
Don't trip!!

handling our emotions

Ladies, why do we let people get under our skin? Better yet, why do we allow the enemy to get the best of us? When this happens, nine times out of ten, we tell the ENTIRE world…unfortunately, more than likely, that exposure comes by way of us broadcasting our lives through social media, i.e. (FB, Twitter, blogs, etc). When we do this our hearts get exposed, opening up the door for condemnation to set in; and that’s exactly where the enemy wants us! Psalm 119:165 says “great peace have those that love Your law (Word), and NOTHING causes them to stumble”, in other words “NOTHING shall cause you to fall down, blunder OR trip, IF you heed to and keep in your heart, God’s Word”.  With that being said, nothing or no one should
EVER be able to make us get off our game! In the classroom, we’re never graded on someone else's work - as in life; we’re not graded on anyone else's life but our own. If you truly desire to move on to the next level, you can no longer play the games of “He said/She said” or “Tit for Tat” and letting your emotions get the best of you. As my husband stated in a message, “You can NEVER lose control of YOUR responsibility to raise “YOU”!  This statement is so profound, because no one else is responsible for us, but us! You can’t change ANYTHING about ANYONE else! So you might as well put all your energy into changing YOU! You may say wow Michell, you’re being a little hard…NO…what I AM being, is someone who’s trying to let you know that we can’t keep fighting the same battles ladies. At some point, we must make a change. Do you really think, honestly, you’re going to get different results, by using the same method? In my opinion, social media has made many of us lose the lost art of discretion –tactfulness, GOOD sense.  I pose the question, especially to my sisters in Christ…are you really seeking help or are you looking for someone to invite to your pity party? Because if you really want help, you’d GET out of your flesh, REALLY get in your Word, TALK to your God, PUT on your BGP(Big Girl Panties), DUST off your knees, WIPE your nose, GET BACK in the race, and NEVER EVER let the enemy get you off track again!! You’re so much better than that!! Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am so not condemning you. I just want to wake you up to the fact that God loves you so much and He desires the VERY BEST for you, but we’ll never truly walk in all that He has for us, until we get some things out of our lives. God’s girls know how to reign themselves in, take the focus off themselves, put it BACK on Jesus, so they can get to the next level. A wise man (my husband);-), once said, “If you let it ALWAYS be about Jesus, you’ll WIN EVERY time”!!! I call you blessed! ;-)

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. This blog blessed me I battle with this very issue allowing things to get user my skin. I recently saw a TD Jakes sermon called Homeless where I learned that most of the time we are fighting spirits /demons that set out to destroy and don't even know it. I felt silly for allowing the devil to win so many times and thanked God for making me more aware of my actions. I thank you for this message that blessed me I was in my car just praying about this very thing this morning.

  2. Thank you Crystal and thank You Holy Spirit! You're right, people are not our problem, it's the enemy who uses people; that is the problem. Once we get past people and focus on and fight the enemy spiritually, then most of what we battle can be resolved. Thanks again for your comment...hope you'll continue! Have a GREAT day!;-))

  3. WOW!! God has been dealing with me on this very issue this past year. Our daddy God knows how hard it is for me to "hush it" when it comes to someone bull dozing one of my children, however he had me zip these lips concerning a certain issue,and not only taught me once again HE is in control but showed my daughter the power of God when you ALLOW him to fight for you!!
    There are some battles, HE wants you sit out, and this one was one of them :)
    Blessings to you~

  4. Yes Stacey, this is so true. No matter how many times I have wanted to take matters into my own hands, I'm so glad I took a step back and allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to me. If not, the outcome would have been..."NOT so pretty" ;-))


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