
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #25 and a little help from our friends...

an encouragement link up promoting community
Thanking God for all of you…my sweet blogging friends!! All of you who take the time to stop by and link up with me each week and leave me sweet comments! If I haven’t told you, I want you to know that I really do appreciate it! As always, I hope this post finds each and every one of you blessed! 

Well, it’s Wednesday and you all know
what that means…guess you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, right! Anywho, it’s time to link up, visit some blogs and show them some love and encouragement! But, before you go…don’t forget to leave a comment letting us know what you’re “doing well” this week!! While you’re here, you should really go read what my good blogging friend Joi over at "Rx-Fitness Lady" has to say about linky-party/blog-hop etiquette in her post, "What Bloggers Ought to Know About Linky Parties", "HERE"! Seeing as if this is a linky-party and you are a blogger, it would be great to read. While you're there check out more of her blogging tips...good stuff! Hey, the SITs Girls have made her a community lead, so she must know what she's talking about, right! :-) So, if you’re a regular linky-party/blog-hop participant and you’re wondering why it’s NOT working for you or you're interested in getting more feed back from the other participants…you SHOULD read! 

With all that being said…once again thanks for stopping by and I hope you make some new blogging friends from this link-up! See you all same time next week! In the meantime…don't forget, every waking moment make sure you're "doing YOU well"! I call each and every one of you blessed! 

Oops, almost forgot...would love for you to come back Friday and join me for "Michell's Weekly Pearl"! 


  1. Hi Michell
    Thanks for the party.

    1. Hey Angel! You're welcome and thanks for stopping by and linking up!:-)

  2. You are such a sweet friend to make all those nice comments Michelle. I really appreciate the S/O! This is the best link up! I'm resting up this week. It was a long work week following the convention.

    1.'re so welcome Joi and THANK you!! I have to give props where props are due, lol! ;-) I can imagine, you've been going full swing this ENTIRE month girl. Yes, some much needed R&R are in the works for you my friend! Please get some Miss Social Butterfly, lol...the blogging world wouldn't be the same if the Rx-Fitness Lady was out of commission due to a lack of rest! Thanks for linking up Joi and have a wonderful, restful week darlin'!! ;-)

  3. Thanks for hosting. I stopped by Joi's post, too. She is one of my favorite bloggers and definitely keeps it real. This week, I'm doing myself well by sticking to my diet and praying Joey's job interview goes well tomorrow! {You know our story. This career change presents a great opportunity for our family to have more time together. I'll keep you posted.}


    1. Hey Meredith! Yes, she is impressive isn't she, considering she's only been at this since December! happy for you and your family girl!! I'm standing in agreement with you guys that Ephesians 3:20 is at work in your lives...EVERYTHING works out and your expectations will be exceeded in Jesus' name!! Oh and kudos on your diet, lol! Thanks so much Meredith for stopping by and linking up! Have a blessed rest of your week my friend! xoxoxo

  4. Michell,thank you so much for hosting! I hope you are having a lovely week so far.

    1. Hey Stephanie!! Thank you so much and you are so welcome!! Thanks for linking up...I am and may your week be lovely as well!! :-))

  5. Hi Michell, thanks so much for hosting! Looking forward to checking some great blogs out!

    1. Hey Michelle!! You're welcome and thank you for stopping by and joining in today!! You won't be disappointed, there are some great bloggers who link up! :-) Have a wonderful rest of your week!;-)

  6. Hi Mitchell,
    Hope YOU are doing well this week lovely lady! :)
    Blessings and hugs!

    1. Aww...I am my friend, thanks so much for asking!! :-) Thanks for linking up today also, may you have a blessed rest of your week lovely lady! ;) xoxo

  7. Thanks for the party, Michell! I'm learning to slow down (a little) this week! Much needed.

    Have a blessed day. :)

    1. Hey're so welcome!!! Good for you for resting!! I think we ALL need to slow down...the summer can be so hectic! Thanks for linking up today...may you have a blessed day as well! ;-)

  8. Thanks for hosting! You are a gem. :)

    1.'re so sweet Lisa, THANK you!! You are as well! Thanks for stopping by and linking up...may you have a wonderful week! ;-)

  9. Thanks for hosting Michell! Joi is definitely handling her business and so are you ma'am. This week I've been especially keeping my mind staid on Jesus! Appreciating life, family and blessings. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  10. Hey there Hope! You're welcome my friend...yes she is! Thank you lady! Yes, no better person to keep your mind on than Jesus!! ;-) Amen Hope...I'm appreciating those things too! Thanks for linking up...may you enjoy the rest of your week as well!xoxo

  11. This is one of the highlights of my week. May you and everybody here have a blessed week.

    1. Aww...thank you so much Patrick! It's a pleasure having you stop by every week! As always, thanks for linking up...may you have blessed week as well! :)

  12. Thanks a lot for hosting Michell! Enjoy the rest of your week. God Bless!

    1. Hi Judy! You're so welcome lady! Thanks for linking up...may you enjoy your weekend! God bless you too!!

  13. Thanks for the lovely features & for hosting & God bless!

    1. You're so welcome Laurie!! Thanks so much for stopping by and joining in! Have a blessed weekend! :)

  14. Happy Wednesday Michell! I'll have to check out Joi's post.

    1. Happy Wednesday and weekend to you Wanda!! Thanks for stopping by and linking up my friend...have a wonderful weekend!

  15. hope you are enjoying your week.

    1. I am Denise...thank you sweet friend! Thanks for linking up...have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Thank you so much for hosting. You have a very nice blog. I linked up and am now following you on Blog Lovin, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!

    Hope to see you at our Blog Strut later today!

    My Personal Accent
    A DIY Eclectic Guide to Life

    1. Hi're so welcome! Thank you so much for linking up and following...headed over to your blog now! May you have a wonderful weekend!

  17. So happy to be part of this linkup, Michell. I'm doing me well this week by taking a well-needed vacation! I'm in Costa Rica for 10 days.

    1. Hey Alison!!! Whooohoooo for you!! Ahhh....Costa Rica, hope you ENJOY yourself my friend!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and link up before you headed out! Have a wonderful vacay!!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)