and 18 this year, and YES we still hang(our family is close AND cool like that)! :-) This was the first time we’ve gone on vacation without my husband.:( But it was kinda neat having Keri around...seeing as if after she got married and moved out last summer, it’s just been me, Big Daddy and the boys!  It took me back to the days when they were small and we would
jump in the minivan and take weekly excursions to the zoo, museum, park, library or wherever. We developed an even greater bond than before. I can say, it puts a smile on my face to see our kids so close and so caring of one another. Our family has grown since those days(we have a son-in-law who fits right in)! It goes to show age should NEVER be a deciding factor as to whether or not your kids still fellowship with the family. Our children are closer to their dad and me more than ever before.  
Our family THEN....

Our family NOW...

This post was simply going to be about me, the kids and our stay at the beach(not that anything’s wrong with that), but as I watched them interact with each other, I started thinking about what got us to this point. As with all of my post, I want to pass on what I’ve learned. Y’all know I like my lists right, so I’ve compiled a list of parenting tips I’ve learned over the years. Here are a few...

Yes, our children had spats like every other kid, BUT their dad and I ALWAYS made them make up, as we never wanted bitterness and hatred to grow in their hearts. We didn't want them to grow up with a broken relationship with one another and we wanted them to love each other.

Most importantly, we disciplined them. Not out of anger, but with the intention of teaching. Most parents make the mistake of thinking discipline is cruel. It’s our job to show our kids right from wrong(contrary to popular belief, kids feel a sense of security around people who care enough to show them the way). Even God says He chastens those whom He loves!

My husband and I created an environment where our kids wanted to stay around. They actually weren’t beating down the door to leave the house once they turned 18...IKR!

We NEVER let our kids make excuses.

We never believed EVERYTHING they told us. We never assumed because they were our kids, they must be telling us the truth. Many parents make the mistake of defending their children when they are at fault. Don't get me husband and I are our children's BIGGEST advocates, but we wanted to instill in them integrity. If they were right, they were right, but if they were wrong...they were wrong, simple as that.

They were taught to honor their elders. My biggest pet who call adults by their first name(it's so not cute). Parents, TEACH THEM HOW TO HONOR SO THEY’LL HONOR YOU!

We taught them to be polite, to say yes ma’am/sir, please and thank you. Oh, I know some of you may say that’s so old school, but guess what? Those are the same kids who’ll curse their parents out at the drop of a hat…IJS!

We never let them disrespect us. In the words of Barney Fife...nip it, nip it in the bud!

We never got them everything they wanted! WHAT?! We taught them they were NEVER entitled to ANYTHING and to be thankful for everything they do receive!!

We taught them to have compassion for and care for those less fortunate. Teach them this lesson early, so apathy won’t enter into their hearts. Children are very impressionable.

We made home a place where they were free to be themselves, where they were allowed to talk to us about anything.

Last, but certainly not least…we raised them in the Lord, for without Him…their bright future could NOT be guaranteed!  

This list sure hasn’t been exhausted, but these are the basics that will carry your children through life. No, our kids aren’t perfect…I mean REALLY whose kids are? BUT, they have grown into loving, confident and productive adults whom we are so proud of!! So, to cap off this post, I’ll leave you with a few pictures of our vacay(you know,  the one that inspired all of this). As always, thanks so much for stopping by…may you have an absolutely awesome week! Proverbs 3:12, Ephesians 6:1-4, Genesis 18:19, Proverbs 22:6 

parenting advice
My babies...Blake, Joel and Kerington

Keri, Joey and Blake on the beach(I LOVE THIS picture of them)

What "kid" doesn't like Ripley's, lol

Lunch/dinner at Hard Rock Cafe
Miss Diva back at the hotel relaxing

Our turn. Resting..umm, I don't think so

The view from our room

The view we woke up to...aaaah!

I want to give the Marriott Resort and Spa at Grande Dune a "shout out" for making our stay in Myrtle Beach an awesome one! If you ever go to MB, make sure to check them won't be disappointed, I promise!
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. This is something I think about a lot. My mom, sister, and I are all very close, much like your family. I try to think of all the things we experienced as a family to build such a close knit connection. I want to share that same connection with my children when I have them. You've outlined some good points, as they were present in my household too. I pray that when that time comes I'll just know what to do!! Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves at Myrtle Beach!!

    1. Hi Mionna! That's awesome that you guys are close...I'm sure the values you were taught, you'll teach to your's natural! Thanks so much for dropping by...may you have a blessed week!

  2. So glad you had an awesome weekend.
    Your pointers are WONDERFUL. I struggle with structured discipline. I need to draw a box and make it pretty clear where the boundaries are - not so much for my children, but for ME!!! No good saying one thing today and forgetting it tomorrow!!

    1. Thank you so much! Oh yes, that can be a hard one...when they look at you with those sad puppy can make you forget, lol! Life can get so busy sometimes, consistency gets put on the back burner! Thanks so much for stopping by...have an awesome week!

  3. Hi Michell!
    It looks like you had a wonderful vacation and your family is beautiful!
    I think that your outlook on how to raise children is right in line with mine (when I am blessed with my own!). It's lacking in today's society to have respect, be grateful and to have simple manners. No way would I let my kids slide like that ;)
    I hope you have a beautiful and blessed week!!

    1. Thanks Nichole...we did! I know what you mean and you see it all around. The sad part is, these parents weren't raised like this themselves, but somehow dropped their guard when they became parents...smh! May you have a beautiful and blessed week as well my friend! :-D

  4. I've raised my kids very much the way you speak of. Never call an adult by their first name, or if you do there better be a Miss. Mrs or Miss/Mr in front of it. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

    1. Hi, yes...that was the ONLY exception, lol! We did, thanks so much...have a great week! :-)

  5. I'm really close to my parents we still go on holiday for a couple of days every year together although we also have separate ones as well and I'm coming on 30, it's a nice way to just get together and have a good time.


    1. Family time is always good isn't it. After my mom passed away. My sisters and I and our families try to get together at least a few times a month just for the fun of it. Whenever we get together, the fellowship and food are awesome and we're all refreshed afterwards. Thanks for stopping by...have a great week!

  6. You have a beautiful family and are raising your children with morals and values. I think your pointers are right on. You are setting up a great example for your children. This will carry on with them forever.

    1. Thanks so much Patricia! That's what we're hoping for and I pray they will do the same for their kids. Thanks so much for dropping by...have a blessed week!

  7. Very beautiful family and it looks like you guys had an amazing time.

    1. Thank you Kristi and we did!:-D Have a wonderful week! ;-)

  8. Oh how I ADORE those pictures of your precious kiddos!!! They are just so so sweet!!! Love your parenting gems... always want wise words from a beautiful and faithful mom!!!

    1. Awww...thanks Chris...yep, I just love those kiddos!!:D Are you just made of syrup...cause' you're so darn sweet, LOL!!:D Have a good one lady! xoxo

  9. What great pictures! Sorry your hubby couldn't make it, but it looks like you all had a great time!

    1. Thanks Alaina!! IKR...but, you're right, we had an awesome time! Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely week!

  10. Loved the pictures & was so happy that you were featured last week! I hope you enjoyed that SITS day. Family vacays are the best. My sister and I still love to spend time with our parents as well.

    It is not old school to teach yes ma'am and sir, etc. & to teach them to address adults with handle...UGH, a pet peeve of mine as well. You and I could so be friends. I admire your parenting skills and they remind me of my own parents and what I desire to have in my own household. Keep the inspiration coming!

    1. Awww...thank you so much Joi...I did! Yes, they is so important isn't it?! Haha, yes girl..we so could, can't wait to see you in Charlotte doll! Thanks again Joi...have a wonderful week! :D

  11. Love the Awesome parenting tips!:) Your family is beautiful then and now!!!

    1. Awww...thank you Tesha!! Thanks so much for stopping by...may you have a wonderful evening!! :D

  12. I loved all your amazing pictures, so glad you had a great time on Spring break! You deserve it!!

    1. Thanks Ashley!!:D We had a great time...missed hubby though! Thank you hon, you're so sweet! May you and those beautiful babies(and hubby of course), have an absolutely wonderful week! xoxoxo

  13. Such a lovely family, you are truly blessed.

    1. Thanks so much Denise...I'm so grateful! Thanks be to God! May you have a lovely evening!:-)

  14. I love seeing strong family units, such as yours. It means you did something right, which adds merit to these good tips. Yesterday, Darryl Strawberry and his wife were speaking at our church in Oklahoma City, and my husband and I had to leave halfway through because my 4 year old had a meltdown. I was totally embarrassed, and it just added more fuel to my fire about needing to be better at disciplining. I really struggle here, and always have. My husband works such long hours and I am always the only one with the kids. It's EXHAUSTING, and it wears me down. I give in all the time to avoid meltdowns, and it has created a monster. I pray for wisdom in this area of my life. As for the manners, I really try and work on that. Barney isn't lying when he says, "Please and thank you are the magic words." LOL!


    1. Lol Meredith! It's never too late! When you firmly put your foot down and not give in, and be consistent, it'll start turning around...I promise! :-) Kids are smart. They push us to our limits because they remember the consequence from the previous time...nothing, lol! It can be tiring Meredith, but the work you put in now will pay off. Haha...and besides, I was there once before. Someone once told me when I didn't think I could do it any longer, that I wasn't the first mother to go through and I sure as heck won't be the last! Got my attention real quick, lol! That was so encouraging, because they got through it and so did I. Thanks for stopping by Meredith...have a lovely evening! xoxoxo

  15. Your pictures are so awesome. It's great seeing close knit families. I love all of the values you've taught your's in line with what we're teaching ours. oh I don't when children are disrespectful.
    Glad you all had a great vacation..even with out your hubby and son in law. Have a blessed rest of the week.

  16. Hey Hope...thank you!! That's awesome...they're going to turn out great! We did!! Thanks so much for stopping by...have a blessed week Hope!! :D

  17. My family is very close too and my parents were very old school. You always had to be polite no matter where you were and I just grew up knowing that a thank you had to be said no questions asked. Nowadays there are kids who just don't know what manners are anymore. I strongly believe that you teach manners at home because they won't learn it somewhere else. Thanks for sharing this post.

    1. Hi! Thank you so much! So true, if you don't teach them at home...they're left to the whims of society, and we can only imagine how that will turn out! Thanks so much for stopping by...may you have a lovely evening!!

  18. I've always thought manners start in the home. Schools can only reinforce them, not teach them. I like looking at family pictures. No matter how different we all are, it is family that holds people together.

    1. Hey Anne! Yes they do and we as parents should never leave the responsibility to someone else, to teach our kids what we have the obligation to do ourselves. Thanks so much for dropping by lady...have a wonderful evening!!

  19. Kids learn how to act at home and it's truly refreshing to see a parent teach their kids right, to bring them up in the Lord and teach them manners. Truly blessed to have found your blog!

    Thanks for commenting on What Jean Likes. Just getting back to everyone who commented now!! I'm following you via GFC, bloglovin and twitter!

    Have a lovely week!


    Jean // What Jean Likes

    1. Hi Jean!! Yes, it is a breath of fresh air isn't it? It's so sad though, because nowadays it's few and far between! Thank you so much for stopping by and following back(blessed as well that you found me)...may you have a lovely week!! :D

  20. Really inspirational! What a lovely family you have :)

    1. Thanks so much Kajal and thanks for stopping by...may you have a blessed week!!

  21. What a beautiful post and beautiful family!

    1. Hi Jonna...thank you!! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting...have wonderful evening! :D

  22. Wow, Michell, I love your openeness. You have such a lovely family. I want you to know that your kids and your husband are truly blessed to have you as their mom/husband. Your beautiful, blessed spirit flows through every post. Keep being the inspiration that you are!

    1. Awww...thank you so much Trinity for your sweet words. They really mean a lot my friend!1 :-) Thanks so much for dropping by...may you have a blessed weekend lady!:-D

  23. You're blessed to have such a wonderful family! New follower from the Blog Hop-hope you visit and say hi :)

    1. Hi Susan...thanks so much and thanks for the follow! Headed to your blog now! Have a lovely weekend!! :D

  24. Glad that you enjoyed your vacation! We all need to take the time to get away. I just planned one for the beach as well for a surprise get away for my hubby in June. You are so right I actually know ppl that have protected their children from everything (we all do to an certain extent)and will swear up and down that they do no wrong. My mother always said that she can not tell you what her children does when she is not around. That is the way I feel. I like to think what they would and would not do, but I have to investigate first. Even though the were raised in a christian home they do not always make the right choices as young adults. Love the post
    Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose

    1. Thanks so much Margaret!! IKR, you see it all the time and it's so obvious, as parents look the other way!! Investigating is a must...saves everyone from the embarrassment, lol! Thanks for stopping by...have a lovely weekend lady!! :D

  25. Thanks for sharing! It looks like you have great kids! I found you via the aloha friday blog hop and I am now following on GFC and Facebook. I hope you come visit me when you get a chance!

    1. Hi Nicole!! Thanks so much and thanks for following...headed over to your blog now! Have a lovely evening!

  26. This post just made me want to cheer! I love how you fostered closeness in your family.

    1. Awww...thank you so much Pamela, how sweet! Thanks for stopping by and visiting...have a blessed evening!

  27. It's lovely that you and your children still vacation together and are still so close now that they are adults.

    1. Hi Rachel! Thanks so much...God is truly awesome and I'm so grateful! Have a lovely week!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)