
Our Daughter's Day

our daughter's wedding
WOW! You can say I’m coming down from what some may call a “wedding high”! So amazed at the goodness of the Lord! He literally stopped the rain so that our daughter could have the outside wedding she dreamed of; even though the weatherman predicted there would be a 50% chance of rain (He’s faithful like that, you know)! ;-)  He taught me so much about His love for us; in how He maneuvered the clouds so that we could have the perfect overcast from the sun for the 7:00pm ceremony on the terrace of the EdVenture Children's Museum, to how He stopped
the wind(after blowing fiercely for two hours) just in time to get all the centerpieces taped(yes, I said TAPED) down!  
I guess, He was determined to show us that HE was in total control and it was going to take our faith to bring this celebration to pass!! 

ddaughter's wedding
Yes, there were a few quirks, but hey; the ceremony was absolutely beautiful and our “baby girl” (as her daddy calls her) was happy…that’s all that mattered. Yes, she has left home before - you know, going off to college, moving out on her own for awhile - but, it didn’t hit me that she had left the nest for the final time and was actually married until I looked on Facebook and her name was changed to Kerington Alston! Almost 23 years as Kerington Pulliam, and with a click of a button, she has someone else's last name…WOW…I guess that makes it official huh? :-) On a positive note… Sunday after church, I was able to have an extra plate of food since there’s one less mouth to feed; watch out Big Al…she’s little, but boy can she eat…LOL!!  

Her dad and I raised her for 23 years and now another man, is taking over to care for her…she’s truly blessed! Allyn, or as we affectionately call him “Big Al”,  is an awesome young man and we thank God he was the one who captured our daughter’s heart...welcome to the family "son".;-)  In this day and age “true” love is something hard to find with young people. I thank God that our Kerbear has something which takes most people their entire lifetime to find…their “soul mate’. For that I am most grateful and humbled; our God loves our baby so much that He gave her the desires of her heart. As parents…that’s all we want. Thanks to my husband for speaking the beautiful weather into existence and for praying with me and assuring me that everything was going to be just you are definitely OUR stabilizer! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL who came out to share with her on her special day; family and friends near and far - from Michigan, Illinois, Georgia and Kansas - who took time to travel down. A BIG "Thank You" to my family members and friends who came together at the last minute as the "Dream Team" to pull this off. After this wedding, I can now say I truly know what it means to work "behind the scenes" LOL! She was an absolutely beautiful bride(thanks JoAnne, Tina and Kimmie), as was the entire wedding party (sorry guys, but you were beautiful too). LOL! As I ponder back over the events of this weekend, I truly believe the Lord gave Keri her special day because it was her harvest for being an honorable daughter to her dad and I AND it was a harvest to us for my husband's faithfulness in promoting the Kingdom, for NEVER wavering and for carrying out the vision God gave him for our family. I’m a believer that God rewards us when we do it right, BUT I thank Him that He loves us so much that He’s not out to punish us if we don’t get it right. I said that to say…you may not have done everything right, but our God is so graceful and He loves us so much, that if we repent and ask Him for forgiveness, He’s just and faithful to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness…wiping the slate clean…thus making YOU qualified for ALL His Kingdom benefits as well! AWESOME isn’t it!
daughter's wedding
Daddy and his little girl

Some of the "Pulliam" men about to enjoy the festivities


Exchanging rings. Gervais Street bridge in background.

daughter's wedding
Kerington and some of her bridesmaids

daughter's wedding
Bridesmaids and flower girls


An end to a wonderful day!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam
Having a blast serving Him !


  1. So happy for you all. It was truly a beautiful wedding. As I told Kerington, they did it right. I thanked her for being such a Godly example of how a young couple is to behave. My boys were so excited to call Kerington Mrs. Alston. Great job to you Mom and Dad for raising a holy woman of God.

  2. So happy for you all. It was truly a beautiful wedding. As I told Kerington, they did it right. I thanked her for being such a Godly example of how a young couple is to behave. My boys were so excited to call Kerington Mrs. Alston. Great job to you Mom and Dad for raising a holy woman of God.

  3. Thanks so much April! I'm just waking up from my 'wedding coma"...hahahahaha! Raising children in the fear and admonish of the Lord is a long, lonely road, but it is oh so WORTH it...wouldn't change it at all!;-)) Thanks again for following my blog! ;-) Proverbs 22:6

  4. nice post thanks for sharing i found you thrue other followers looking for to visit more blessings across the miles

  5. Thanks "my diary" for visiting my blog. Hope you'll visit again....I'll definitely look you up. Call you blessed!;-))

  6. Wow what a lovely post!

    Neat post and love your blog... would you like to follow each other!

    My Lyfe ; My Story


  7. Thanks so much Harija! I'll visit your blog and follow. Thanks again and have a great day! ;-))

  8. Thank you so much for following me & following you back in return!
    My Lyfe ; My Story


  9. Hi Michell! What a great encouragement to women of all ages! Thanks for sharing your blog. I love the pink! ;) I found your blog on, but I wanted to invite you to join — a new social network for faith experiences.

    In FaithVillage, we combine online community with tons of inspirational content for Christ-followers. I'd love for you to check us out and consider registering. From there, you can network your blog in and find a whole new audience to reach.

    Feel free to find me on Twitter @amberdobecka or email me if you have any questions. :) amber [at] faithvillage [dot] com


  10. Thanks so much Amber! I will definitely check out your blog and Thanks again for the invite.

    Having a blast serving Him!

  11. Absolutely love this post. Thank you for sharing this special day. May God continue to bless their union.


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