
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #44 and a special birthday

an ecouragement link up and celebrating our son's birthday
Happy HUMP DAY y'all!! Welcome to another "DYWW"! Today is bittersweet for me, why you ask? Because our youngest Blake...AKA the Baby of the bunch, "B", the Blakemeister, and his dad's favorite...Big-time, turns 18 today! I usually don't mention my kids' birthdays(here on the blog that is), but this one is a milestone in our family! My husband and I are officially the parents of ALL adults! He'll be graduating
this spring and headed off to college next fall. That's more secondary school, no more going to track meets, no more open houses, no more SAT's, no more school fees or college planning and so on and so on. Whew, thank God we're done with that! Deep down inside I'll miss it though. My husband and I have been preparing for this since they were babies, lol! But now that it's here, I'm feeling some kind of way y'all. Pray for me.... You see, I officially became a SAHM when Blake was born. So when he goes off to college, it'll be a big change for sure. But I think I'll be ready for it though! Now that this chapter is closing in our lives...I just may take that trip to Paris', oui oui! 

an encouragement link up and celebrating our son's birthday
Not sure what he was eating in this first picture, but it's all over his face.

So tell me, are there any big changes in your upcoming future? If tell! After sharing, make sure you link up your post(s) (any you'd like), visit some blogs in the linky-up and give them some encouragement by showing them some comment love, and PLEASE make sure you mention you're dropping by from "DYWW". That's it...easy-peasy! Until next week...I call you blessed! And if you missed "Mastering YOU Monday", you can read it HERE!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. Thanks for hosting, and Happy Birthday to your handsome Blake!! You better touch up on your French, mon amis. ;) No big changes in my future...that I know of - LOL! XOXO

    1. Hey there Meredith!! Thank you...I'll let him know! Hey you're suppose to teach me girl,! ;-) Thanks so much for linking up...blessings to you! xoxoxo

  2. Happy birthday to him and Congrats on the upcoming empty nest. Is it a romantic or girls trip...I want to go too :)

    1. Thanks Joi..I'll be sure to tell him! IKR...we've always joked about how we can't wait and it's finally here, lol! It's a girls trip for get to packin' lady!! :-)

  3. Happy Birthday to Blake!! This next chapter as a parent with an adult child is equally as wonderful!! Thanks for hosting us here every week my dear friend.
    Much love to you,

    1. Hey Beth!! I'll relay the message! ;-) Oh I'm sure it is my friend...can't wait! You're so welcome...thank you for stopping by each week and linking up! Love you! xoxo

  4. Hi Michell. Happy Birthday to Blake, he's so handsome and was a cute little guy! I understand how you feel, our kids are adults too. :)

    Thanks for hosting and hope you have a beautiful day!


    1. Haha...thanks Heather!! I'll tell him what you said! ;-) I I'm ready for grand kids, lol! You're so welcome...thank you for linking up!

  5. Hugs to you as your "baby" heads off to college. My oldest just started high school. I don't know how you're doing it! :)

    1. Awww...thank you!! IKR...I thought the same thing, but thank God for His grace! :-) Read your post...hilarious!! Thanks so much for linking up!!

  6. Awwwww, b-day blessings to your boy! We have big changes forming around here... both troubling and exciting. Please join me in prayer as we decide if putting my father in a memory care facility is the right thing to do for him. Glad to be back around here ... I've been gone too long!!! xoxo jules

    1. Thank you Jules!! Wow, I will be praying for you my friend! That is a tough decision, believing God you'll make the right choice for both you and your dad! So glad to have you back lady!!!

  7. Birthday shout out to your son! =) I'll be praying for you and this new adventure for you and your husband. I'm sure a trip to Paris would be absolutely lovely.

    1. Thanks Stephanie!! Yes indeed my friend, it would be lovely, wouldn't it! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful week!

  8. SQUEEE!!!!!!!!! Happy FINAL 18th birthday!!! And oh girl- you got SO much to do with your time, I can't WAIT to see how God's Plan unfolds for you and your hubs!!!! Congratulations on raising three beautiful souls and my prayers are with both you and your precious son as he sets his sails onward- into adulthood!!!! WOOHOO!!!! You did it mama!!!! :)

  9. Happy Birthday to Blake! It's an exciting and scary time, Michell. I still have 3 at home, but my oldest is in college. It seemed like I cried his entire senior year. I was so full of pride for all that he had accomplished. We all will be praying for a smooth transition for both of you.

  10. Happy Birthday to Blake! What a handsome son you have! Congrats on all your fantastic adults! XOXO

  11. Happy Birthday to your son Michell and my best wishes to him as he is now officially an adult. I hope you get to go to Paris. My mom wanted to go to Paris when she finished high school but didn't. After having children she suddenly developed a fear of heights. The big change I am hoping for in the future is good health. I have made a lot of changes and it is certainly helping me towards that goal. Thanks for hosting and my best wishes to you and your family.

  12. As I read your wonderful post about your son becoming a man, I'm yelling at my First Grader to finish his homework. LOL. Ohhh so much to look forward to. Congratulations on this milestone for your family. I'm linking up the completion of my bedroom closet organization and Facebook Time Saver Tools. I'm doing well this Wednesday because I finished the final touches for our Christmas tree. I'm looking forward to more productive activities this week. Thanks, Michell!

  13. Happy birthday Blake! 18 years old... Seems like the years just go by faster and faster after high school and college! Hope you guys had a great time celebrating! Big changes for us... Well we're heading to NYC this weekend! It's big for us because its Matt's first time! Should be lots of fun. :)

  14. Hi Michell, hope your week is going well. I have had this heartache realizing even though I don't want more kids, that I'm not gonna have anymore. My youngest just turned 2 and I find myself sad. I see pregnant women and I long for that. Then a few moments later when my 2 year old is throwing a tantrum I remember that we can't wait for them to move out. I guess as they grow each stage is a little bittersweet? Happy birthday to your son. And congratulations to you and your husband.

  15. Happy Birthday to your son. I know he was raised right.

    Thanks for everything you do.

  16. I'm not far behind you, Michell! I'm both happy and sad about it… but staying open to what lies ahead:) Blessings and happy birthday to your son!


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