
God's love...the great equalizer!

God's love
If we can’t group ourselves in this category, I’m pretty sure many of us know someone who does fit the bill; fact is, way too many of us have gone through life and some have even died prematurely, NOT fulfilling even a tiny bit of what God planned for us. We’ve missed out on great opportunities; hiding behind the walls of our past, or even hiding behind others; because we’re concerned about how people remember us or how they view us now. My husband taught in a message once that, “God loves me madly and He could CARE LESS what you
or anyone else thinks of me”. Revelatory, isn’t it?! When you look at the entire gamut of life…whose opinion of us really matters? The Creator of the entire universe of course! When we look at it from that perspective; if He’s given us His stamp of approval, there’s NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING we can’t accomplish! Just as God did it for Jesus, bringing Him from obscurity…He’ll do it for us! Jesus is the Rod from the “stem” of Jesse. A stem comes from something that was broken or divided, but has now taken ROOT…just like our lives! You see, when we made Jesus our Lord and Savior, everything about us that was broken, shattered, torn or incomplete, suddenly (upon our declaration that He was our Savior) became whole...simply put, “nothing missing and nothing broken”. Our lives took root and began to flourish! We can only receive it by believing; then accept it and walk in it! Listen, we all have a “broken” or “divided” past…none of us come from “perfect” backgrounds or “perfect” families, but we do have a “perfect” Savior living on the inside of us. I’m here to say, NO MORE excuses about where you come from and why you’re not qualified…just stop it already!  God’s love for us is shown through Him sacrificing His ONLY begotten Son (Jesus the Christ); so that we can live out the ABUNDANT life He gave us!! “He came that we might have life and that MORE abundantly (fill till it overflows)! Every crooked, ragged, and tattered thing about our lives was taken care of at the cross…DONE, OVER WITH, TAKEN CARE OF FOREVER! The most awesome part about it; we can’t change it if we wanted to! ;-)) Remember girlfriends…God’s love IS the great equalizer…He gives us ALL an even playing field! How do I know; because He said so…and that settles it for me! 1 John 4:9, John 14:12, Colossians 1:21-22, John 10:10 

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. God loves me madly and He could CARE LESS what you or anyone else thinks of me - wow! I am going to put this quote on my bedside table.

    1. IKR! I think I'll do the same!;-) We get so caught up in what others think about us, we forget...the only thing that really matters, is that He loves us madly!:-))


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