
The Balancing Act!

balancing our lives
Why does it always seem as if we as women are the only creatures on this earth who have to learn the fine art of…walking that thin line of trying to get it right, but not going overboard? For some of us, the most used word in our vocabulary is “UGGHHH”! The late Mrs. Margaret Hicks said it best when she said, “In this day we are more challenged than ever before to be godly women who are strong, but not overbearing; wise, but not arrogant; courageous, but not insolent; confident, but not defiant”. Some of you may say…” that’s easier said than done”, but it CAN be done; IF you do it God’s way! ;-)) When we try our best to do the right thing, but get told, that in fact it wasn’t
the right thing at all; this can be such a BIG let down! I have learned to use these moments – THANK GOD they’re not as many as before - as learning tools in my life. Instead of letting them break me(which makes matters worse), I find out what wisdom I can get from them – learn and move on - WITHOUT condemning myself(which by the way, is the most important part). You will find, while reading these devotionals, that there’s no secret formula or magic potion, BUT it is going to be our reliance on and trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us in EVERYTHING we do, which will allow us to come close to getting it right. ;-)) Yes, we will find that we can’t and won’t get it right, IF we operate outside of Him. Ladies, we’re living in a day and time where our reliance on our “OWN” wisdom will NO longer cut it, we MUST TOTALLY depend on Jesus! As God’s Girls, we’re learning how to balance our lives like a fine oiled machine, because we totally rely on HIS wisdom and trust in Him, and not ourselves! Trust me…it makes life SO much easier! Proverbs 3:7a; 13-18, James 1:5
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” 
Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

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