
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #43 and a Thanksgiving recap

an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
Hi everyone!! I've definitely missed you guys! Hope you all had a wonderful time enjoying your families for Thanksgiving...I sure did! I'm so thankful for my family and all of you(my lovely readers)! I really love and appreciate you guys!! :-) And to everyone who's comments I have yet to respond to...please forgive me! I'll be doing so soon and visiting your blogs as well. Please hold it to my head(well, my lack of time and busy schedule) and not my heart! ;-)

My husband and I hosted Thanksgiving this year and we had a blast! My sisters and their husbands and kids were over and we stayed up until almost midnight doing what we love to do when we get games! And boy are we a competitive group! I took some pics with my phone(sorry, not the best), but I wanted to share a few with you guys! I'll take better pics when they come over for our annual gingerbread house contest on Christmas that's a riot! My family is wild y'all! Lol!

For this week's "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday", please share with us how you spent your Thanksgiving. In the meantime, make sure you link up your favorite post(s), stop by some of the blogs in the link-up and give them some encouragement by showing some comment love, and please let them know you're stopping by from the "DYWW" link-up! 

In the are some pics!

an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
(1) Ingredients to my mom's famous sweet potato pie(I made 8 of them y'all) (2) My husband's homemade cornbread stuffing(notice the missing corner, yep I did that) (3) The food AFTER our second helping. We were so hungry, I forgot to take pics of the spread BEFORE we went hog wild, (this was only a portion of what was on the countertops) :-)
an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
My beautiful nieces Jessica and Janae

an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
My sister Tiffanie and her sons Bret and Tyler at the kitchen table during an intense "battle of the sexes" game of Taboo. We are ruthless when it comes to games! Lol! We go hard or we go home! :-D

an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
My nephew, sons and son-in-law, cheating of course! Okay, okay...I may be a little biased because they won! :-) Umm, Allyn, not sure what you're doing here dude, but it's funny. Yeah, I'm THAT one who takes random pictures of people without giving them fair warning.  :-)

an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
My nieces Hayden and Jada headed home after a looong day. I LOVE these two little angels! Of course they had to bring their own toys, umm, cause' auntie doesn't have little kids, lol! 

an encouragement link up and celebrating Thanksgiving with family
Our sons Blake and Joel, daughter Kerington and her husband Allyn after the fun is over. Actually, the fun never really ends around here, but we've got to put a stop to it we can get some sleep. :-)

Hope you enjoyed my pics. Now tell us what you did for Thanksgiving? And if you missed "Mastering YOU Monday", you can read it  HERE and find out how I had to free myself from a decision my dad made that changed the dynamics of our family. 

As always, thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful rest of your week...I call you all blessed! :-)

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  1. Michell, looks like you all had a wonderful time! That's always a great thing. Family + delicious food+game night=lasting memories! Great post Michell. I too enjoyed my time with family, making more memories. =)

    1. Hey Stephanie...IKR!! A perfect combination, lol! That's what it's all about...making lifetime memories!;-) Thanks so much for linking up my friend!

  2. Hi Michelle
    You have a beautiful family, especially those two little cuties!! I have two year old niece and she is also sooo close to my heart. What I love about your family is how you see love and piece amongst you all.
    Blessings XX

    1. Aww...thanks so much Mia, yeah, there's a lot of love and peace in this family and I thank God for that! Yep, we absolutely spoil the two younger ones and they eat it up, lol! Thanks so much for linking up...hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. We spent Thanksgiving with my husband's cousin's family and had a nice time. HIs cousin is Lebanese so we had all the Arabic food as well as the traditional Thanksgiving - yum!!

    1. Wow Michelle, that sounds exciting! I'm sure you all had more than enough food. And "yum" is correct!:-) Glad you had a wonderful time!

  4. Thanks for hosting, Michell. You guys had so much fun! Look at those handsome boys teaming up like that. Looks intense. LOL! And I love the name Kerington. Thanks for all the pics - keep them coming. XOXO

    1. You're welcome Meredith, thanks so much for linking up! We did! We try to get together(ALL of us), every other weekend and do a dinner night and of course play games! ;) It was intense and it doesn't help that my sister and I are sore losers(me more than her), lol!! Thanks, I'll let her husband and I still debate as to which one of us named her, lol!

  5. Michell, I love your beautiful pics! I spent time with the family enjoying all of the delicious Thanksgiving foods. Thanksgiving happens to be my favorite holiday. Thanks for sharing your lovely family!

    1. Thanks so much Trinity! It's mine too! It's the start of a month long of festivities, but time is flying by so fast(wish I could bottle it up, lol) ! :-) Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving! Thanks for linking up!

  6. You all must have had a very fun thanksgiving, the pictures are clear enough to know that you have a beautiful fun family. Thanks for sharing and hosting Michell, do have a super blessed day!

    1. Thanks so much Ugochi! I thank God for the family He gave me(they're the best)! What's even better Ugochi...they all love the Lord! That's what I'm most thankful for! Thanks so much for linking up...have a super blessed day as well my friend!! :-)

  7. Hello there beautiful nieces and nephews we don't usually see here! I love getting these personal glimpses of family and friends. Your Holiday sounds awesome. Thx for sharing. I was with my family and did 20 min of Black Friday on Thursday...never again. It was a good day though. I got lots of rest over the holiday and met some new future family members :)

    1. IKR Joi! I've decided to share more and you're right, I love seeing pics of everyone else's families on their blogs, so I thought I'd do the same, lol! We did and I'm sure you did as well! Giirrl, I've gotten too old and too impatient for Black Friday. I think I did it back in the day as an adrenaline thing, lol! My oldest son has me hooked on Cyber Monday, though! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself AND got a chance to rest! And whoohoo for "future" family members! ;-)

  8. Hi Michell. Looks like you had a very nice Thanksgiving with your family! Thank you for the party and have a great day!


    1. You're so welcome my friend...thanks for linking up!! Thanks so much Heather, we did and I hope you did also!! Have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-)

  9. I am glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Michell! The family pictures are so lovely. It sure is great to celebrate with family. Thanks for hosting and have a great Wednesday.

    1. Thanks so much Judy! Yes ma'am...there's nothing like it! You're so welcome...thanks for linking up! ;-)

  10. I loved seeing all of the pics of your family! I'm so glad you guys had a great time celebrating!

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks so much! We did and I'm sure you did also! ;-) Thanks for linking up!

  11. Loved your pictures. Looks like you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing! My Thanksgiving was spent in San Antonio with my husband enjoying some quiet time before he leaves. It was GLORIOUS!
    Much love to you,

    1. Hey hon!! Thank you! We did and sounds like you did also! nice, so glad you got to spend some time with your hubby before he leaves! Blessings my friend! xoxoxo

  12. Such a beautiful family!!! Love the pictures :)
    I call you blessed my sweet sista!!!

  13. You have such a beautiful family... looks like a great time was had by all!!

    1. Thanks so much Jenn! We did and hope you did as well! Have a wonderful week!

  14. You have a beautiful family. It is so wonderful to surround yourself with love. We had a non-stop Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of food and famly. My grandmother turned 89 so we ladies took her out to tea. My daughter just loves to hang out with the ladies. She has three brothers so she really cherishes her girl time.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes it is isn't it! That's what I + food= non-stop fun! :-) Happy Birthday to your grandmother, what a blessing! Haha, yes, my daughter was like that, now it's just me and a house full of men, lol! Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Have a wonderful week!

  15. Love your pictures! It looks like you had a fantastic day!!! We went to see our family in Mississippi and had a great time. Sending you wishes for a fantastic holiday season! XOXO

    1. Thank you...we did my friend! Awesome, I love out of town visits! Same to you Emily! XOXOXO

  16. This looks like such a great time!! Awesome! We had great family time, too, with all my husband's clan!

  17. AW!!!!!! I just LOVED seeing those pictures and learning all about the FUN you had!!! Taboo is one of our family FAVES!!!

    Your family is just so beautiful and I just am so so grateful you have an amazingly full and BLESSED life with those gorgeous family members!!! XOXO

    PS: I am SO behind in my blogging TOO! I love you for stopping by and catching up with me!! I will surely be "catching up" all week over here!!! OY. ;) (Tis the season...)

  18. Thanks so much for hosting your weekly linky party. I am now a permanent hostess of Tasty Tuesdays and would love you to stop by and link up your culinary creations if you have not already. Here is the link

  19. Looks like a great time with good people and good food.

    Thanks for everything you do.

  20. Michelle, Thanks for sharing your family photos! I love family game night, I can't wait until my kids can participate in family game night. Looks like you have a loving and blessed family.

  21. What great pictures you posted. Everyone looks like they had a wonderful time.
    Our Thanksgiving was wonderful, a lot of hard work in the kitchen but all worth the time and effort. We can't these family moments back so it's best to enjoy every moment no matter what is thrown in your way.

  22. You made EIGHT pies!! I had to spell it out for emphasis. GoodLAWD. LOL! Love the pics. We stayed home and cook a small Thanksgiving. Everything was gone in two days except the Turkey and I made turkey salad out of that.

  23. Don't you hate it when you start digging into the food before you take the pics?! LOL. Great family pics. My family loves to play Spades. I don't do well at card games so I opt out. But I am a fabulous Scrabble player!

    My Thanksgiving was nice. We went to my aunt's house and I was able to see my parents, grandmother, sister, and nephew. I didn't think it was going to work out that way, but I'm so glad it did. I am doing well this Wednesday because I just received my grandparents' dining room table set yesterday. They have been deceased for years and I am so honored that the table has been passed down to me. It brings back so many childhood memories of Sunday dinners around it.

    Linking up my red and white bean crockpot turkey chili recipe. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  24. beautiful pictures and moments....

  25. I loves these pictures. They look really good...even for cell phone pics. Most of my pics are cell phone pics. Anyway, looks like you all had an awesome time. I love getting together with family and just having fun. I spent Thanksgiving with my husbands family who came to town and his niece who lives here. It would've been more enjoyable if I wasn't allergic to dogs :)

  26. You had a great Thanksgiving, Michell! Mine was spent helping a friend who serves meals to seniors in DC. We had a great time!

  27. Hi Michell! Can't lie, I was loving your paint choices and decor! What a beautiful house :)
    I love games too, and my family is very competitive. It makes playing a lot of laughs! And the fact that they stayed so late means that you are a big hit :)
    Have a great weekend!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)