
How ugly can you story!

promoting unityI asked a question last week for Mastering YOU Monday…are you willing to be “ugly” for one day in order to be “beautiful”  in Him for a lifetime?  You can read that post HERE. This week I’m bringing to you Part 2!

 My post from last week dealt with us giving of ourselves to help others. This week I’ll deal with us giving of ourselves, to help ourselves. How you ask do we help ourselves by giving of ourselves…so He can use us for His glory! I know, totally opposite from last week, huh?  In essence though, this still applies to the question…how many of us are willing to die to our flesh to be in a position to be used greatly by Him? I promise, I’m going somewhere with this y’all!
You see, not only does God want us to use ourselves to help others, but I dare to think that He just might like it sometimes if we’d push ourselves to the end of ourselves, so He could use us as it pleases Him! 

promoting unity

Let me give you my story of just how true this is! We’ll have to go back to the early part of 1996. Our youngest son Blake was barely two months old. My husband had been visiting a small town(Pigeon) in the Thumb of Michigan (for all you Midwesterners…you know exactly what I’m talking about).  Anyway, he, along with his best friend Gary had been driving three hours north ~ for eight months straight~ to Pigeon, MI, preaching and teaching the Word of God.  To give you a back story…we were living in Detroit at the time (where my husband was born and raised). After the eight month revival, my husband was called(by God) to pioneer a church there. You see, it wasn’t just any church and he wasn’t just any pastor. We were the ONLY minorities to EVER live in the entire county of Huron! I'm.not.exaggerating! Coming from Detroit, this was quite a contrast…you get the picture right? Lol! Our family and friends thought we were crazy! Here we were, an African-American couple pastoring and all-white congregation, in an all-white county. But we just knew this was what God called us to do! Was it scary…yes it was! No stores sold hair products for our hair, no barber or hairdresser knew how to cut or “fix” our hair! Smile. So, we had to travel 3 hours south to Detroit if we wanted anything pertaining to “our” hair. Our daughter was the first African American student at her elementary school. She was definitely a pioneer like her great-aunt Sarah Mae Flemming. She braved the curious stares and little innocent children who came up to her to touch her hair. She was a trooper and made some lifelong friendships! A sweet and sad, but true story was the 95 year old woman who made us a quilt as a gift, because she had NEVER in her life seen an African American in person. We were surely on the mission field y’all! We also had a neighbor who made it his point to let us know he didn’t take too kindly to “our kind”. He actually held the bi-laws of the neighborhood association, which stated that no one of “color” could or would be allowed to reside in the neighborhood…IKR! Imagine his chagrin when he looked up and saw it was US across the street he had to welcome in as the "new" neighbors! The stares we received as we shopped in stores were humiliating and demeaning at best. You would think this made our lives miserable...I won't lie, at times it did! And at times it had me questioning...was this really worth it all.

This was definitely my “ugly part” for sure! 

promoting unity

But for every disheartening story, our God wrote us an encouraging one! Like the over 300 souls that came through our church and were blessed by God and the many miracles He performed! And the beautiful Believers God brought into our lives(some of them moving down to South Carolina with us 3 years later to help us pioneer again).  Or the awesome friendships my husband and I, and our children made with friends we are still close with to this day! Or the sweet old ladies from the Pigeon IGA, who made the finger licking fried chicken and potato salad that made even my soul-food cookin’ momma and daddy rave with accolades! Or the desperate souls who stopped us in that same IGA, who asked us to pray for them because they had a sick momma or had an addiction or just needed some encouragement. But most of all, the love He put in our hearts for ALL of His people! I think...NO, I know God put us through those situations to give us His heart! I can tell you ~ whatever prejudices we had in our hearts were quickly removed, for we never wanted anyone to feel what we felt. During that season, God gave us a love for His people and for His work, that still remains as passionate as it was way back then! You see, we planted a seed those many years ago that has netted and is still netting us a harvest…diversity in His Kingdom! 

And this, my friends, was my “beautiful part”!

What seemed like ages ago, God taught us through those circumstances, how He wanted His Body to be…unified AND diverse!  And if we, as a family, had to go through what we had to in order to get it done…then so be it! Remember, we are not our own, we’re His! It’s sad that Sunday morning really is the most segregated time of the week…so NOT like Heaven y’all! We, as churches, are suppose to promote diversity. Through Godly wisdom are we able to strategically bring this to past. But guess what, sad to say, many of us don’t!  I’m not knocking anyone, but I don’t want to go(to a Heaven) where all I’m going to find are!  My God has assured me, that there won't be! Like my husband always says, if we don’t know how to worship with one another here on earth, then what the heck are we going to do when we get to Heaven…stand around and stare? Yeah right! Great advice, wouldn't you say? So I challenge ALL of us(including myself) to get out of our comfort zones and our “pretty little” places of security, to make EVERYONE feel welcomed and loved in His Kingdom! Oh yes it's so much easier to go the route of the "status quo", but that's the's EASY!  I'm willing to be ugly for a moment, just so that I can be beautiful in Him for an entire about you? Psalm 133:1, Luke 11:17, John 17:20-23

This is MY story…what is yours?!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam


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  1. Such a great post! I can relate to this so much it moved me to tears! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Aww...thanks so much Stephanie!! I'm so thankful when others are encouraged by "MY" story! Thank you for stopping by...blessings my friend!!

  2. This gave me chills, very powerful! Love you, sweet sister!

    1. Hey Ash! Thank you!! Love you too my sweeter sister!! :-)

  3. Wow, Michell. You guys had the guts and the glory, in His name. What a great testimony to bravery, persistence, and full-on faith. You go, girl! You've been doing you well for a minute now!

    1. Ha ha Ali!! Thank you sis!! It has definitely molded me into the person I am today for sure my friend and I thank Him for the experience! :-)

  4. A great testimony! Thank you for sharing. Blessings!

    1. Thank you Lisi and you're welcome! Blessings to you as well my friend!

  5. Beautiful testimony! As I read your story, I was reminded of Nehemiah from the Old Testament who once said "I'm doing a great work, and I can not come down."

    Michell, stay on the wall. Continue to do a great work for the Lord. I believe HE is well pleased.

    1. Oh yes my friend!! Thanks for the encouragement! We won't come down for sure, I promise!! ;-) Thanks again Trinity for your encouraging words!! ;-)

  6. Geez Louise. Talk about boldness and faith. What an awesome testimony. I agree that God wants His church unified and diverse. I think lots of folks are gonna be surprised when they get to heaven...and surprised to see who's there. ( not really, just making a point).

    1. Thanks so much Hope! Hahaha...but that's true..we may be surprised at who's NOT there and who IS! Lol! :-D

  7. This is a wonderful testimony of walking by faith!

    1. Thank you so much Dorothy! It's something I'd do all over again if I had to!! :-)

  8. I read every word of this post - very powerful. I liked getting to know more about your story...You and your husband are so devoted to following God's will. What an uphill battle! I can't imagine having to drive all the way back to Detroit to take care of my hair, or being the only person of my race in an entire county. Michell, I have so much respect for you and your family. God really did have a plan for you. I'm happy that so much good came from standing firm in His ways. And yes, we do need to embrace diversity! XOXO

    1. Thanks so much Meredith!! Yes, the hair thing was something else! One good thing that came out it though...we saved money, as I was forced to learn how to cut hair. My husband and our boys' hair grew out every week, so we couldn't make that trip every week. Off to the Wal-Mart to buy a pair of Wahl's clippers...the rest is history, lol! Your encouraging words mean a lot my friend...thank you again!! xoxoxo

  9. Hi Michell! What a heartbreaking story of how badly we treat others who are different than we are. Yuk. My husband and I (white) were foster parents for about eight years. Our little ones were all African American and female. I could not believe how crazy some people are in their view on different races. Sigh. We have a long way to go.

    I am so happy that you found blessings, and that God found you to create those blessings. You have a marvelous attitude. I may never know you in the flesh on earth, but I'll see you in heaven for sure :)

    1. It is sad isn't it! How awesome was that! I'm sure they were blessed to have had you in their lives! Many people are clueless to the fact that "true" love has NO color! Yes ma'am, we definitely found many blessings in all of it(the ugly and the beautiful). Awww, thank you...we sure will...:-)

  10. A beautiful story indeed! I love what your husband said..."If we don’t know how to worship with one another here on earth, then what the heck are we going to do when we get to Heaven?" I pray we all learn to love as Jesus loved. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Many blessings.

    1. Thanks so much Beth! Isn't that the truth though! Yes, I yearn every day to have His heart and to see and love as He sees and loves! Many blessings to you as well my friend!

  11. I agree that we often worship with those who look just like us. But why? And as a church, how can we break down these tangible and intangible walls. Definitely something I want to ponder in my church and ministry. So glad you shared this.

    1. I know Jen! It's habit, it's what we've always done since we were young and it's been embedded into us. In other words it's a part of man's traditions. You're right Jen, EVERY church in America should look for ways to add diversity to their churches, because the Kingdom is ONE! Thanks so much for your insight! Blessings my friend!

  12. Michell- I love your story! You have a natural storytelling voice, I was sitting on the edge of my seat to see what God was doing in your lives...sounds like He has taken you on many adventures...looking forward to Heaven with you! Stopping by from SDG Party! To God be the glory in your family and life!

    1. Hi your name! Aww...thank you so much!! He has Kel and we've enjoyed every single one of them! They've definitely strengthened our faith in Him! Thanks so much for your encouraging words and thanks for stopping by!

  13. Michell what a very inspiring testimony. There is still much work to be done in unifying. I have started going to a multicultural church and it's quite a different experience.

    1. Thanks so much Wanda! Sad to say, but yes there is! Haha...awesome! It does take getting use to because we're conditioned to seeing it just "one" way! Hope it's a rewarding experience for you my friend!

  14. michell, this is such a powerful and inspirational story. living in the bay area, our churches tend to be naturally diverse, but we can each do more to promote God's message of love and unity. everyone is welcome!

    1. Hi Catherine! That's awesome! That is one of the pluses of living in a big city...diversity everywhere! Yes ma'am...His message and His alone! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  15. Oh Michell... you and your hubs are such an incredible testimony to what TRUE faith can do...

    i just love your story- and your strength and your precious beautiful heart for Christ, for us. For each and every one of us- all of us. ALL of us. You will be blessed with "Well done my good and faithful servant" when you get home sweet friend. I can't WAIT to see you there! Oh wait- I can wait a little longer! lol :) (Thank God for that.)

    1. Awww...thanks so much Chris!! Yes my friend, that is my goal...I want Him to be pleased with me! Oh yes, I'll take seeing you here on this side FIRST and we'll hang out in heaven years down the road!! Amen...thanking Him for THAT!! Love ya! xoxoxo


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