
Hey you...yeah YOU!!

missed opportunitiesLadies, we have spent most of our lives not being able to venture out of our boxes; you know, the pretty LITTLE gift boxes we put ourselves into - the ones we think will be just enough to allow us to sit prettily on the shelf, not to be used, but to be admired! Afraid of who God has made us and what He has placed within us, because we’ve been told what we can and cannot do or say, but never given instructions on how to walk out our Kingdom assignment - how to be supportive of each other and how to be a “good’ team player. Far too long we have lived our lives well below
what God intended it to be. Many of us have been taught that we are to BE, DO and HAVE JUST ENOUGH…when God has clearly taught us in His Word that “He came that we might have life and that MORE ABUNDANTLY(to the FULL, until it OVERFLOWS)”John 10:10B! I believe that if we’re focused on being SUCCESSFUL at who God called US to be…EVERYTHING we put our hands to do, will be successful as well. We have a LONG laundry list of why we can’t do this or that. Guess what? That list will still be there – more than likely getting longer as each day goes by – while we sit back and wait. If it’s something that God has asked you to do - don’t you know that He’ll show you HOW to do it…step by step. If we DON’T do it, more than likely He’ll find someone else to and we have to wait on yet another opportunity to come our way. Believe me, there’s nothing worse than that "sinking feeling" you get when you see or hear of someone else doing what God told YOU to do! Whatever it is; that book, that witty idea, that business…there’s NO TIME like the present! So go ahead girlfriends, take that leap of faith…you can do it! ;-))

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. So true! I'm finally writing, something I've meant to get around to my whole life. Of course, there are seasons when we are focused on other things. I knew God was asking me to focus on my kids for many years, and still is; but it's fun now they're approaching adulthood, as I finally have time to write.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Lisa. After turning 40 four years ago, I've taken on things I wouldn't have before...and I'm loving it! Best wishes on your writings! :-))


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