
Are you your brothers(sisters) keeper?

caring for those in need
The plight of the homeless and underprivileged is more prevalent today than ever before. It's a subject no one wants to touch...the church, the community and the government. They're not going anywhere, so we had better deal with it...God's way! I wrote this post last year for Veteran's Day and decided to reuse it for my friend Joi's "7 Day Mini Blog Challenge Party" topic...."Controversial Post".

“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Unless the Lord had been my help, My soul would soon have settled in silence.” Psalm 94: 16-17.
If we as the Body won’t stand for those who are suffering, those who can’t fight for themselves, those who are impoverished…then who will? Listen, I’m not condemning the Body, for I too am a part of it; but we must all admit that somewhere along the way…we
sort of lost some of our compassion. Oh you’ve heard it before…”let THEM take care of themselves”, “it’s MY money and if I don’t want to give it to the poor, then why should I?” or “they got themselves into this mess, let them get themselves out of it”. 

When Jesus separates the sheep (those who showed compassion) and the goats (those who didn’t show compassion) and told the sheep to “come you blessed of My father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”…why?  Because He said…”when you did it for one of the least of these (the hungry, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned), then you did it for Me”. It doesn’t get any clearer than that folks! We’ll never get around it. If we don’t see about and care for those less fortunate…Jesus WILL put you in the category of a goat!  He said to those who didn’t have compassion (the goats), “depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels”. In other words…those who took care of the poor, went to Heaven and those who didn’t take care of the poor…well you know.


Don’t believe me? Read Matthew 25:31-46. As my husband would say…”RED LETTERS BABY”. While you’re at it…read 1Timothy 6:17-19. In a nutshell…”you’re going to have to be GENEROUS at heart in order to make heaven”. And no… we can’t do one and not the other, He said to do them ALL. Listen, we can get caught up in the affairs of this country and this world…but we mustn’t get it twisted!
caring for those in need
We can look holy on the outside and say all the right things, but if we’re not demonstrating the love of Christ, then we’re falling very short my friend and we’re considered an unprofitable servant! If you can pass by a person who is suffering and not hurt for them, I question whether you have the heart of Christ. Remember believers, God blesses US to be a blessing to others, not to hoard up for ourselves. Oh, I know we’ve been taught differently. We’ve been taught “what’s mine is mine”, but nevertheless, we’re commanded to do it His way!
caring for those in need 
If this post convicts you…GREAT! My purpose and intent have been accomplished. 

If it doesn’t start with us my fellow believers; then who?  We are who Christ intended to use to carry out Luke 4:18-19, but we won’t be able to if we lack compassion. 

What are we teaching our children when we walk past, ignore or degrade those in need? If WE don't teach them the RIGHT way...I'm afraid at what our society will become. WE must stand up for the disenfranchised, WE must stand up for the voiceless, and WE must stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.  He(Jesus) went about doing good and He healed them all…not just those who looked like Him, not just those who were in His socioeconomic class, and not just those who  were of His faith; but He healed them ALL…WHY? Because He loved them ALL!  

This is an updated post I did for my good friend Stacey who blogs over at  "She Stands" and "Shakin' the Foundation". Whenever you get a chance, go check out her blogs!
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Amen!!!! Great word sista!!!
    God bless you~

    1. Hey sis!! You see I changed a few! Love you much and thanks for stopping by! ;-))

  2. Hi Michell, I loved your post. I love it when people say it like it is. I tend to get into trouble because my diplomacy skills are, um, in need of some tlc? Anyway, i like real and this is real. Great post and I am your blog's newest follower. I would love for you to link this post up on my bloghop on Wednesday called Winsome Wednesday. It would be great for others to find you there.
    God bless and look forward to your next posts.

    1. Lol @ the diplomacy! ;-) Thank you so much Tracy for your encouraging words! I would love to link-up to your blog hop. I'll go over and grab your button. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the follow! ;-)

  3. Very nice blog, Michell! I will be recommending it to my daughter and friends!

    TracyAnn from and

    1. Thanks so much Tracy for the recommendation and thanks for stopping by!;-)

  4. Hi Michell, I'm Gertrude from A Chosen Remnant. It's a pleasure to meet and be the newest follower on your blog. Have a beautiful and blessed day !

    Gertrude @

    1. Hi Gertrude!Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks for the follow! You have a blessed and beautiful day as well! ;-))

  5. Love it! You're speaking about my crowd, the homeless. They have become my friends in the last 4 years and they are precious people and I am blessed to call them my friends!
    Thank you for this post!

    1. Thanks so much Kristen! Yes you are an awesome friend to them! Thank you for your ministry and labor of love my friend! May God continue to bless you in order to be a blessing! ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Very convicting. God calls us to love and serve all in need.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful post. Every single word! We mus love our neighbor as ourselves.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes ma'am, we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. If we can do these two things, everything else comes easy. Thanks for dropping by!;-))

  8. Beautifully written! The homeless are just like us, we just happened to be a little luckier. There's no question about giving them a helping hand.

    1. Yes Anne! God loves us all the same and you're correct, it shouldn't even be a question as to whether we should help them or not. Thanks for dropping by! ;-))

  9. Hi Michell,
    Your blog is incredibly inspirational and this is so beautifully written. We absolutely must reach out to others with our hearts, words and charity. What better way to serve God than to try to be more Christ like?
    As someone who is on a journey to strengthen my own faith (currently in RCIA for Catholic conversion), your blog is a true Godsend. A few months ago I started from nothing and now that fire burns bright.
    God Bless and keep on touching hearts!

    1. Amen Nichole...may it continue to burn even more! Thank you so much for your kind words my sister! Have a blessed day and thanks so much for dropping by!

  10. "We can look holy on the outside and say all the right things, but if we’re not demonstrating the love of Christ, then we’re falling very short." You are right. It's my passion to SHOW the world love. It's way too easy to speak the words yet the candle of true love has a brand new wick. It needs to burn within us.

    1. Couldn't agree more Pamela! It sure is easier said than done! Jesus said they will know that we are His disciples, if we have love for one another. Thanks so much for dropping by! Have a blessed day!

  11. I am lovin' this post; so glad you led me over here!

    We just can't turn away these opportunities to love and serve because we are afraid, or because we just don’t want to interrupt our schedule and take the time to help! Treating others with hospitality and love that goes over and above is what God commanded us to do...amen!

    Blessings and love!

    1. Thank you Denise! I'm so glad you stopped by too! ;-) Yes, we must embrace everything God commanded us to do, regardless of how it makes us feel. If we just simply obeyed, the task will be easier than what we expected! Thanks again for dropping by have a blessed day! ;-)

  12. Convicting! My pastor has been preaching on money, giving, etc, and I've been recapping each week if you'd care to check it out on my blog. Something I've realized in terms of giving is that I MUST be willing to give up ALL if Jesus wants me to.

    1. Hi Becca! Ha...that's the REAL test isn't it, are we willing to give it all up if Jesus wants us to! I'll head over to your blog to check it out, thanks so much for stopping by! Have a blessed rest of your day! ;-)

  13. Even one homeless or unemployed veteran is one too many. I was glad to serve and would gladly do it again.
    I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.

    1. Hi! God bless you...and thank you for your service to our country! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog...I'm headed over to yours now! Have a blessed evening! :-)

  14. This is a topic that always gets to me. The church, especially in America, is so prosperity driven that we sometimes forget why we're here: not to enrich ourselves but to help others get a helping hand so that they can, at the very least, enjoy the basics. I pray not to fall short in that regard, Michell!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)