
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #28 and the last week of summer break...

an encouragement link up and the end of summer break
Hi everyone! Hope your week has been fantabulous so far! I don't know about you, but I'm savoring every bit of this LAST full week of summer break...IKR! Ughhhh...can you believe it...gone, just like that! Thank God our son will be a senior this year, so...NO more outrageous school supply lists that consist of hand wipes, boxes of napkins and enough supplies to fill an underground bunker. It's been a few years since I've actually bought hand wipes and boxes of napkins for school - he is a senior - but you get the picture. No buying new book bags or calculators, yippee! But instead, we'll be filling out college
apps and visiting campuses. Kind of bittersweet though....for this is the LAST year in the Pulliam household that we'll be "preparing" for the upcoming school year. We've done this routine for 20 years now. Another chapter in our lives is coming to a close, wow and sigh....

Anywho, meanwhile back at the ranch....welcome to another week of "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday"! Link up your post(any post you'd like), visit some blogs in the link-up and show them some love and encouragement. Let's see how many new friends you can make! All I ask is that you let them know you're visiting from the "DYWW" link-up. But, before you go...tell us how you're "doing well" this week! Don't forget to come back Friday for "Michell's Weekly Pearl". Have a blessed rest of your week!



  1. Empty nest is right around the corner my friend! Enjoy this year! Thank you always for hosting!

    1. I know Joi! Empty nesters...I've dreamt of this day since they were babies, lol! Can't believe it's almost here though and reality has sunk in...sigh. But, it's all a part of life and I'm definitely going to enjoy it! You are so welcome and thanks for linking up! Have a good one my friend!

  2. As always, thanks for hosting. Congrats on this being your son's last year in high school. What will you do with yourself next year??? ;) This week, I start homeschooling my 4 year old, I'm helping my sister move, having birthday party #1 for my 2 yo, and having a contractor come out to my house and "figure" out how water is getting in. Other than ALL THAT, I'll be trying to stick to a healthy diet and keep things afloat. :)


    1. You're welcome Meredith! IKR...I just may take my trip to Paris! Lol! Can you see it...Prowess and Pearls in Paris'! Hahaha! Kudos to you! I remember when I started homeschooling our kids...I loved it so much! Happy Birthday to the "Little Miss"! Oh, do have your plate full! You're doing you well just keeping up with it all my friend! :-) Thanks for linking up...have a lovely rest of your week! ;-)

  3. Hope you have a blessed weekend, my dear friend. Always look forward to your link up!

    1. Hey Ash!! Thank you love!! Hope you have a blessed rest of your week as well my friend! I always look forward to you stopping by...thanks for linking up! ;-)

  4. thanks for hosting,Have a Blessed week!

    1. Thanks so much Amila!! You're welcome...may you have a blessed week as well! ;-)

  5. Although my oldest sons are already in college, my youngest has a few years to go before he gets there. So, we are about to start a new school year with him. Last year, when my twins started college, it was tough "letting go". When my youngest entered kindergarten, I cried! Why? Because, he was my last, and I guess I felt "some type of way". Anyway, on this DYWW, I am taking one day at a time. Have a blessed week, my friend!

    1. I know what you mean Trinity! It is tough with the "baby"! More so on us mothers than on them, lol! Our two oldest have taken our youngest under their wings and are giving him "pointers" and "schooling" him on college life, lol! Those are the perks of being the baby, I guess...everyone looks out for you! Yes my friend, one day at in the moment! Have a blessed week as well! :-)

  6. Only one more year with your baby at home?! I hope it is the best one so far! Thanks for hosting, Michell!


    1. Awww...thanks so much Heather, me too!! You're so welcome...thanks so much for linking up today! Have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-)

  7. we buy things for our grandchildren for school. But it has been 14 years since we had to buy anything for our daughter. Wow, where does the time go? Thank you for hosting Hugs!

    1. Hey Katherine!! I'm so looking forward to doing that! IKR...time does fly by doesn't it? Thank you so much for linking up...have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-) (((())))

  8. I'm on the last son through college, and, yes, it flies. That is, all except financially you'll feel frozen and unmoving. :) Thanks for hosting.

    1. Hahaha Lisa...I know what you mean! I'm believing God, he'll receive a four year "full" scholarship in Jesus' name! You're so welcome and thanks for linking up! :-)

  9. It seems like summer has gone so fast. Wishing your son a successful senior year.

    1. I know Wanda! Seems like we were just cleaning out lockers and going to end of the year ceremonies and graduations...whew! Thanks so much my friend...we receive it! Have a blessed rest of your week! ;-)

  10. Next year you will be preparing to launch for collage - bittersweet! Wishing you blessing this school year, wisdom - no need to use tissues. Enjoy, sincerely, the college application process! Praying God opens your sons eyes to his calling, lights a fire of excitement on the journey!

    1. Awww..thank you so much!! I've got two under my belt with the college application process, but things change so never know how much the process has changed, lol! Yes, may his eyes be opened and may he enjoy the ride...thank you!:-) Have a blessed rest of your week...thanks for linking up!

  11. Have a great final week.

    My kids started school last week. My daughter is a senior this year.

    And I am heading back for training starting today. The joys of being an educator.

    1. I didn't think they started that soon on the west coast! Congrats to your daughter! Wishing you and her a successful school year! Thanks for linking up Patrick!

  12. The summer always passes too quickly! I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!! Thanks for being a fantastic hostess as always!

    1. Awww...thank you Emily, you're so sweet! Yes it does, doesn't it, but I'm so ready for fall! Can you say Gamecock football, lol! Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday as well my friend! ;-)

  13. Thanks for hosting!! I can't wait to check out the other posts!!

    1. You're so welcome Michelle! Tanks so much for stopping by and linking up! ;-)

  14. The days are certainly moving along quickly Michell! All the very best to your son. Thanks for hosting and have a great Wednesday.

    1. Yes they are Judy. :-) Thank you so much!! You're welcome and thanks for linking up...have a great Wednesday as well!

  15. I JUST sent my kids to school today... and here we GOOOOOOOO!!!! I think I have about twenty more years of this ahead of me! LOL ;)

    1. That's funny...Blake starts next Wednesday! I guess it's better to have a half week, than a whole week for your first week of school huh? Lol! They'll go by fast Chris...I promise, so HOLD ON as long as you can! Haha! :-D

  16. Going to college is worst than going to high school...unless maybe going to a local community college. My Mom pretended she was ok with me going away, but I knew she wanted her "baby" to Senior year HS was the best though. I know you'll enjoy and cherish those years as much as you're trying to hold on and cherish these last few days of

    1. I know mom was the same way! Not because I'm the baby, but because I went the farthest! Lol! Our oldest went to USC(SC), here in the city, but she lived on campus and I saw her every Thursday and Friday for church. Our oldest son went 1 1/2 hours away to Francis Marion, but he came home often. But Blake wants to head up north...IKR! Oh well, I.must.let.go, huh Hope?! :-D And yes, I'm going to squeeze so much in these next few days, lol!

  17. Senior year is such a fun time. Keep a box of tissues close by at all times. I was prone to breaking out in tears at all of the "lasts." They happen all year. My oldest is going to be 21 this year and my youngest is starting first grade. Although I have lots of years left of school, each year brings change. My next round of graduations happens next year. My college student and high school student graduate in the same year. Oh boy! Will need more tissues. Enjoy every moment of this year. The joy we experience with our children is the reward for all of those icky diapers we changed.

    1. Awww, how sweet...both of your babies graduating in the same year! Wishing them both a successful school year! Yes, it's all worth it! Thanks so much for linking up...have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-)

  18. Thank you so much for hosting! As for the school shopping for the very last time, I know it could be a bitter sweet feeling. We are not there yet, but I remember how my mom was when her "baby" my younger brother finished highschool and went off to college. Enjoy the last "school" year with him.

    1. Hi Kalley! You are so welcome! Haha...yes, NOW I know how my mom must have felt when my younger sister went off to school. It sure makes you feel "some kinda way". It's all a part of life though! Thanks for linking up...have a wonderful rest of your week!

  19. I am sending my one and only to kindergarten this year. Thankfully we had a short supply list.

    1. Aww...I remember the first day of Kindergarten! Blessings to your "little man" this school year!

  20. I am a year ahead of you. My son moves away to school next week on Wednesday. It it getting emotional around here for Mom and Dad. We are trying not to show it too much. We don't want him to feel bad about leaving. I have had my children living at home for over 40 years now. It will be so different!

    1. Oh wow Betty...40 years! Yes, it will definitely be different! Will be praying for you my friend! ;-)

  21. Great hop! Thank you so much for hosting!

    1. Hi Amber! Thank you and you're so welcome! Thanks for linking up...have a good one!

  22. Hi Mitchell,

    I remember the empty nest syndrome; bittersweet at first but it didn't take long to actually enjoy having a quiet house with only my hubby-we actually enjoy it! Ha! Now the house is starting to fill up with visits from our sweet grandchildren...and guess what? I am buying school supplies again! :)

    Congrats and blessings to your son!

    1. Haha Denise...IKR, I'm looking forward to it! My husband and I have been dreaming of this day since they were little, lol! I can't WAIT to have grand kids running around, lol! Thanks for linking up...have a blessed weekend!;)

  23. Wow, Michell, you've got all grown folks now! Time sure flies, and after 20 years of that routine, it'll be an adjustment to not do it. But, as you said, the new chapter for your son will be college. Wonderful!

    I'm trying to do me well, but my sleep is all jacked up. Ever since I got back from vacation it's been a bear! Ugh. Here's hoping next week will be better.


    1. Yes will definitely be an adjustment, but I'm looking forward to the new chapter. Thank you! Oh yes, that's the only downfall to traveling overseas...the dreaded jet lag! Ughh is right! Praying you have sweet, uninterrupted sleep my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Great post Michell! Awe, I sure did miss my mom once I left to go out on my own. It's crazy how time just flies. Thank you so much for hosting~ Have a wonderful rest of your week.


    1. Hey Stephanie!'s amazing how everything comes full circle. I remember leaving home and going away to college. And now here I am sending the last one off! C'est la vie! :-) Thanks for linking up...may you have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  25. I'm doing well! It's a Saturday night, just got back from a VERY fantastic dinner in NYC! I'm here with my wonderful boyfriend, Mick and I had a great day so far!


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