
The essence of friendship...

loss of a loved one My blog post is a little different this week. In memory of my husband’s best friend and our children’s god-father (who passed away last week), I wrote this letter to him as a tribute to his friendship and wanted to share it. I’m sure if any of you have ever lost someone you loved, you can relate. Love you all and have a blessed week!

When I say this, I know I’m speaking for everyone who knew you. For the years I’ve known you, I can say you were consistent Gary…consistent with your sincerity, consistent with your smile, consistent with your love, consistent with your humility, consistent with your worship.  One of the sweetest souls I’ve ever known. Never heard you raise your voice, never knew you to lose your temper.  You were like the brother I never had. Even though you wrote songs for and were friends with some of the biggest names in the music industry, you never were still Gary. That's what we loved about you! 

The last time I saw you was when you came down for Kerington’s wedding in July. You stood in proxy for Todd at the altar- with that BIG kool-aid smile we so loved - as he walked our daughter and your god-daughter down the aisle. Then later on that night during the reception you danced with your daughter, such a precious moment…may she always have that memory of you with her. :-) BTW…I think we have that one on video tape; I’ll make sure to give it to your family. That Sunday morning we saw you do what you lived for…singing praises to your Lord and encouraging those around you; oh, you were so in your element; as captured in the picture above! You always gave of yourself…a selfless servant of the Lord you were. Your "WEZ" church family loved you them you were like family, because you were in fact, their pastor's brother, right. :-)  When they heard the news, they ached like we did. In honor of your life, Joey is determined to give it his all in the music industry. Your one on one “talks” with him (outside on the front the porch)whenever you came down were invaluable.  I thought it was sweet how you both loved Stevie Wonder.:-)  

Even though we only got to see you guys once a year (because we live so far apart)…the times we did see you all were cherished. It never failed, you always brought your clippers down…you dare not take those boys to the barber.  I always said if you weren’t a worshipper/songwriter or marine biologist…you could have made it as a barber. :-) Janine, I know you can cook girl, but our family looked forward to waking up in the morning to Gary’s “Famous French Toast”! When it was time for your departure, our families stood in the kitchen holding hands, as we so often did when it was time to say our good-byes, praying for each other; but this time, you prayed the entire time…looking back now, I’m so glad you did.  Waiting on the next time we would see you guys, knowing that the kids would be a little bigger and we would all have a few more gray hairs. ;-)  Sitting around the kitchen table like old friends who had so much to catch up on…staying up for hours past midnight, just talking and laughing and doing what friends do. I’m surprised we were all able to get up the next morning; but that’s what good fellowship with good friends will do! Or when Todd and I would notice you were nowhere to be found, then we would look at each other and say in unison while laughing..."he's outside", knowing that was your favorite place to, outside...ONE with nature; walking near some water or finding some unknown plant! Lol! Your yearly visits to see us here in South Carolina will never be the same,’ it’s still so surreal.  Your sweet, calming voice… your knack for always turning EVERYTHING into a song…lol! Man, we’re going to miss you!  Looks like we (you, Janine, Todd and myself) won’t get to take that trip to Paris together. Now more than ever, I’m determined to go! 

I know I speak for my family when I say this, but because of your life, we’re about to  LIVE ours to the fullest! I know that’s what you’d want. As I write this, while looking over at my husband…I  know he’s hurting deeply, because he lost his best friend tonight.*tears*  I know and he knows, he’ll NEVER have another Gary Crawford in his life…he’ll never have another like you!  Thank you Gary for being a friend to my husband like no other! I remember you riding with him for eight months, to and from Pigeon, MI those many years ago, helping him preach the gospel…you my brother, were a faithful friend!  I’m sure he told you this when he drove up to see you after Janine broke the news to us that you were sick... but I wanted to tell you THANK YOU! Thank you for never betraying him, for sticking closer than a brother, for being his confidant, for being his best friend. When you two got together, you were like two kids in a toy store!  I cry for him, because even though you both loved each other like brothers, I don’t think either one of you knew how important you were to the other until this moment. I cry for my friend Janine and our god children Josh, Benji and Recey. Words can’t describe how my heart aches for them…they lost an irreplaceable husband and father!  I know you loved those babies Gary with all your heart...but don’t worry, they’ll be well taken care of my friend.  I cry for your parents and your brothers and sisters. If you were an awesome friend to us, I can only imagine what kind of son and brother you were to them. BTW…thank you Mr. and Mrs. Crawford for raising such an amazing son! 

 I don’t think you’ll ever know how many lives you touched my friend. We were all blessed to have known you! I just hope and pray that all those you touched, told you so. I’ll most remember more than anything, your love for the Lord Gary and how you taught us all how to enter that secret place in worship. May that be your legacy!! This note is only a fraction of what you meant to my family and me. The only solace I have in all this craziness is that you are at last with your sweet Savior and the song comes to mind…. ” I Can Only Imagine”…..

I can only imagine when that day comes
And I find myself standing in the Son
I can only imagine when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for You Jesus,
Or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence,
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing Halellujah,
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

If you were mad crazy for Him here on earth…I can only imagine my brother what you did last night, when you got to see Him face to face!! :-)

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. SO beautiful... crying. I can only imagine Him meeting His beloved Lord. I believe this amazing man danced and sang for Our Heavenly Father... and God exclaimed as He greeted His beloved son, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

    1. Thanks so much Chris! Whenever I start to think about him, I go back and read this is therapeutic for me. Oh, yes he is. He was unashamed concerning his worship and love for the Lord. I know he is enjoying Jesus and no longer suffering. That...makes it so much better to deal with! Thanks for stopping by lady, have a blessed week;-))

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. It's always heartbreaking to see someone go and the pain can be such a burden. But know that time heals and in most cases, our dear friend is in a happier place.

    1. Thank you Anne, yes it does! That makes it so much better...the fact that he is ENJOYING Jesus! ;-)) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hopping over from SITS. So sorry for your loss. I'm glad he is in Heaven and no longer suffering. Sounds like he touched so many lives.

  4. Thanks so much Julie! Yes he is and yes he did! Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  5. What a beautiful tribute! I am so sorry for your loss. He is in a better place. Thank you for linking up at Leaving A Legacy.


  6. Thank you Shari! Thanks for stopping by...looking forward to linking up next week.;-)

  7. Such a wonderful tribute to your friend. It's just so beautiful and moving. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  8. Thank you so much for your kind words (they mean a lot)! Thanks for dropping by! ;-)

  9. Beautiful tribute Michell - and beautiful to see what he meant to your family passed forward. We lost our college minister who mentored my oldest son a few years ago, too soon - and when people love your kids - well, you love them like your won. I miss his praise and worship the most - the Holy Spirit always showed up when he led! His example encourages me to reach out to others who aren't mine, but God wants me to make mine!!!


    1. Thanks so much! So true...people like Gary and your college minister were true examples of disciples of Christ! Ha, as with Gary...He took us to another level, we definitely miss that too my friend! Thanks so much for reading...have a wonderful afternoon! ;-)

  10. So beautifully written, so beautifully loved. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. Aww...thank you so very much!! And thanks for reading!! :-)


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