
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #37 and some co-hosting

an encouragement link up What day is it? Hump Daaaaaayyy! Welcome everyone to another Doing YOU WELL Wednesday! Hope you all are doing yourselves "fantabulously well"! Not too much going on here in the Pulliam household - it feels good to be able to wind down a little. So, I guess my "doing you well" for this week is that I get to chill-ax for a change! :-) 

Did you all know that October is "Pastor's Appreciation Month"? So please make sure you tell/show your pastor how much you appreciate them!

I'm co-hosting the "Chain Linky Climb" the entire month of October. Something a little different than what y'all are used to, I know! You all know I love making new blogging connections, so I thought it would be fun. Anywho, if you're interested in joining in, you can link up HERE.   With that being featured bloggers for this week are the two host of this link-up. The lovely ANGEL who blogs over at "Sew Crafty Angel" and the lovely ANGIE who blogs over at "God's Growing Garden". Go check them out!

In the meantime, you all know what to do! This is a no-rules blog hop! The only thing I ask is that you link-up your post(s) *any you'd like*, let us know what you're "doing well", visit some of the other blogs in the link-up and show them some encouragement by spreading some comment love.

If you haven't stopped by and joined in on the conversation for "Michell's Weekly Pearl" and "Mastering YOU Monday", I invite you to do so! Until next time...I call you BLESSED!

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  1. I've added your button to my blog and I'm now following you via Google Friend Connect. It's been a while since I joined your hop, but this time I linked another blog of mine: Happy Moms, Happy Homes. Enjoy your week and thanks for hosting! It's Tina from Amanda's Books and More :)

    1. Hey Tina!! THANK YOU..following you back! So sorry, I'm just getting back with you...I'm so behind with my blogging! You're so welcome...thanks for linking up!

  2. Happy "Hump Day" to you too Mitchell! It's downhill now from here to the weekend-yippee!! :) Blessings and love in everything you do the rest of the week sweet sister!

    1. Awww...thanks so much Denise!! Same to you sis!!! Hope yours was fantastic! Blessings!

  3. Hey Michell! You were sweet to leave a comment on my Clemson post, even though I know you're a Carolina fan! ;) Hope you are having a fantastic week and showering your hubby with appreciation this month! :)


    1. You're welcome Heather! We both have some recouping to do after this weekend, ughh! :-) I am and yes we are, lol! Have a wonderful week my friend!

  4. Happy DYWW Michell! Wishing you a blessed day. {Hugs}

    1. Hey there Beth! Thanks so much my friend!! ((((HUGS)))) to you too! :-)

  5. This is not the best of days for me Michell but I know that my faith in God and support from a lot of persons will take me through the day. Thanks a lot for hosting and have a great Wednesday.

    1. Praying for you my sweet friend! I read your post on your sister and God's timing is awesome isn't it?!! He knows just what we need! Thank you my sweet friend for stopping by!!

  6. As always, thanks Michelle for the fun party! We have several people in our family that are pastors, so thanks for bringing the Pastor Appreciation month to people's attention. ;)

    Have a beautiful day my friend,

    1. Hey Heather! You are so welcome my friend...THANK YOU for dropping by and linking up! Have a wonderful week!

  7. Thanks, once again, for hosting and letting me put in my "two cents worth"!!! ;-) You're so precious....and I HOPE you have an awesome day!!!

    1. Hey there Miss Debbie! You're ALWAYS welcomed to stop by and give your "two cents worth" ma'am! :-) Aww...thank you and I hope you have an awesome week!!

  8. Blog connections are SO fun! And I think it's awesome how you gave a shout out to the pastors! Reminds me to keep them lifted up in prayer and encouragement.

    1. Yes they are Jen!! You're so welcome my friend! We do have to keep them lifted up don't we...they are accountable for our souls, so we must make sure we're doing our part in keeping them refreshed! Thanks my friend!!

  9. Thanks for always being a gracious host. Sunday we had a huge celebration for our Pastor and his wife. I hope you and your hubs are feeling the love.

    1. Aww, you're so welcome Hope...thanks for always supporting!! How awesome is that! They are blessed to have beautiful Believers like you all! Yes we are...God's people are some awesome folk!

  10. Happy Wednesday Michelle! Always nice to linkup and visit some new blogs when I can.

    1. Hey Wanda!! Thank you my's always nice to have you stop by!! Blessings!

  11. Hi Michell! So glad you have a chance to relax a little. You are such a busy lady! And thanks for the heads-up on Pastor appreciation too. They do so much for so many...totally a great thing to celebrate.

    Enjoy your day :)

    1. Hi Ceil!! Thank you...I did, but the downside was I got way behind on my blogging, lol! The price we pay, huh?! :-) It is so encouraging when people acknowledge you, it's something we should all do for each other! Have a lovely week!

  12. Hope you are doing well. Hope that you are blessed and enjoying the week.

    1. Thank you so much Patrick!! I am and I hope you are too my friend! Blessings!!

  13. Hey Michell! I am still spreading the word about my new book, Acting On Her Behalf. I am doing well on this Wednesday. This long time goal has been accomplished and I am oh so grateful. I also linked up my post about one of my favorite restaurants in the French Quarter. I was just there this past weekend with friends. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. So excited for you Kimberly!! May your book be a SUCCESS!! YES, you are definitely "doing you well"! You should be proud of yourself my friend! Hope you had a wonderful time with your friends! Thanks for linking up!

  14. LOVE your links up, they are my favorite. Oh sister, your fire for Him is so amazing and I love you! Have a blessed week!

    1. Aww, thanks Ash!! Love you too my sweet sister!! May you have a blessed week as well!! xoxoxo

  15. I didn't know it was Pastor's appreciation month. They are so deserving. I'll make sure to do something nice for the month is over. Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks for hosting.

    1. You didn't Joi?! All I's know is that you'd better show that sweet pastor of yours and his "young" wife some lovin' this month, lol!! Thanks for linking up my friend! I'll miss you lady...enjoy your vacay!!

  16. Glad you're chillaxing, my dear Michell! Well deserved. And a special S/O to pastors everywhere, especially your hubs, for keeping it down for us all in the spiritual realm. I'm doing me well by having two days off this week (Monday and Tuesday) to chillax and get caught up on much of what was pending to do at home. You know how stuff can pile up!

    Have a great rest of the week, Michell.

    1. Ha ha!! Yes Alison, he's holdin' it down! Thanks my friend, you're so appreciated!! Oh, I hope you enjoyed your vacation!! I know what you mean about the piling up girl! I hope you didn't do like I did Ali and enjoyed yourself so much that you got behind on blogging, lol!!

  17. I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love you...and how grateful I am for you, my friend. I didn't feel right about linking my post up - but always love your awesome parties! So many amazing women here to read. Be back next week!! XOXOXO

    1. Awwww Chris!! I LOVE YOU TOO GIRL and am so grateful that we crossed paths in this humongous world of blogging! God always knows what He's doing, doesn't He?! xoxoxoxo


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)