
The Backlash of Bitterness!

dealing with unhappiness
Bitterness is an awful pill to swallow, believe me…been there, done that! It can grow from many things; if life keeps giving us blow after blow after blow, or we could just hate our present situation so much that we allow our unhappiness to grow into bitterness, sometimes, it may be as simple as us allowing something or someone to occupy our thoughts. Whatever the reasons… bitterness can manifest itself in many ways. We can retreat to what comes naturally… letting it get in our hearts, allowing it to simmer and then lashing out; all while our poor, unsuspecting victims have NO IDEA it is headed their way! Or, we can take it in, let it seethe
and allow it to make us cynical, thinking the worst about everything and everyone! Bitterness makes you get worked up about the smallest things…or better yet, getting worked up about the smallest things, over time, can make you bitter…hmmm, never thought about it that way, did you! You may say, “but, I don’t lash out”;  this may be true, but, you do give the “silent treatment” or the “cold shoulder”, which in most cases, can be even worse. Don’t let the only thing your loved ones (especially your children and spouse), know about you is that all you do is complain and are always ticked off about something! Stop the cycle NOW, if you don’t, your children will grow into adults who play out the same scenario; not realizing it stemmed from the record mommy played over and over again!  We should all examine our hearts and make sure we’re not letting seeds of bitterness take root, and if we have…uproot them! Turn a new leaf…we should let the only thing people know us for, is a person who loves life! I beg of you my sisters; allow Jesus (The Healer), to heal your heart today! Proverbs 4:23, Hebrews 12:14-15. 
For those who are interested, my husband taught an excellent series, entitled “Treatment for the Root of Bitterness”, which can be found on the bookstore page of our ministry’s website at .

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam



  1. Great post. We should always be reevaluating ourselves, and check for any lingering bitterness!

  2. This is true. DAILY self-evaluation is definitely the key. None of us should ever think, we've arrived. We must constantly put our flesh in check. Thanks for the comment!


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