
Things you've always wanted to say...


Have you ever had something you wanted to say but, (a) couldn't, because it could hurt someone's feelings (you know people are easily offended these days, even if what you’re telling them is the truth) or (b) you might get your head bitten off. Well, I've compiled a list of things I know you've always wanted to tell someone, but
as I mentioned, you don't want to be the recipient of any of  the aforementioned things. :-D It's not a long list at all. Some of them are random, and in no particular order; and as they came to mind, I thought I’d mentioned them. I don’t know if it’s a lack of etiquette or just plain rudeness, but whatever it is, someone has to say something, don't you think? It might as well be me, seeing as if this is my blog! :-D Read on…


* Newsflash! If someone wants to invite you along, guess what, they will ASK. NEVER, I repeat NEVER invite yourself  assume you're invited to anything at anytime(it can make for a very embarrassing moment for you and the other person)...IJS!

* Just because I have kids doesn't mean I WANT to babysit yours, just as you're trying to get rid of yours, 9 times out of 10, I'm probably wanting to do the same! Why do people assume people with kids just LOVE having kids around? People are pretty smart you know..if they want to see your child at their home, they'd ask to have them come over. 


* This rule of thumb applies to people who don't have kids as well. Why do people assume if you DON’T have kids you would just LOVE watching theirs, ummm... NO. There's probably a reason they don't have kids around.

* Excuse me ma’am or sir, but am I the only one who just saw your child do that? Are you seriously going to sit there and pretend it didn't happen...who does that?

* Okay ladies! Why have some of you turned social media into a circus act? Just because it's what you're thinking, feeling or doing. DOES NOT mean it should go on FB or Twitter for the ENTIRE world to see…and you wonder why people judge you. Now how old did you say you were again?

* Ladies I love you and oh how I love the fact you're embracing your beautiful bodies and feeling great about yourselves, BUT, just because they make it in your size OR better yet, make it at all, doesn't mean you should wear it! Know what looks good on you and what doesn't. Surround yourself with friends! I hold the manufacturers at fault for this as well, so I won't put all the blame on you. Seeing as if the warm weather is approaching, I thought I'd put great emphasis on this one! :-) 

The word for this week is discretion.

I know, I know! There are going to be some of you out there who may say I've gone overboard, but I beg to differ! I do apologize if you were offended, but we all must admit, society has gotten out of control and someone should say something. Remember, this blog is all about doing better because we ARE better. I guess I'm letting some of my pastor wife’s side spill over into my blog. You know the Bible does tell us as church leaders, we are to show you in what way you're living your lives wrong. No, the list above won’t send you to hell, BUT as co-dwellers on this earth, we should all live in a way that is conducive to one another. Besides, we all want people to WANT to be around us, don't we?  

Thanks so much for dropping by and don't forget to come back Wednesday for Doing YOU WELL Wednesday! Hope you all have a WONDERFUL week! Talk to y’all later...I'm beach bound for now, yippee!!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Overboard? I think you barely scratched the surface! LOL..

    Well said.. With Grace and tact (two things I seriously lack)..

    1. Haha Ren! Of course you would say that! ;-) You, lacking grace and tact...I don't think so my friend! Thanks for stopping by, have a blessed week! ;-)

  2. Enjoyed the post! Have fun at the beach!

    1. Hi Betty, thank you! I sure will...have a blessed week! ;-)

  3. Love this post! Seriously, I hate when people invite themselves to things. It makes things so awkward.
    Jillian -

    1. Hi Jillian...IKR! Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking, lol! Thanks for stopping by...have a great week!

  4. Hi Michell! These are good! Inviting yourself along is so tacky, yet people will attempt it in a heartbeat!

    I can't with the clowns on FB! I log in, scroll down for 20 seconds, immediately start laughing at the nonsense and log out! I just can't!

    Funny post but much needed!

    1. Hey Joi...LOL!, but people do it all the time. As for the FB, the sad part is that it's NOT the teenagers who are doing it! Have a lovely week lady!

  5. Replies
    1. Hey Denise...thanks and thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful week!

  6. Oh my goodness, this post had me laughing so hard. Only because I could sooo relate! I think what you said is a great surround oneself with TRUE friends who aren't afraid to speak up & tell yo truth! Good word, friend! :)


    1. Hey Jen...IKR! That's why I love my family...they ALWAYS tell me the truth, lol! We ALL could use a little more of that. :-) Thanks so much for dropping by my friend...have an awesome week!

  7. OH Michell...let 'er RIP!!!! lol!!! You should start a series with this idea. Wouldn't that be great?

    1. Hahahaa Chris! Too funny, because I was seriously considering doing that the first Monday of every month. What do you think about "The No Ma'am List" or "What WERE You Thinking?"...LOL! Thanks for stopping by darlin'...have a wonderful week!

  8. Hello dear, you have a lovely blog ! I just followed your blog, hope you can visit mine and follow too if you like it. I put posts about fashion and outfits, looking forward to seeing you there !
    Have a nice week :)


    1. Thank you Isabel! Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the follow...headed over to your blog. Have a great week!

  9. I think that you did pretty good, those are right on point. I could not have said it better and your are right need to be said, but offenders...welll...yea, they would bite your head off. I have told myself, when I see something that I love and try it on, "it looks better on the rack!"
    Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose

    1. Hahahaa Margaret...I know what you mean! Thank God for three-way mirrors...they don't lie! ;-D Some things may look great from the front, but from behind, let's just's another story, lol! Thanks for stopping by Margaret...have an awesome week!

  10. These are hilarious! I have thought the same thing, many times. Blessings!

    1. Hey Cynthia! So good to know I'm not alone on this one! Thanks so much for stopping by...have a wonderful week!

  11. I totally agree with the FB and Twitter statement. I am so tired of people posting very personal issues online. Most of the time, what they post is an emotional response and their feelings are different a few hours later. Thanks for the awesome post.


    1. Hi Sophia! You're right, people are so led by their emotions these days. They need to learn how to stop, drop and hold(their tongues that is)! :-D Have a blessed week Sophia!

  12. Thank you for echoing my thoughts! If only I had a nickel for every time that I have wanted to say these things, I would be rich. Sometimes, people just don't seem to get it. This is on point. Enjoy the beach!

    1. Hey Trinity...YOU, me too...if only! Everything I listed, sad to a matter of plain old common sense! Thanks..I sure will, I'll have enough fun for the both of us! Have a wonderful week my friend! ;-D

  13. Have an AWESOME time at the beach Michell!
    Love the post and two really hit home for me... FB and divulging so much that it is too much. I have several friends who do this but I won't say a word. The other is wearing distasteful outfits. Maybe I am a prude but there are some things that the world does not need to see!!!
    Have a beautiful week! xo

    1. Thanks Nichole!! Couldn't agree with you more...TMI, some things are not meant to be seen. Discretion is such an awesome word! :D Have a blessed week as well my friend!

  14. This is RIGHT on target, bless you for writing an amazing piece. Love you girl!

    1. Hey Ashley!! Too funny...I'm just responding to your comment because I found it in the spam section of Blogger...IKR! Anyway, thanks so much doll and thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed evening!! Love ya back! xoxoxo!!

  15. LOL...this was loads of fun. I came to return your follow and found I already was a follower. I have to make more visits though...this was so much fun. Have a great week.

    1. Hi Meryl...that IS funny! Glad you enjoyed the list! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful week!

  16. These are all pieces of great advice. I enjoyed reading this, and was sad when it came to an end. LOL. Make another list soon, as there is a plethora of things to add.


    1. Hey Meredith! I sure will, I think I'll take Chris' advice. I could start each month off with a list. I'll get started on it now, lol! Have a great week lady! xoxoxo

  17. Sooo true! I agree that your list is just scratching the surface. I love how your presentation is funny but so serious! I'm looking forward to your monthly list too. Have a great week.

  18. Hey there Hope! Sad but true...I am only scratching the surface!;-( Thank you...I've learned that people who do those things on the list...deep down inside, they really want to be free, but have done them for so long, they don't know any other way. Some of them, sad to say, have never been taught any better, so they do only what they know. Sadly, they teach this same behavior to their children, so the cycle continues. Hopefully reading my list will spark something inside to make them want to change, because we ALL have a desire to do better! Thanks so much for stopping by Hope...have a blessed week my friend!! ;-)

  19. I agree with other commenters! Make another post. There's so much more you can say...good stuff.

    1. Lol...hi Tamara, I will soon! :D Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by! have a lovely week!

  20. OMG you are hilarious! Being one without kids, I so get the "there's a reason." Don't get me wrong, I love kids--mostly my nieces and nephews. That doesn't mean I want to babysit/let your kid spend the night. I like to play and go shopping and spoil them and then take them home in my time. Lawsy, I've got to stop before I start a rant about everything you just covered. There's so much more....won't you make this weekly? So glad I found you on Bre's Blog Hop!
    Lulu and Daisy

    1. Hahahaa Laurie! You are too funny...headed over to your blog now! Thanks so much for dropping by...have an awesome weekend!

  21. one without kids I have no problem so NO I don't want to babysit yours.

    1. Haha Wanda...IKR!! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!:D

  22. Hi! Just wanted to pop by and let you know your blog was featured on this week’s Wednesday Weekly Review #24! ( Congrats!! Thank you SO much for being a sponsor of Blue Eyed Beauty Blog. It’s been much appreciated! Be sure to stop by ad grab an “I was Featured” Button!! (

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

    1. Thank you so much Helen...I'm honored! I'll head over now...have a blessed weekend! :)

  23. Happy SITs day! I think you've said a lot of things on all our minds!!

    1. Hi Rachel! Thanks so much for visiting from SITS! May you have a lovely weekend!

  24. Happy SITS Day - and yes I hear you on these points!! I wish you lived in Jamaica!!

    So true about those who do not have children, do not assume they want to look after other kids all the time ( that is us, we do not have kids) but we get such attitude if we do not automatically look after our nephews and niece at the drop of a hat!

    Enjoy the day, I am reading and following you!


    A Fabulous Life in Jamaica

    1. Hi Jeanine!! Thanks so much! I don't know why people just assume people without kids really want to babysit their kids...go figure, lol! Thanks so much for visiting from SITS...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. You hit the nail on the head with a lot of these! All very relatable! Great post!

    Visiting from SITS

    1. Hi Miranda! Lol...thanks so much and thanks for stopping by and visiting!! Have a wonderful evening!

  26. True, true and more true. I have a friend that posts photos and comments on every meal she eats. I seriously have no idea who she thinks is interested in that. I also hate when people randomly ditch their kids with me and never seem to think my kids might like to visit their house sometime.

    1. Hahaha...too funny! Ikr...I wonder where they find the time! As far as people who are inconsiderate, you just have to shock them into reality by confronting them on their actions. One thing it will do is make them think the time they try it! :D Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful evening!

  27. All of the items are on point, Michell. Especially the verbal vomit on social media sites. Makes me want to go, in my best Joyce Meyer voice: "Why Lord Why (do they think we need this information)?" and "When Lord When" (will they get the hint that no one need to know their innermost thoughts or mundane life details? LOL!

    1. Hahaha Alison...IKR, too funny! I LOVE Joyce nonsense and to the point! Thanks so much for dropping by...may you have a lovely week!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)