
Mastering YOU much is too much?

I know I'm a week late, but how many of you watched the final episode of "The Biggest Loser" last week? If you didn't, I don't know how you missed it... it was plastered all over the news last week. Anywho, the finale is what prompted this week's "Mastering YOU Monday" post. BTW...Am I the ONLY person out there who watches the "BL" so I don't feel guilty about eating a big plate of food? Justifying my overindulgence by saying in the back of my mind..."oh, I'll never get THAT big"!
Yeah, and I can guarantee you most of the people on that show probably said the SAME thing to themselves at some point.

Which brings me back to my much is too much?  I know you've heard the story a million times, but please let me indulge myself by recapping it for you AGAIN here. When this season's  "BL" winner Rachel Frederickson came to the "BL" ranch as one of the contestants, she was 5'4" and weighed 260lbs. When she came back to the finale and stepped on the scale, she weighed 105lbs...for a total weight loss of 155lbs(over 60% of her total body weight and wore a size 0/2. Of course literally making her the BIGGEST loser in the show's history. 

Some have criticized her and said she may have an eating disorder, I don't know that, so I can't say. But what I do know, is that like so many women, Rachel was feeling good about her weight loss, getting compliments and experiencing life like she'd never done before and it felt good. And, she more than likely wanted to make sure she NEVER went back to the "old" Rachel and was going to do anything in her power to make sure that didn't happen. I truly understand, but it doesn't make it right. Sometimes in our attempt to not revert back to our old habits, we go to the extreme, go overboard and become obsessed with that "thing". The worse part about going overboard in anything, is that eventually something else in our lives will be neglected and sooner than later...take the HIT! Whether it's our family, our mental health, our job, our health or better yet our God! Why, because our "anything" has now started to consume our every.waking.moment! When something consumes our every waking moment, we no longer have control over it, but it now controls us!

Listen, I'm not saying don't enjoy yourself and live life, but we must make sure we're not neglecting those things that "make" our lives worth living. It's all about setting priorities, self control and discipline. We can debate all day long as to whether or not Rachel went too far with her weight loss(if it was because she was obsessed with losing weight OR if she just wanted to make sure she won the money). Who knows? What I do know is that it has brought to light our need as a society to slow down, take inventory of our lives and make sure we're not doing anything in excess, (where it affects our every day lives). Ask God to show you if and what in your lives you're doing excessively and ask Him to help you. We must be honest with ourselves, if we don't have the power and ability to reign ourselves in, then we must make sure we surround ourselves with people who love us enough to do it for us! I Corinthians 6:12

*What do you think, did Rachel go too far?
*Have you ever been obsessed with or have gone too far with something? If so, what steps did you have to take to jolt yourself back to reality?

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2014 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

Linking up to : "That's Fresh Friday"

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  1. Michell, great post! -You pretty much said it all! :)

  2. I agree this is a great post, I myself in struggling am struggling with trying to lose weight and this is so true.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, it can be a struggle at times. But I love how God loves us so, that He uses anything or anyone to steer us back on course. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. With all the talk (and criticism!) about Rachel's weight loss, I love your correlation here about becoming obsessed with something and placing it in front of God and family. How often do we let the desires of our heart take control over things that matter the most?! If there’s one thing we all have in common, it is that feeling of accomplishment and praise; but the flip side is that we can let it get in the way of our ability to experience joy in the present! Awesome post Michell! :)

    Blessings and hugs to you sister!!

    1. Hey Denise! It can easily happen can't it my friend? Sometimes they're things that aren't bad at all, it's just that we've made them our main focus and THAT makes them bad. Thanks for stopping by...blessings! :-)

  4. Great wisdom and insight as always Michell!!! It is so true that people - all of us- can go too far, thus neglecting and often times forgetting about the other pieces of their life that crumbles because of it. I don't watch the show- so I have no say in that. I just know from experience how some people end up living empty lives due to going overboard on certain aspects of their life that become out of control...

    1. So true Chris! We can get so wrapped up in that thing, we forget to live our lives and end up missing out. Definitely NOT a life I'd want to live! ;-)

  5. Everything in moderation! That's what we're trying to teach our boys and not to be greedy and share etc. Thankfully, so far, neither are like that and if they have a treat they share with each other! We also want them to understand that exercise is important too. Have a great week!

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Oh yes Lulu...teach them now!! You do the same my friend!! ;-)

  6. Hi Michell! I don't watch Biggest Loser, but I did see all the commercials for it. I read somewhere that 'only in America do we watch a weight-loss program while munching on snacks. That made me laugh!!
    I'm totally into the Olympics. Love that!

    Happy Tuesday my friend :)

    1. Hahahaa...IKR Ceil! Funny isn't it...we Americans are something else! I've only had a chance to watch a few of the events...I'm waiting on the Summer Olympics, lol! Have a wonderful rest of your week my friend!

  7. I applaud her for losing the weight and her dedication of keeping it off. I too have said "I'll never get that big" but I do have to take a more proactive approach to a healthier lifestyle. Not overweight, but I need to begin managing where I am.

    1. I agree LaVonndra! I think we all have to be more proactive where our health is concerned. The food industry and society as a general won't, so we must do it ourselves. Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-)

  8. I don't watch the show at all so I wasn't in the loop but I read something about this drastic loss somewhere. Isn't the show over a year? That is still a dramatic weight loss....scary! Blogging can easily make one go overboard. I really don't get ppl blogging everyday about notta!!!

    1. Joi I can't tell you have many times I've said to a blog - you're really going to blog EVERYday?

    2. IKR Joi! It's usually about nothing. ;-) I can understand food bloggers with recipes...I can read about food everyday! :-) sentiments EXACTLY! I mean everyday! Honey I'm doing good if I can crank out the two that I do, every week! Lol!

  9. I saw the recap in FB news so it was quite a transformation. I don't know what the timespan is of BL, but I think for anyone who loses a lot of weight, the do tend to go further. You can't tell your body what to do once you've already reached your goal weight. Once you reach you goal weight you have to learn a new way to eat and exercise to maintain - just as you had to learn what to do in order to lose it.

    1. I think the time span is a year. Like you said, regardless...she still has to find a different way to maintain as I'm sure her body won't respond to the old way of doing it.

  10. I don't watch the show, but it was hard not to see the results all over social media. I always remember my dad saying "too much of anything is good for nothing". Of course I would challenge him saying things like too much of God? too much health..etc. But yes. There always has to be balance. (not being so heavenly minded you're no earthly good). I think Rachel overindulged in her weight loss efforts like we so often do...encouragement and enlightenment is the answer not tear down and destruction...I'm just saying...

  11. I am so glad you touched on this today! Just what I needed to hear! Love you girl!

  12. Wow, you nailed it with that sentence about things we obsess over controlling us... I think it is true with our "stuff" as well! When getting/acquiring/storing belongings absorbs a huge part of waking energy, it starts owning us.

  13. This is definitely a great post. We should strive to keep God first and our families second. We can enjoy all other things in moderation.

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