
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #31

an encouragement link up promoting community

Hope everyone is having a FANTABULOUS Wednesday! Hope you had a safe and restful Labor Day holiday as well! It’s that time again..."Doing YOU WELL Wednesday", time for us to link-up, visit some friends(old and new) and give them some blog lovin’ and encouragement! Things have settled down here in the “Pulliam Household”, so it’s a pretty calm week, lol! Stay tuned next week though, I hope to have a surprise for you all!

My “doing you well” this week, is that I FINALLY got caught up with replying to all comments left on my blog and visiting the blogs of each and every person…yayy for ME!! It got pretty tight(time wise) around here these past few weeks! Y’all already know what to do, right? You got it…link-up, share with us in the comments what you’re “doing well”, visit some blogs in the link-up and give them some love and encouragement AND if they follow you, please follow back y’all…. Let me know if/how you’re following me in your comment, so I can show my southern hospitality and follow you back! Don't forget to let them know you're visiting from "DYWW". I know, I get so caught up in the blogs you're visiting, you sometimes forget, right? :-D But seriously, I want to let you all know how much I appreciate you coming by each week to hang out with me! You guys ROCK!!!! Btw…my husband said thanks to everyone who congratulated him and wished him well last week!!  Btw(2)…please drop by on Fridays  and join us for “Michell’s Weekly Pearl”. Until same time next week….love ya and I call you blessed!! 


  1. Michell, thanks for always hosting such a lovely link up. That's great that you were able to respond to everyone!

    1. Aww...thanks so much Stephanie!! You're so welcome my friend...thank you for linking up! Have a wonderful Wednesday!! ;-)

  2. Hello Michell-with-no-E,
    Is your name pronounced like mine--Michelle? Or different? Just curious! I love unique names. I'm following your lovely blog on Bloglovin--and referring your blog to a friend who want to start a blog to encourage Christian women.

    1. Welcome Michelle-with-an-E!! Haha, that's too cute!! Funny story, but true story...I spelled my name "Michelle" until my freshman year of college. My parents sent me money through Western Union and they wouldn't release it because my name was spelled "Michell" on my documents! So, all those years I was spelling my name different than what was on my birth certificate...IKR! I always wondered why DMV never caught it, lol! Thanks so much for visiting and for the follow...I'll head over and follow you back! Also, thanks for the referral(I love making new friends) and thanks so much for joining us today!! ;-)

  3. I hope you showed your hubs my comment!!! LOL ;) I call you BLESSED my dear friend!! XOXO

    1. Hahaha Chris, I did! He got a kick out of all the lovin' you guys showed him last week! ;-) Aww...thanks so Chris! Love ya girlie! xoxoxo

  4. Have a Wonderful Wednesday and remainder of the week Mitchell; I for one am thankful it is a short work week...haha! Blessings!

    1. Hey Denise!! Thank do the same! Yes, me too and it has flown by! Blessings to you also my friend! ;-)

  5. I finally got a blog post finished! Thank for the link up!

    1. Hey REN!!!!! Yayyy...I've missed you AND your blog lady! You're so welcome, thank you for linking up...have an awesome rest of your week!

  6. Hey thee, Michell! You are always so sweet to swing by every post and leave such sweet comment love! I'm glad things are calming down for you! My post this week is a little different than usual- I've hosting a Pampered Chef party with four giveaways! I decided it could fit the DYWW mold because I LOVE Pampered Chef and am super excited about getting some new products for the kitchen! ;) Feel free to swing by and enter the giveaway if you like the products as much as I do! Have a great week!! (And great win on Thursday, btw!) ;)


    1. Awwww....thank you so much Heather, you're such a sweetie! Oooh, I LOVE Pampered Chef too...I've hosted several(years ago) and YES I still have all my gadgets...they're indestructible, lol! My favorite item has got to be the whisk. I definitely will be stopping by to enter! ;-) Thanks for linking up! Congrats on your win also...great game, definitely a nail biter, lol! Have a great week as well! :-)

  7. Hi Michell,
    I am so glad to be a part of the link-up again. I have missed it for the last to weeks. I've been very busy with the new school year. School has started, and our youngest started middle school - whew! My twins are sophomores in college. Anyway, I think we are finally settling into some kind of routine. I'm glad to be back at DYWW!

    1. Hey there lady!! So glad to have you back!! Yes, these past few weeks have been crazy around here also! Praying your babies have a safe and successful school year! Thanks so much for linking up...have a wonderful AND relaxing rest of your week! ;-)

  8. Thanks Michell for the fantastic party each week! I'd love for you to link up to my NEW Sweet Wednesday Link Party!

    Blessings and have a Sweet Day!

    1. Hi Heather!! Aww...thanks so much and thank YOU for dropping by each week!! I would LOVE to link up, thanks so much for the invite! Is it a food link-up, lol? Cause' you know, I'm not a baker, lol! Blessings to you as well my "sweet" friend! ;-)

  9. You have a beautiful heart Michell. I love coming here to visit (I should be following you on FB and Twitter now but will make sure!). It's a joy to visit the many others who link up too. I so wish I could get to every one...not sure how you do it! God bless you. Thanks again for linking up last week for Three Word Wednesday. This week's post is live now...would so love for you to link up again.
    Have a blessed week.

    1. Awwwww...THANK you so much Beth, you do as well!! I try, lol! I'll definitely make sure to follow you back! It was definitely my pleasure to link up, I'll head over in a few! Blessings to you as well my "new" friend! ;-)

  10. Thanks for hosting! Happy Hump Day. :)

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Hi Kathy...WELCOME to the party!!! You are so welcome...THANK YOU for linking up!! :-) Happy Hump Day to you! ;-)

  11. happy to link up this week. Sending hugs your way!

    1. Hey Katherine!! Thanks so much my friend! Sorry I didn't get a chance to link-up last week. ;( I'm back on track though, lol!! (((((hugs)))) back at you!! Thanks for linking up! ;-)

  12. That is a great DYW, because with working and the Holiday, I've managed to get behind too. I'm hoping to catch up today, but tomorrow for sure I'm getting my hair redone. I should be able to DYW quite nicely concerning the blog :) Thanks as always my dear for being such a gracious host!

    1. Yes Joi!!! You don't know how GREAT I feel to finally be caught up...whew! You're a BUSY lady...praying you get a chance to "catch up"! Too funny about the hair! Yes, that always puts a "PEP" in our step, doesn't it, lol! You are so welcome always, THANK YOU for the support! ;-)

  13. Time does seem to be tight, a lot, doesn't it. I'm trying to figure out how to do less work and have more fun for next week!

    1. IKR, Jen!! I want to join team "Have More Fun" too, lol!! just know it! ;-) Thanks for linking up, have a wonderful rest of your week!

  14. Just found you this morning while visiting Beth! I linked up for the first time today! Glad to have found you! Thanks for hosting. I'm off work today so I am trying to get caught up on some things as well!

    1. Hi there Stephani...WELCOME to the link-up!! Thank you so much, so glad you found me too!! You are so welcome...thanks for linking up! Hope you got a chance to catch up yesterday! ;)

  15. Replies
    1. Aww...thank you my sweet friend! Have a lovely week! ;-)

  16. Hope you are doing well. This is something I always look forward to.

    1. I am Patrick...hope you are as well!! Thanks so much and thanks for linking up!! ;-)

  17. Michell, I can't wait for the surprise! I honestly don't know how you keep up with all the blogs and comments. Kudos to you for Doing You Well... always!

    I've been "doing me well" this week by staying sane in a mad world. My site crashed because I couldn't find my GoDaddy username and password in order to update necessary information. Needless to say I had to depend on and cry out to God to give me wisdom and clarity. I felt like PigPen in the Charlie Brown series with a perpetual cloud of confusion around me! LOL! Well, the blog is back up. HALLELUJAH! LOL.

    1. Hey either!! LOL! I was on top of my game Wednesday and Thursday, but got behind...oh well! :-D Oh wow, THAT IS crazy! AMEN AND Hallelujah INDEED lady! Asking Him for wisdom works every time, doesn't it!? that's funny about Pig Pen! I'd say you did yourself well...have a blessed evening my friend! ;-)

  18. Just getting a chance to stop by. I'm on my ipad so I'm not sure how my attempt o link up will go. Glad things are pretty calm in your neck of the woods. This week I DYW by taking 2 days off from running after twisting my ankle. I really wanted to get out there and run, but decided to listen to the pain in my foot. Thanks for always hosting this awesome link up. I love the kind of blogs this link up attracts :)

    1. Hey Hope! You and Joi are good! I can't ever seem to work on Blogger from my i-Phone or tablet. Mind you, I have it installed on's just so much easier on my laptop, lol! Oh wow, my friend...praying for your speedy recovery! Yes, please take care of that ankle missy! :-) Aww, thanks so much my friend...thank you for the support! Have a lovely evening lady! ;-)

  19. I missed it this week, but I will be here next week! How are you lovely friend? Have a blessed weekend and have fun!

    1. Hey darlin'!! I'm doing well and you my friend?! Thanks so much for stopping by Ash! May you and your family have a blessed weekend as well! xoxoxo


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)