
Mastering YOU Monday...stay in your lane

mastering life by staying in your place
On our road to mastering ourselves and mastering life, we must learn how to stay in our place and be content with just that! Starting today, we’re going to once and for all get in, and stay in our own lanes! We never get to what God has called us to, because we’re so busy NOT doing what we’re suppose to do, but trying to get in someone elses niche. 

God needs each and every one of us to be in OUR place so we can make the whole operation go!! If everyone is over here trying to be a teacher, then who’s taking care of
the homeless, or if everyone is over there trying to be a secretary, then who’s going to mentor young ladies? No, I'm not saying we should all go out and quite our jobs, but you see where I’m going here don’t you?  Let’s just say one day I decided I want to be insecure and start working in our ministry’s accounting department (mind you, I.know.nothing.about.numbers), do you know how screwed up the church's books would be? But you see it all the time...people doing something they're not called to do; either out of insecurity or they just don't have any idea what their purpose is. You may ask, “how do I know what I’m called to do”? Oh it’s simple…seek Godly wisdom, spend time with Him and He’ll reveal it to you! He’ll give you a vision and make known every little detail about it, piece by piece. And He’ll even tweak it and refine it for you as time goes by. But do know, it won’t just drop in your lap…YOU MUST spend time with Him to find out!

We ALL must be satisfied with where God places us! Can you imagine a body where the hands are trying to be the feet and the ears are trying to do the job of the eyes? Sounds can you imagine how crazy we sometimes look to Him, when we get out of our place? I mean can you see God up in heaven giving us the side-eye because we’re just out there “doing” something? We as humans have a tendency to want to do whatever is the “in” thing at that time. Who told us that just because everyone else is doing it, we have to do it also? Life doesn’t work that way.

Knowing our place also applies to the seasons we’re in. I see this all the time…single women who want to be married, married women who want to be single, stay-at-home mothers who want to go to work, working mothers who want to be stay-at-home moms, the list goes on and on…. I tell women all the time, just enjoy the season God has you in. Don’t worry, God has the next season coming up and guess what, it’ll come right on time!
mastering life by staying in your lane

I like to refer to the lioness, because she epitomizes that creature who knows exactly what her role is in her kingdom. She’s not AFRAID or ASHAMED of what God put inside of her. The lioness has discovered and mastered what God designed her to do…find her place, work it exactly as He planned her to…with everything she has. That’s called “prowess” ladies! It’s as simple as that! We as women get caught up in what I like to call “the unnecessaries of life” and it gets us off track...we never find our place, thus we never work His plan. The lioness is content with this what God designed her to do, not with what the tiger does, but what she was put on earth to do! She puts all her energy and time into that, therefore she masters it. When you think about it, there’s NOTHING about the lioness that makes you think she’s insecure, doesn’t know her position or is unsure of herself.

My husband said…“God doesn’t need us if all we can do is what everybody else can do”! That’s so true. He doesn’t need me doing what everybody else can do, He needs me to do what He called and asked me to do!

I'll leave you with this piece of advice...when we’re out of place, we’re out of the will of God. When we’re out of His will, our lives become unstable and unsettled. That’s an awful place to be ladies…been there, done that and it’s not a good feeling at all. If you really want to find true peace, find your true place…and STAY THERE!
1 Corinthians 12:12-23, Proverbs 25:2

Have you discovered what your plan and purpose is in life?
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. Love that last line Michelle. I think I've discovered my purpose over and over and keep tucking it somewhere (under the unnecessaries) because I didn't have the courage to explore or didn't believe that was really it. I can't wait until I am knee deep in whatever it is.

    1. HA! I LOVE that Kenya..."knee deep in whatever it is"! Yes indeed my friend, yes indeed!! ;-)

  2. AMEN!!! "Stay in your lane" is what I often remind myself. It is so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing and forget about what we should be doing. The media has a way of making us feel left out when we are different. I have learned to embrace my differences and realize that I have been fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. Sometimes, accepting this truth can be difficult. However, if I stay in my lane and everyone else stays in his/her lane, we'll all reach the destination that God has prepared for us. Someone once said, "God did not make carbon copies, HE made originals"!

    1. Yes He did Trinity! :-) That's the key my friend, accepting who He made us to be and walking in that and only that!

  3. Michell, I couldn't help but smile as I was reading your words today. I see we were exploring a similar topic today. I remember there was a time in my life when"my purpose" was something I was desperately seeking almost to the point of frustration. What I have found is little my little God reveals the steps for me take and they have not always led to place I thought. But His plans far exceed our own. Thanks for the reminder to keep my hips in my own lane.

    1. Hahaha YES Wanda! I was also smiling at your post when I read it! God is definitely trying to tell us something!! :-) Yep, that's what I love about Him, He doesn't force it all on us at once...He gives us piece, by piece. Lol, yes, we must keep our hips in our own lanes!

  4. I forgot how inspiring it is to join up with SDG. You guys are awesome. I struggle sometimes just to be me. With so much distraction in this world, you can feel like such a misfit if you don't quite seem like everyone else. But we are all made the way we are for a reason. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Aww...thanks Lori! It's so good to have you drop by!! Yes, it can get overwhelming at times, but I like what you said...we are all made the way we are for a reason! :-)

  5. AMEN to the seasons and enjoying the space you're in! The Lord has truly opened doors and my eyes when the timing was right. I'm so grateful to be in my right mind and not worried about what society would have for me at this stage in my life! Whew,Praise God!

    I feel blessed to be currently operating in my calling! I love being a voice in the healthcare, weight loss, fit living space. Great post friend!

    1. Isn't it a wonderful feeling be operating "in your calling". No better feeling in the world my better feeling! ;-)

  6. I think we can all get caught up in thinking we should be this or that. We should be happy with our place in the world, be the best at whatever we're doing and be good parents and role models.

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Yes, Louisa! If only we can be content with "our place"! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Michell! I remember a saying: "Be yourself, everything else is taken." It speaks right to your point. We really need to find our own way. I know that I can be inspired by others, and appreciate their work, which is only right. But it doesn't mean that I should be doing it. I have an obligation to find the work I'm supposed to do. Then do it!
    Great post :)

    1. Yes my friend! We must find our lot and do it to the best of our ability! Thanks for stopping by Ceil!

  8. Ahhhhhh... YES!!!! If only everyone who is struggling to find their place and purpose could read this.... Each ONE of us has a purpose and a plan here on earth. God has written it already- now, if only we could all truly ignite that flame and tap into His Power and His Direction. There is no greater joy and fulfillment when you live on His Path with His Presence and His Purpose for YOU.

    1. Wonderful words Chris! And you're right..."there is no greater fulfillment when you live on His Path with His Presence and His Purpose for YOU"! Love that Chris...

  9. Love it, Michell! We are doomed when we step out of our lane and try to do what Fulanita is doing. This is confirmation for me, as I've read several posts on this topic recently. Cheers, Ali

    1. Bahaha Alison! Exactly, we can't be worried about what "Fulanita" is doing! He knows, doesn't He?! :-)

  10. I needed this reminder today, Michell. Thank you! I am very fulfilled in my "lane", but sometimes my personal ambitions get me pulling on God's pant leg as if to say, "What about THIS desire you put in my heart?" Your words remind me that God's plan for me and my desires will happen according to His timetable...when they are supposed to. What great advice! XOXO

    1. Yes they will, won't they Meredith? It is easy to want to start working on EVERY idea and vision He's given us, not realizing that they weren't given for us to do all at once, but merely confirmation that He has a great plan for our future! xoxoxo


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