

When I started writing my blog, I had ONE objective in mind…that was to encourage women to do themselves WELL.  As we close out the year 2012 and we approach 2013, I sit here excited, yet saddened. Excited because I have witnessed women free themselves by going on journeys in their lives they would have never dreamed of doing before; saddened, because there are so many women who have yet to do so. Unfortunately, they’re living a dream, however, that dream is not theirs…it’s their friend’s, their sister’s, or some other woman they may know, but sadly, the dream is not their own, better yet...the dream is not God's dream for their lives. It’s easy to get excited about some great idea that comes on the scene, or the new passing fancy; all those things may be good, BUT the question becomes are those things good for you? God has a purpose and plan for each and every one of us. Each purpose and plan is awesome in and of itself, however, if I’m trying to walk in your purpose and you’re trying to walk in mine, then neither one
of us will get anywhere, because we won't be able to accomplish what He wanted us to do. This is why it’s so important ladies that we do OURSELVES well, not someone else. 

Know this… when you try to do someone else and not yourself, you’ll always get frustrated, why…because you’ll never be satisfied.

I see women all the time who claim to be free, but everything about their lives screams otherwise. They are so determined to show the world how “independent” and “free” they are, when in all actuality all they are doing is trying to keep up with and impress those around them; which by the way is a miserable task, that leaves us burned-out and feeling empty, because we’ve spent all of our energy trying to be true to everyone else, but have failed to be true to the most important person in the equation…OURSELVES. Make yourself a real resolution this year, not the usual list you’ve made in the past…you know the “list” we fail at give up on before the month of January even ends. This year determine that you won’t do anyone else well, but yourself…not a shell of yourself, but the real you! Not the one who pretends to be confident and strong, but the one who actually is. As women, it’s so easy to get caught up in wanting to look like, sound like and act like other women we see, but this only leads us to a life of misery and being miserable is no way to start this new year off. Look at it this way…if the body already has two hands and you’re supposed to be a foot, but you’re trying to be a hand…you get the picture, right? Even if it’s small steps at a time, do SOMETHING towards doing you! Let's be real  ladies, the only way you’ll ever be happy with yourself and your life, is when you start doing you well, because no matter how much you try, you’ll never by any means EVER be successful at doing anyone else! God's girls know how to do themselves WELL!  Ephesians 4:16

So to kick off this new year, I’m excited to announce our “Doing YOU WELL Wednesday” Linky Party, beginning Wednesday,  January 16th.   You can participate even if you don’t have a blog and for those of you who have blogs, you can link up your blogs and comment. You share with us what you’re doing that week towards making yourself a better YOU!  It can be anything …from making a career change, to being more assertive, improving your walk with Christ, starting something new, changing your eating habits, ANYTHING; no matter how big or small, as long as it’s leading you towards…DOING YOU WELL! Who knows, you may be doing something that will inspire one of the other readers…and besides, we can all use some encouragement to stay on the path!  Wishing each and every one of you a blessed New Year!!

My button for the link-up is located below (if you want to post it to your blog...grab the code from the side bar). If you’re going to participate, go ahead and grab it and start telling your friends. Hope to see you Wednesday, January 16th!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !




  1. Awesome post! one of my favorite sayings is, "I can't beat you at being you, and you can't beat me at being me." Therefore, we must practice being the one and only one that God intended us to be. Have a blessed 2013! I will be linking up with you!

    1. true! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up! Have a blessed New Year!

  2. Thank you for checking out my blog! Your blog is very inspiring, new follower:)

    1. Thanks so much Brittney for the encouragement and thanks for the follow! Have a blessed New Year! :)

  3. you are spot on with this post!!! for me, once I realized that God was a whole lot smarter than me, and His plan for me was better than any I could think life got a whole lot happier and easier.....
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    and happy New year!!!

    1. Hahaha...IKR! Once I also realized that, life got so much better! I guess we ALL must have our EUREKA moment before we actually "get it", lol! Thanks so much for the follow...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  4. You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest follower from the "GFC Collective" blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:

    1. Thanks so much Angie and thanks for following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  5. Your Blog is amazing,
    I am a new follower from the GFC blog hop.


    1. Awww...thanks so much Jay! Headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed New Year! :)

  6. LOVE this Michell!!!! SO important and so true. Our lives can only be fulfilling if we are authentic and have purpose for all God intends for each one of us. Many lost women out there...trying to find joy in someone else's plan.

    1. Yes Chris, it is sad isn't it. My heart breaks, because everyone sees the greatness in them, but themselves. My prayer is that as women we live out the dream God intended for US! Thanks for dropping by my friend, may you and your family have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  7. Happy New Year Michell!!
    I am loving that you are going to have a "Do You Well" linkup! I will definitely be participating in this one :)
    My goal for this year is to improve my health - mind, body and soul. This will definitely help keep me on point as I try to improve my overall physical being, as well as my relationship with God.
    Your blog is truly an inspiration and I am so blessed to have found you. I always look forward to your very honest and truthful posts.
    God Bless and I look forward to linking up with you!!!

  8. Awww...thanks so much Nichole! You're always an encouragement to me! Yay! So glad you're participating...I'm so looking forward to it! I'm definitely excited about 2013...more of us encouraging one another to GOOD works! May you and yours have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  9. hi. i'm following the "GFC" blog hop. i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it.

    new follower bev

    1. Hi Bev! Thanks so much for visiting...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Kelly and thanks for dropping in! Have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  11. WOW I just found you on the GFC blog hop and I'm so glad I did. I love the whole message and empowering feel of your blog. Go you! New follower and SO excited to be ;)

    1. Awww...thanks so much Cassandra for your encouragement! Thanks for following...headed over to your blog now! :-) May you have a blessed New Year! Looking forward to getting to know you in the blogging world.;-)

  12. Beautiful post. What God has for each of us is uniquely designed for us, so its impossible to fully realize his plan for us when we're trying to be someone else. Love your Blog. God Bless. Following...

  13. Thanks so much Hope! Yes, He does doesn't He! Thanks for visiting my blog and following...headed to your blog now! Have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  14. Hi Michelle! I'm visiting via Let Them Eat Cake and wanted to let you know about a blog hop I just started up today with two blogging friends of mine. I'd love for you to stop by and consider linking up your lovely blog if you have the time!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

  15. Hi Helen! I sure will drop by and check it out, however, I'm having trouble with my GFC(still trying to repair it). Thanks so much for stopping by and inviting me...headed over to your blog now. Have a blessed New Year!

  16. Just popped over from the blog train blog hop.

    1. Hi Lydia, thanks for dropping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed New Year! ;-)

  17. This is such an important topic and I'm so glad you've taken the time to write about it! We each need to be ourselves, because in the words of Dr. Seuss, "Everybody else is already taken..." (:

    Thanks for reminding me of it!

    1. Thanks so much Larissa. Thanks for stopping by and commenting...and yes, "everyone else is taken".... Have a blessed week! :-)

    2. Thank you! And thank you for linking up too! :)

  18. Keep Calm and Be You. Great quote! Thank you! -Marci

    Thank you for linking up to The Great Blog Train!

    1. Thank you Marcie for dropping by. I've been having problems with my GFC...the follow button won't click(still trying though). Thanks again and have a blessed evening! ;-)

  19. New follower, hope you follow back.
    I'll be linking up!

    1. Hi Crystal! Thanks so much for dropping by and following! Yay!! So glad you're linking up! Thanks again and have a blessed evening! ;-)

  20. What wonderful words Michell...I truly enjoyed reading your post. I blog at (Life & Stuff)and recently wrote a blog dealing with being authentic...which I posted at Black Bloggers Connect. Many people don't or can't deal with the problems in their own lives so they feel it's easier being fake in hoping that no one notices, but what they fail to understand is that whatever you resist..persists, so it's better to be yourself and handle your issues head on, otherwise they will continue to show up. Again, thank you for your inspiring words.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by! I'll head over to your blog now to check out that blog post(it sounds great)! Thanks again and have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  21. Hello my dear! I found you through the Follow Friend Friday Link Party and I am also co-hosting our Aloha Friday Blog Hop where I would like to invite you. I just followed you back and I am looking forward to see you participating and to read more of your posts :-) Happy New Year and have a great weekend! xoxo Pakize

    1. Hi Pakize! Thanks so much for dropping by! Your blog is lovely, btw! I look forward to linking up to your blog this week...have a great evening!;-)

  22. Hi, Great post. I found you through the blog hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. Have a great week.

    1. Hi Lenetta! Thanks so much for dropping by and following! Headed over to your blog now...have a great evening! ;-)

  23. Such a great post!

    I found your blog through the blog hop and I'm your newest follower! Check out my blog and follow back!

    Hope your new year is off to an ahh-mazing start!


    1. Hi Phylicia! Thanks so much for your kind words! Thanks for following...headed over to you blog now! Have a great evening! ;-)

  24. Your blog truly inspires me!

    Ashley from

    1. Awww...thanks Ashley! You're always an encouragement to me! Hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Have a great evening my friend! ;-)

  25. So happy I just found your blog through the blog hop! What an AMAZING heart for the Lord. So beautiful!

    Now following you via GFC, excited to



    1. Hi Erin! Thanks so much for your lovely comment and thanks for stopping by! Very cute blog...following you now! have a great evening!;-)

  26. Hi Martina! Thanks so much for the nomination my friend! I'll go over and check it out! Thanks again and have a great evening! ;-)

  27. Happy New Year Michell! Your post is so in sync with my One Word (a new year's resolution of sorts). I'm looking forward to join your blog hop.

    1. Hey Anne! Awesome, so looking forward to you linking up! Hope you and yours had a Happy New Years as well! Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed week my friend! :-)

  28. Great post, thanks for sharing your insight! Anyway, I found you on the blog hop and am your newest follower. Check out our blog and feel free to follow back if you'd like :)
    The Real McCoy(s)

    1. Hi Melissa! Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by and following! Love the title of your blog, btw! Have a blessed weekend!

  29. Welcome...

    1. Thanks Thomas for dropping by. Have a blessed weekend!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)