
Throw your hands up, throw your hands up!

Sometimes we have to sit down, take a breath and regroup. Especially when we find ourselves starting to complain and gripe about our lives…where we are and what we are or aren’t doing. If no one else will say it, I will. In general, we as women tend to do this more often than men. I don’t know why…but we do. Single women want to be married, wives want to be single. Working mothers want to be at home with their children, stay-at-home moms want to go to work. Where does it end? When we start to
become grateful for what we already have, that’s when.  I pulled up an old post that goes perfectly with what I want to share today, in hopes that we ALL work on our attitudes and take on the spirit of gratitude. 

When you’re frustrated because you’re dissatisfied or discontent with where you are in life; all you have to do is “throw your hands up”...not out of your frustration, but out of your thankfulness to the Lord! When we find ourselves getting into that “crabby, cranky mood”(some of us more than others…and YES, that includes Believers too) ;-)…you know, that  mood where we’re grumpy and ungrateful and no one can talk to us, lest they get their head chewed off. It’s during those times when God has a funny way of bringing back to our remembrance ALL the things we should be thankful for in our lives. When this happens, we’ll do one of two things…catch a hissy fit and think the Lord is picking on us or humbly weep before Him with repentance in our heart, knowing that He doesn't even have to communicate with us at all, but He does. He’s not trying to annoy us; He does this out of His mere love for us and to gently nudge us towards that open door of turning our disappointment and discontentment into joy! How you ask; by thanking Him and being grateful for what we already have!

We as women often lack joy because we lack thankfulness. We start thinking about what we wish we had compared to someone else – a better husband(shucks, maybe a husband all together), a newer home or car, well-behaved children, a better job...the list can go on and on - not realizing that WHAT we have is still MUCH better than nothing at all. Look, let’s be realistic here…we’ll never have EVERYTHING we want, when we want it, BUT, we can be content with what we DO have. I’m not saying we should settle for where we are in life, because we’re all aiming for something better; but we SHOULD always be in a “STATE of contentment” while we’re where we are! Just as someone “practices” riding a bike, or playing an instrument, sometimes we must practice being thankful and grateful until it becomes second nature! My husband teaches our congregation that we must WILL ourselves to do the things of God, because it is our human nature to do what comes easiest, and that is to walk in our “stinkin” flesh. You see, being grateful and appreciative is the key to spiritual victory, the doorway to our supernatural success! 

Discontentment is not a result of our circumstances; it is a state of our souls.The Apostle Paul tells us that he has learned to be content in whatever state he’s in! Why…because his contentment was NOT in what he had or where he was in life, but it was in Christ! This is a lesson we must all master, otherwise we’ll keep getting in line to take a ride on the roller coaster that takes us on a gamut of emotions. Whenever you find yourself getting frustrated with where you are in life…STOP, OPEN your mouth and begin to THANK & PRAISE God for every GOOD thing He has already given you and keep thanking Him and watch what He does on your behalf! This is when the doors open for miracles and for the "above all we could ask or think" moments of our lives! 
Psalm 63:1-5, Colossians 3:15, Philippians 4:11-12 
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. We were standing up in church this morning with our hands up, wow is there anything better than praising the Lord?!?! At age 60, I have become content, and giving thanks for daily things has helped create that contentment. Thanks for sharing this with us. Hugs ~ Mary

    1. Amen Mary! There's nothing like getting a group of Believers together to worship Almighty God! Psalm 149:1 "Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of saints". The older and more established we become in Christ, our contentment in Him should grow even more. Thanks so much for dropping by Mary...may you have a blessed week! ;-D

  2. We truly are on the same page, Michell! I think the Spirit is arranging a praise party globally. As each of us responds to the call to praise, imagine how we can shake heaven and earth and bring God's glory to bear on our lives and those of our friends, family, and sphere of influence!

    1. Ha...oh yes Alison! How awesome that would be! That's the reason why God wants His Body united as ONE, only then are we able to be the force on earth as He intended! Thanks so much for visiting...have an wonderful week!! :D

  3. You said it! This requires walking in the spirit so that we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. When we focus on our problems, focusing on them is enough to make us grumpy. However, when we make a conscious decision to look unto the hills from whence cometh our help, we can put our shouting shoes on and praise HIM even when things don't look good in the natural. Have an amazing week!

    1. Hi Trinity...I so agree! Every time we get in the flesh, we open the door for the enemy...allowing him to throw those fiery darts our way, but focusing on and praising our Lord...stops the enemy dead in his tracks. Sounds like a great trade off to me, lol! Thanks for stopping by Trinity...may you have a n amazing week as well!! :D

  4. Good 'ol Paul. ;) Really, when I think about it, every complaint I tend to make results from a lack of gratitude or comparison. Not everything is going to be easy like we want it to. But, it wasn't easy for Christ either!


    1. Oh yes Meredith, I so agree...I know exactly what you mean! When I find myself doing this, I have to make a conscientious decision to STOP! This walk is not always going to be easy, but God has equipped us to walk through each and every one of our storms, knowing that the battle has already been won! Thanks for dropping by lady...have a wonderful week!:D

  5. Your layout is SO cute! I just found your blog through the blog hop and I'm SO glad I did. Following along now through blog lovin' :) !

    Bisous (kisses) from France!
    The DIY Frenchie

    1. Hi Patricia! Oh thank you so much! A girl after my heart...a trip to Paris is so on my list, lol! Thanks so much for the follow...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful revoir!

  6. AMEN!!!!! What an awesome reminder to find gratitude in every turn and every step of our journey... it is a habit of Philippians 4:8. I am constantly "gently" reminded of this truth. THANK you for your wise words, Michell!!!

    1. Hey there Chris! Oh yes my friend...that's what I love about Him! He doesn't just tell us what to do, but shows us exactly how to do it! Thanks so much...may you have a lovely week lady!! :D

  7. Amen, Michell! Be thankful in all things. rejoice always, for this is God's perfect will! May we all learn to follow Paul's example. What a beautiful and truth-filled post!
    God bless,

    1. Hi Laurie...yes ma'am!! In EVERYTHING give thanks!!! Thanks so much for stopping by...may you have a lovely week!!

  8. Stuff will never make you happy, and the grass is rarely greener either!

    1. Hi Rachel...I so agree!! It never does and it never is! Thanks so much for stopping by...have a wonderful evening! ;D

  9. Oh my, did I ever need this to day...I was totally having a pitty party, and why when God has something great for us all, maybe we are to busy complaining! thank you for that reminder!

    1. Hi Shana! Hahaha...don't you just love those pity parties? The only thing one ever wants to join me when I throw one, lol!! Yes He does have something great for US ALL! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a lovely evening!

  10. Amen!! This post is right on time. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

    1. Hi Lisi! Thank you and thanks for visiting...have a lovely evening! ;-)

  11. “throw your hands up”...not out of your frustration, but out of your thankfulness to the Lord! Love that!!! We get so used to throwing our hands up out of frustration...but oh the impact of thanksgiving and gratitude. (I'm sneaking a minute from working on my charts at work). I'm so thankful for this post...throwing my hands up right. now.

    1. Hahaha Hope...I can see you now, sneaking, lol! Yes, thanking Him works every time!! Thanks for stopping by darlin'...have a wonderful evening!!

  12. Hi Agnes!! Thanks so much for the follow...will head over to your blog in a few!!

  13. So true Michell!!! I love this!
    I tend to have an issue with patience and I am trying very hard to replace it with thankfulness and just gratitude for what the Lord has given me!
    I hope you are having a beautiful week!!!

    1. Hi Nichole!! Yes, it's something we have to constantly work at, but we're getting there aren't we!:) Thanks for stopping by...may you have a beautiful week as well my friend!

  14. Woo Hoo, throwing my hands up with you dear.

  15. Hahaa...THANKS Denise for joining me!! Have a wonderful evening my friend! :D

  16. These words just renewed my soul, exactly what I needed! Love you girl!

    1. Hey Ash!! Awww...I'm so glad to hear that!! Love you back girlie!! xoxoxo

  17. I couldn't agree more. AMEN...I am trying to apply this more to my life.

    1. Hi, thank you so much! We ALL need to apply this more often...thanks so much for stopping by!

  18. Michell,

    Saw your link at PROWESS AND PEARLS and I find your site very refreshing. I hope your will stop by and say hello to us. Looking forward to visiting you again soon.

    1. Hi Sande! Thanks so much much for your lovely words and thanks for stopping by! Will head over to your blog now...have a lovely evening!

  19. This speaks loud and clear Mitchell! :) Happiness comes from within and is a state of mind, and our attitude when things don’t go as planned is what makes us choose happy rather than hopeless. Those whose hearts are alive with faith recognize the blessings in everyday things; they can be happy for no reason at all!

    Blessings and (((((hugs)))))!

    1. Amen Denise!! As Believers, we should be happy for no reason at all...for the mere fact that the hope of our glory, Jesus the Christ lives in us! Thanks so much for stopping by....have a blessed day!

  20. I love this post. It's so true and I really need to appreciate the good more and not dwell on the bad.

    1. Hi! Yes, don't we all!! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a lovely week!;-)


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