
My "tailor made" support group...

friendshipI thank God for the women in my life He’s surrounded me with; women who aren’t competitive, who aren’t insecure, who allow me to be myself and love me for who I am! As far back as my mind can recall; growing up, I remember girls being so competitive and so judgmental. If you didn’t fit into “their” mode, you were considered unworthy. It‘s carried over into adulthood and is imbedded into our children and the cycle continues. One thing I detest is a “clique”…why, because it separates, alienates and divides. When I decided to make Jesus my Lord and Savior, I finally (at least I thought) felt “accepted’. You see, sometimes in the so-called “church world”, you still deal with
that whole “acceptance/approval” thing. As a pastor’s wife, I didn’t wear the  ”Sunday Morning Hats”, played the piano (or sang, for that matter), spearheaded the “Women’s Tea Club”, or did all those “other” things pastor wives are “suppose” do – and if you didn’t “perform”, you somehow felt as if you just didn’t “fit the bill”.  I can look back and laugh now at how much I’ve matured, but grieve at so many young women I see, who go through that phase…and how much I want to scream at them…”don’t do it, don’t fall into the trap”! Making matters worse are the onslaught of female “reality” shows, where the “cattier” you are, the more popular you are. There’s just something about females bickering that’s entertaining to the general public. Yes... I hang my head in shame, for I too have found myself at one time or another sucked into that “abyss” of guilty pleasure”ism”…if there is such a thing. Ha! Unfortunately, many of us have a hard time separating “fact” from “friction”, I mean “fiction”. ;-) Women in the “Body” are just as insecure or sometimes (more insecure) than these women on television. It’s a sad thing to see, because Christ has made us all in His image and He’s made us all EXACTLY the way He wants us. If we were to bring ALL of our talents and gifts together, there is SO MUCH we could do as ONE. It’s the enemy’s job to keep us separated; by keeping us insecure about ourselves, keeping us in strife with one another and keeping us fighting over what we imagine to be, “our piece of the pie”. Oh how I wish we could all “just get along” *record scratches*…wishful thinking, eh? But seriously, it was not until I discovered who “I” was in Christ, did I realize that even if no one else loved me for who I was…Jesus (but, most importantly myself) did!  I say this, because as much love and acceptance Jesus has for me; if I don’t fully embrace it, I’ll NEVER (and I don’t say that lightly), walk out His plan for me! I can say at the ripe “young” age of 44, I’m having so much fun every day discovering more and more about myself, my ONLY regret though…is that it took me this long! ;-)) Can you honestly say to yourself, that you’ve truly found your place “in” Christ? When are you going to settle within yourself that you no longer have to try to ‘fit in” or ‘belong”?
1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Romans 5:8-11

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Hello! Stopping by from Five Minute Friday. Thank you for sharing this word about who we are in Christ and finding our place in Him. I just turned 35 last month and often times still struggle with wanting to "fit in" with a certain crowd. I want to be wanted and needed by people, and sometimes that's ok. God made us for relationship. But it's not ok when that desire overcomes my desire to be who God made me to be.

  2. Hey Denise! I tried to give you a "shout out' for the Five Minute Friday hook-up, but I don't think I linked up correctly, lol! Anyway, thanks for the comment. You're right, God did make us for relationships, but as you mentioned, nothing compares to being who God made us to be. The older we get, the more we realize and accept this! Thanks again and ttyl! BTW: have FUN at the Hillsong concert this weekend! ;-))

  3. Wow. You said a mouthful. It is very true. I am ashamed to tell you that as a rule, I shy away from women at first. I don't know how to protect myself from those gossiping bring-you-down types -either as a victim or by becoming one of them. SO I stay away. I decided a long time ago to have a six week rule - after six weeks of your acquaintance I ask myself how I feel when I am with you and how I feel about myself as a result of my new friend. ANd then I decide if this is a friend I want to keep or if I should just keep that person as an acquaintance. I know it sounds strategic but really, I wasted a lot of time on this nonsense and it gets me nowhere.

  4. I think that's a pretty good rule! Not everyone is good for us! Simply put...good friends are those who add to our lives not take away from it. You should come away feeling refreshed and encouraged not drained and discouraged! Thanks so much!

  5. Hey again! I've been reading several of your posts and again I just want to say I'm very glad I stumbled across your blog. I really needed to read a lot of thing things you have to say. I appreciate you more than you know.

    1. Awww...thank you Cindy for your kind words! Bless you and looking forward to getting to know you! ;-)

  6. Beautifully said. There is definitely an added peace and contentment within myself in my forties than there was before. I'm grateful to have left the catty and competitive behind -- almost completely. Still growing.

    1. I know exactly what you mean Robin. I'll be 45 next month and I must say this is the most confidence I've ever had! Ikr...I just don't get women who are still catty and competitive...shows a lack of self-confidence/esteem. Thanks for dropping by...have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Whelp, this is the only post I hadn't read and as usual...LOVE IT! I'm with you on cliques. I don't do them at all. I walk into sorority meeting and sit randomly same for church & JL. My BFF tries to make me have a clique but it just isn't so...I just dont like them & further more, I usually don't care for all the women in said "clique". I am more about building individual relationships and if all those people can come together for special occasions, so be it. I'm not even gonna get started on hats and piano players...I don't do either!;)

    1. Hahaha Joi! I know what you mean girl..."silly rabbits *cliques* are for kids". They're so messy! As for the "first lady" suits and hats...umm, no, not me! Many times they are used for "status" purposes and further perpetuates the whole "clique" mentality! If a person can't be real with themselves...then how on earth can they be real with you...IJS! :D As always Joi...thanks for making me laugh, have a lovely weekend lady!

  8. So much of what you said in this post really does ring true. I teach high school math and I'm amazed at the insecurities our young girls face above and beyond what was once considered normal teenage behavior. It's just far too ugly these days and unfortunately is starting earlier and earlier. I try to teach them the value of being an individual, but sometimes it takes us growing into our own skin as we get older. :(

    Thanks for sharing and happy SITS day!

  9. Sad, but true...they are getting younger and younger! You're so right...sometimes life has to just teach us lessons that we can't or refuse to learn on our own. One day they'll realize it...hopefully sooner than later! Thanks so much for dropping by...have wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks for visiting from SITS and thanks for being an example to your students! We need more adults like yourself!:-D

  10. I stopped trying to fit in years ago but I'm still not totally settled in myself. I don't think anyone ever is with the many changes in our lives. I can accept that, though. I'm currently enjoying the start of old age. I don't feel old, but the number isn't wrong nor am I ashamed of being 61. Enjoy your SITS Day.

    1. Whoowhooo! Awesome Miss Sheila...kudos to you for aging gracefully!! It's true, we'll always find something...when we settle on the fact that that's okay...we're in our element! Thanks so much for dropping by and visiting from SITS...have a lovely weekend! :D

  11. I so agree with you on the wonderful women that make up our lives. Girlfriends have helped me thoughout much of my life and I am blessed to have them in it. I agree - catty belongs elsewhere, not in my life. Happy SITS Day!

    1. Hi! Yes, great friendships are to be cherished and we are so blessed to have them! Thanks so much for visiting from SITS...have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  12. Wow. I really needed this today. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Hi Heather, you're so welcomed...I'm so glad it encouraged you! Thanks so much for dropping by...may you have a blessed weekend!

  13. Everything you said is so true. And why is it that in order to be strong or popular we have to be portrayed as "catty"?
    I love your blog. I love people who just focus on putting positive vibes out there, especially positive vibes that are geared towards women!

  14. Hi...thank you so much for your kind words!! I know it's so sad isn't it? Young girls see this and think it's acceptable behavior. Thanks again for dropping by...have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Great post! I think for the most part, I accept myself and don't compare myself to others. When I do find that I compare myself to others, though, I know it is Satan trying to make me doubt myself. Jesus Christ does not want me comparing myself to others! Thanks for the post!

    1. Hi Jamie! Thanks so much! So true, it's satan's job to make us feel inferior...BUT he is a LIAR! God told us in His Word that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and That we're made in His image and likeness...not bad huh? That means ALL of God's girls are awesome!! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful evening!

  16. It breaks my heart to think of the many women out there that don't have or accept His love. Wonderful post Michell!! The ONLY one from your SITS day that I never read... WOOHOO!!! SO excited for you my dear!!!! :)

    1. I know Chris!! Seeing as if He's already given it and all they have to do is accept sad indeed! Thank you so much Chris, you are a wonderful friend lady! Have an absolutely awesome evening! XOXOXO :D


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