
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #41

an encouragement link up
Happy "Hump Day" y'all!! Hope you all have had a wonderful week so far! I'm giddy because as my husband and I were coming back from dinner(with one of the sweet Believers and her daughter), we actually saw snowflakes...yep, right here in good ole' Columbia, SC! Whooohooo!! Okay, it didn't stick and it might have only lasted for about 10 minutes, then turned into freezing rain...but hey, don't steal my joy, lol!

On to my two featured bloggers for this week! None other than the lovely Alison who blogs over at "Embrace the Struggle", and the lovely Stephanie who blogs over at "Crazy Little Lovebirds" . Please head over and show them some love!

It's Wednesday and you know what that means, that's right...Doing YOU WELL! So link up your favorite post(s), tell us what you're doing well this week, visit some other blogs in the link-up and show them some some encouragement by spreading some comment love and don't forget to let them know you're stopping by from "DYWW". And thaaaat's all folks! 

Btw...I invite you to join me on Friday for "Michell's Weekly Pearl". Until next time...I call you blessed!! ;-)

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  1. I've been MIA as of late, due to my blog going down, Bloggy Boot Camp in Dallas and 5 playoff games between two kids last week. I always love this link party - glad I could join in the fun this week! I hopped over to visit Alison, who I love, and Stephanie, who I just "met" for the first time tonight!

    1. Wow Michelle! I've been also, as you can see, here it is almost a week later and I'm just responding to comments! Kudos to you my friend for DYW! Hope you enjoyed BBC and so glad your blog is up and running again!

  2. Thanks a lot for hosting Michell, do have a super blessed day!

    1. Hi Ugochi! You're so welcome and thanks so much for linking up! Have a blessed week my friend!

  3. It doesn't seem possible that it's already that time of year, and although I don.t look forward to the cold winter I am always excited for the first snow; it's so beautiful!!! Have a super joyful and blessed Wednesday Michell~hugs!!

    1. IKR Denise! But I do love this time of year as well! I did my friend and hope you did as well! Blessings! ;-)

  4. Michell, thanks for the party my friend! Hope you're having a wonderful week. :)


    1. You're welcome my friend! Thanks so much for linking up! Blessings Heather! ;-)

  5. Wow! Snow so early in SC! I'm in Texas. No snow, but it is freezing! Keep warm and safe, friend!

    1. Hahaha...IKR Jen! Can you believe was 85 degrees today...we set a record! But hey, that's the south for you! Lol! Thanks for linking up!

  6. Aw, thank you, Michell! You have been such a strong supporter and friend here in the blogosphere.

    We too saw a few flakes yesterday in MD but they didn't stick around. For which I'm glad! It's still very cold, but it's supposed to warm up tomorrow and Friday.

    I'm doing me well by staying on top of crazy work demands and getting on top of my Christmas shopping. Yes, I'm one of those early birds! LOL!

  7. We got snow here too. It just a light sprinkling but its still here. I don't like the freezing weather either. Too bad you can't have snow without the cold. My granddaughters are looking forward to piles and piles of snow so they can make a snowman and snow fort. Brrrr.

    Thanks Michell for hosting another fantastic party. Have a wonderful week, Darlene

  8. Hi Michell,
    I love how our reactions were totally different to the snowflake spotting. I frowned with the thumbs down, lips poked out kinda face. My daughter leaped like someone had given her a pony. Oh well, I am always encouraged by the changing of seasons. Happy to be a part of the party this week. I'm doing me well by redirecting my focus back to some things that I have let slip away.


  9. Hi Michell. You need to come to Ohio to see some snow with me. I had to shovel. Ugghhh! Thank you for hosting this wonderful party. It is always nice see the fine bloggers who link up here. Have a blessed week.

  10. That's the kind of snow I like-the kind that doesn't stick! LOL. Glad you are doing well. I linked up two posts--one about Pinterest tips and the other is 10 Sure Signs That You Are A Mom. I am still recuperating from a 4 day trip to Destin, FL for a beautiful beach wedding. But my husband and I had a ball with friends from high school. I had a productive day today and hoping to complete the week that way. I am already friends with Alison so I will check out Stephanie's blog. Enjoy the rest of your week, Michell.

  11. We had big fat snowflakes - and Lena Horne's version of "Let it Snow" ran through my head ALL DAY LONG! I want to be snowed in, make hot chocolate while the boys make snow men and come in all red-cheeked from being too cold! Job 38:22 mentions the storehouses of snow - how I LOVE that visual! Have a blessed week - and thank you for being such a delightful host! Love your heart!

  12. And we are in short sleeves out here. Wow.

    Hope you have a blessed week.

  13. I'm late linking up but I'm here! Love Alison, WHOOP! This week I'm attending a convention that I'm looked forward to. That's my DYW this week! Thanks for hosting as always! The FB group is a nice addition as well.

  14. Well I missed another one!!! darnit. Promise to try again next week!!! I wish I had gotten it together for this. :( LOVE YOU!!! Just came by to say JUST that. (The love you part- LOL )

  15. Hi Michell! We also got snow, but it's gone now. It sure did look like a blizzard when it came down! We usually don't see snow until after Thanksgiving.
    How wonderful for you to feature other bloggers! I know Alison, so that was fun to see. It's nice to meet other bloggers.
    Hope you have a blessed weekend :)

  16. Michell, I'm just now seeing that I was featured, and I wanted to say thank you! I really appreciate that. =) Sorry that I'm seeing this so late. Lol. Of course it was a time I didn't link up.. Again thank you! =) And thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment.


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)