
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #27...going back to the basics

an encouragement link up promoting community
Hi everyone! Welcome to another week of “Doing YOU WELL Wednesday”.  A “no rules” link-party. Where we meet up each week , “just because”. Just to say hi, just to check on one another, but most of all…just to show some “bloggy” love! Even though it is a “no rules” linky-party, it would be nice if you would follow your host…that would “me”, lol! And don’t worry, I’m a very cordial host….I ALWAYS follow back AND I love making new blogging friends!  

I would also like to thank everyone who
helped me "celebrate" my sweet mother’s life last week! I appreciate every thoughtful and kind word given!! This has been a week of anniversaries. Just realized that today marks the anniversary of the day we laid my sweet mother to rest. :(

Okay, you all know what to do! Link up any post you’d like, visit some other blogs in the link up and make some new blogging friends or catch up on some old ones!  Give them some encouragement and love and don’t forget to let them know you’re stopping by from “DYWW”! Before you go, make sure you leave a comment letting us know how you’ve been “doing yourself well”…we love celebrating with you!

Don’t forget to join me Friday for “Michell’s Weekly Pearl”. Until next week…love you guys and I call you blessed!



  1. Hi Michell,
    I've been focusing on getting more sleep this week. I've been so off schedule lately. That's what I've been doing well! Have a great Wednesday, and I'll be right here Friday for your Weekly Pearl.

    1. Hey Trinity!! Tell me about it! This summer has flown by way too fast and wasn't much of a vacation at all, lol! Kudos to you my friend...I'll have to take your lead and do the same! Thanks for linking up! Have a great Wednesday as well...see you on Friday! :-)

  2. I'm with Victory on getting more sleep. I know this is awful, but my goal is to get in bed BY 12:30 AM. I'm so bad about staying up late, but once I finally get the kids down - it's nice and quiet. {Sigh.} Also, I'm trying to do at least 10 minute free weight workouts 5x this week. Small steps make a big difference.

    Thanks for hosting!! XO

    1. That's too funny Meredith, because that's about the time I go to bed...and my kids aren't even young...go figure, lol! If I get in bed before 11:30...I'm up at 2:00am...IKR! I'll be cheering you on Meredith and yes, small steps DO make a difference! I'm trying to be consistent with my weighted hoola-hoop! I have to head over to Joi's site to get some encouragement in the exercising department...that girl is a beast, lol! Thanks for linking up my friend...have a lovely rest of your week! xoxo

  3. Hi Sweet Lady
    Thank you for the party.

    1. Back at you Angel!! :-) You're so welcome...thanks for linking up!! ;-)

  4. Thanks again for the link up!

    1. Hey Ren!!! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up my friend! Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  5. thanks for the party.Have a great day!

    1. Hi Amila! You're so welcome and thanks so much for joining us today! Have a lovely rest of your week!:-)

  6. When you host with your spirit, we don't need rules! I have so many hands down DYWW connections! This link up is filled with good ppl! Kudos for attracting them & building your own community. I must make an effort this week to connect with some new DYWW ladies. I am having an extremely productive off week in real life, I'm behind responding to blog though :) Your mommy, may she rest in peace, raised a beautiful person in you!

    Thx as always for your gracious hospitality!

    1. Awwww're so sweet!!! With all that sugar LOL!! :-) Seriously, thanks so much for your kind words my friend, they really mean a lot! I must admit, these are some great bloggers who stop by and link up each week! I thank God for them and you! :-) Yep girl, that blog of yours is growing!!:-) Thanks so much and thanks for linking up...have a wonderful week Joi!

  7. Blessings for a week of joy and His amazing grace Mitchell! Always love seeing your smile and enthusiasm! :)

    1. Aww...thanks so much Denise! I always love reading your sweet and encouraging comments my friend!! Thanks for stopping by and linking up...have a blessed rest of your week! ;-)

  8. Blessings to you!

    This week, I've been focusing on re-focusing on my goals & dreams. It's time to get things moving along :)

    1. Hi Lisi! Good for you! I've got to do the same! I've got a long list of things that must get done, but I've gotten off focus.! Lol! No better time than the present, huh? :) Thanks for linking up...have a great rest of your week!

  9. Thanks for the great linkup!! I'm looking forward to making some new friends!

    1. Hey Michelle!! You're so welcome! glad you joined us today!! I'm sure you will...cause' these bloggers are! :-) Have a good one Michelle! :-)

  10. Happy Wednesday Michelle. Hope your week is one of great success.

    1. Thanks Wanda and "Happy Wednesday" to you too my friend! Wishing you much success this week as well! Thanks for linking up! ;-)

  11. Hi Michell! We not only remember the days our loved ones pass on but the days they were laid to rest. We fight on with our faith in God. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Yes Judy...that day marks the day we return to what we knew or the lack thereof as normalcy. We sure do fight on with our faith!! Thanks so much for linking up...have a blessed rest of your week!

  12. Continuing to think of you and your mom. Thanks as always for hosting this.

    1. Thanks so much're so sweet! ;-) You're so welcome and thanks for linking up my friend!

  13. Thinking of you on this anniversary for your sweet mother.

    1. Thank you so much Emily and thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful rest of your week!:-)

  14. Bless you Michell!!! I just love how you honor your mama on your site... I just know how proud she must be. :)

    1. Hey Chris!! I am so blessed to have such sweet friends as yourself to help me celebrate her life. As always, thanks so much my friend for your wonderful heart! xoxo

  15. Hey Michell! My thoughts and prayers are extended to you as you mark that anniversary. God is faithful!

    1. Hey Alison...thank you! Yes He is!! Thanks so much for linking up!

  16. It is wonderful to have such great memories of your mother. Some people don't have that kind of relationship in their lives. I know the memories surrounding her passing are hard, but you have all the great memories before that. I still miss my mom.

    Thanks for hosting!

    1. Hi Betty! Yes, we were blessed to have such awesome mothers, weren't we...and what wonderful memories there are!:) I thank God that I had her for 40 of my 45 years here on earth. Thanks so much for linking up!

  17. Thanks for honoring your mother with a lovely tribute, thanks for hosting & God bless!

    1. Thanks so much Laurie and you're welcome! Thanks for linking up...God bless you too! :)

  18. hope you are enjoying your week.

    1. I am Denise...thanks for asking! Hope you are as well my friend! :)

  19. Hope everybody here is doing well.

    1. Hi Patrick! I'm doing well...hope you are too! Thanks for linking up...enjoy your weekend!

  20. Great Linky party Michelle! Thanks for organizing :)

    1. Thanks so was my pleasure! Thanks for joining in...have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Hi Michell...So your Mom passed around her birthday? Last week you celebrated her birthday, this week her burial... You make her proud. Thanks for hosting this link up. I always find some awesome blogs through it.

    1. Hey Hope! No, her birthday is in February. I was just saying that we celebrated her birthday this year. Last Wednesday(July 31st) was the anniversary of when she went into the hospital and Friday(Aug. 2nd) was the anniversary of when she passed away suddenly. This Wednesday(Aug. 7th) was the anniversary of her homegoing service. I know, confusing right, lol! You think that's funny...I've got a whole list of 7(you know God's perfect number) facts that surround her birth and death. I knew she was special, lol! Thanks for stopping by Hope...have a wonderful weekend my friend! ;-)


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)