
Michell's Marriage Musings...

marriage adviceHey ladies! Today my husband and I celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary…YAY to US! To celebrate this occasion, I’ve compiled a list of 24 practical points of wisdom that if you’re married or thinking about one day becoming…you may want to read. In my 24 years of marriage, these are principles I learned along the way either personally, from observing other marriages or from the Holy Spirit. Most are serious, some are humorous...but more than anything, they have helped build our marriage. Enjoy!

  1. Win the battle over your insecurities NOW, the longer you wait the harder it will be.
  2. To all the moms and future moms…kids ARE a blessing from God, but NEVER neglect your marriage by putting ALL your time and energy into your kids. Share the love, show him you care and let him know he's important.
  3. Be in agreement with your spouse concerning finances, disciplining your kids, etc.
  4. Don’t take yourself too serious…by all means HAVE FUN! Don’t allow yourself to be so easily offended.
  5. Don’t wear your grumpy hat, keep it on a hook in the closet. No one wants to be around a sour puss all the time. In every relationship you're a part always want to be an asset.
  6. Stay in the Word and seek His wisdom concerning your marriage!
  7. Take time to work on YOU and don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process. When I say work on you, I mean your attitude, your heart, etc. Take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually...know your worth! If you don’t take care of the aforementioned things above, everyone connected to you will suffer in some way.
  8. Don’t teach your children to dishonor their father.
  9. With every fiber of your being, don’t become familiar with your husband by taking him for granted.
  11. Guess what? It’s okay NOT to have the last word(you always want the last impression someone has of you to be a pleasant one)…and YES your husband qualifies as a *someone*, lol.
  12. When it’s game time(on television that is)…LEAVE HIM ALONE…I mean really?(See #s 1 and 7 )
  13. Always check the atmosphere/temperature. You should always know the right time to ask for anything. He’ll be more obliged to give it to you! ;-)
  14. Your husband is NOT a child so STOP nagging him…that even gets on MY nerves. Oh and NEVER scold him, remember, he's not a child.
  15. If you’re wrong, fix it and never stay angry too long.
  16. By all means, please keep your friends out of your relationship; that’s what teenagers do.
  17. Count up the cost…marriage is not for the faint-at-heart. (smile)
  18. Let’s be honest…marriage isn’t always going to be lovey-dovey. I mean really…there are going to be times when you don’t even want to be in the same room, but you’ll get over it...I promise! (See # 15)
  19. Make your home a haven. He’s worked all day dealing with all sorts of people, the last thing he needs is to come home to chaos.
  20. Whatever you do, hold up your end of the deal in your marriage. Do your part to the best of your ability. You can’t control what anyone else does, no matter how hard you try…it’s a fact you know.
  21. Did I mention…Stay in the Word AND seek His wisdom?
  22. The headache excuse can only be used so many times ladies. Oh, and might I add…you’re not a nun…so loosen up! Do I have to spell it out? In.the.bedroom!
  23. For all wives whose husbands are in ministry, sow them into the Kingdom. Get it through your head now…you’ll never and should never want to, come before God
  24. Date nights are great, but who are we kidding…usually by the time you get the kids settled and get ready…both of you are already tired. If it happens, GREAT…if doesn't, don’t get your feelings hurt. There will be other times...I promise. (see #s 1, 4 and 7)
  25. I know I said 24, but technically #21 doesn’t count. NEVER take advice from someone who hasn’t been successful in their marriage, UNLESS they’re sharing with you what NOT to do.
  26. Okay, okay…one more extra added bonus. *If it’s not working, don’t just sit there and die! Seek counsel (preferably spiritual), but if you’re unable to get that, at least get some kind of counsel.*

I hope my list was in some way beneficial to you. I have much more, so I guess I’ll have to be married another 24 years to add the rest huh? Anyway, marriage takes hard work and as with anything, whatever you put in it is what you'll get out of it. I guarantee you though, if you work hard on it, it will be rewarding! Proverbs 12:4;18:22, 1 Corinthians 7:3-5(AMP) 

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !




  1. Happy anniversary!!! Our 28th is coming up soon! Following you via GFC from the Mom's Mingle blog hop. Would love it if you could visit and follow back. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week!

  2. Hi Michell!! Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and following...I'm now your newest GFC follower :))


    1. Thanks Paula for stopping by and following! Have an awesome week!

  3. Happy Anniversary! & awesome list :) #19 has been the one i've really been working to improve lately lol

    1. Thank you Kate! Yes, #19 can be hard, especially when you have young kids, or kids for that matter, lol! Thanks for following...headed over to your blog now! Have an awesome week! ;-)

  4. I lOVE LOVE LOVE This list. #21 especially. No relationship will stand with out Christ as the foundation. I would love for you to check out my second blog.
    So greatful to have found you on the GFC blog hop.

    xx Andee @ Shabby Kitteh blog

    1. Thanks Andrea!! So true, no marriage will last too long without Christ. Thanks for stopping by and following...headed over to your second blog now! Have a blessed week!

  5. Congrats on 24 years, that's wonderful!! I've only been married 8 years coming up next week, and I totally agree with this list!
    Thanks for following my blog, I'm now following you, have a great week!!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle...Happy Anniversary to you as well! Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed week! ;-)

  6. What a fantastic list Michell!!! WOW! 24 YEARS!! I have been awe-struck by some very close friends who have allowed their marriages to fail, and some who have fought to save theirs. It is so critical to care for and nurture the most treasured gift of all... Marriage. Thank you for this reminder!!!

    1. Hey Chris! Thanks so much lady! One thing I've learned about marriage is that you can't be selfish, you really must give of yourself. Thanks so much my friend and may you and yours have a blessed week! ;-)

  7. {Melinda} Congratulations! My husband and I just celebrated 21 years in December. Your list is so right on. Loved them all, but #2, #6 and #11 are my favorites. Wish I would have been better about #2, but it' never too late to change. I've made changes in that area over the last couple years -- and it has benefitted my marriage AND my children!

  8. Thanks Melinda and Happy Anniversary to you also! ;-) Oh yes, it's so easy to fall into the trap of #2. There's definitely a fine line, because kids just have to be taken care of, right? Lol. Good for you and yes, everyone benefits! Thanks for dropping by and have a blessed week! ;-)

  9. Happy anniversary, Michell!!! Some great things here. I think that understanding that marriage takes work and then doing the work to make it the best that it can be is one of the lessons that seems to get missed by so many newlyweds. Oh, that hard work is so worth it!

    1. Hi Becky! So glad you stopped by...thanks so much! Oh yes, the hard work is soooo worth it! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  10. Following from the blog hop. Congratulations on 24, in the next couple of weeks we celebrate 20. Your post speaks volumes. My heart dropped the other day when one of my daughter's friends said "At my first wedding...." I had to correct her (my mouth is hard to control at times)"You mean your only wedding"

    1. Hi Chrishelle! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Thank you and Happy Anniversary to you also! IKR...some young women think marriage is a game. They think they can divorce on a whim without an afterthought. I'm glad you told her, obviously no one else in her life had! Thanks again and have a blessed week!

  11. Happy Anniversary! I love the one about not taking advice from people who are unsuccessful in their relationships.

    1. Thanks so much! It's amazing how so many people do that, lol! Thanks again for dropping by, have a blessed week! ;-)

  12. Thanks for sharing. Happy Anniversary!

  13. Thank you and thanks for dropping by! Have a blessed evening!;-)

  14. Outstanding tips!! I will be celebrating 33 years of marriage in a few months and you are so right. The benefit from following this advice is just priceless. Now the kids are grown and gone, it's a good thing we placed an importance on our marriage and relationship.
    Thank you for the visit and the follow:) I am not following you.

    I would also love to invite you to Let's Get Social Sunday where you can link up your blog and all your social sites at one place to meet new friends and gain new followers!
    Here's the link to last weeks so you can grab a button.

    Hope to see you this week

    1. LOL I am NOW following you!! So sorry, need to proof read more often!!!

    2. Maybe that should be #27 Learn to laugh at yourself:)

    3. Hahaha, too funny...I knew what you meant, lol! ;-) Happy anniversary to you also and thanks so much for your kind words! Yes, the same here...our youngest is 17, and I'm so glad my husband and I worked on US! I would love to link up to your blog. Thanks again for stopping by and following back. Have a blessed week! ;-)

  15. Thanks for the follow! Excited to start following your blog!

    This list is fabulous!


    1. Thanks so much Rebecca and thanks for stopping by!;-) Have a blessed week!

  16. Hi Chrissy! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now. Thanks again and have a great day! ;-)

  17. I love your blog! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop.

  18. Hi! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening!

  19. Michell, thank you for following Carole's Chatter Blog Tips. You might also be interested in my main blog Carole's Chatter. I have followed you right back. Have a super week.

    1. Thanks so much Carole...I'll head over now! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  20. Congrats on making it 24 years and thanks for sharing your pearls of wisdom xx

    1. Awww...thank you so much Sylvia! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  21. Happy Anniversary to you Michell! I hope that you had a wonderful time celebrating!
    And thank you for this list! There are a lot of great reminders!!
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Hey Nichole! Thanks so much...I sure did!! -) May you have a blessed week as well my friend! ;-)

  22. Happy Anniversary! Your #1 got me right off the bat -- I'm reading Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity and she made this exact same point in the chapter I read today!

    1. Wow! The Holy Spirit is awesome, isn't He! Thanks so much and have a blessed week! ;-)

  23. Congrats on 24 years! A testimony of God's faithfulness. And this list, they are so true and so many of them I've learned the hard way:)

    1. Thanks so much Christina! Yes, haven't we all, lol! Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed week!

      Michell @Prowess and Pearls

  24. Michelle, wishing you a belated Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for this great list--chock-full of truth and humor! Love it!
    Thanks for coming by Mary @ Woman to Woman today and following. I'm now following you and look forward to getting to know you!
    Blessings ~ Mary

  25. Thanks so much Mary!Looking forward to getting to know you as well! Thanks for stopping by, have a blessed evening! ;-)

  26. Your list is amazing Michell! Especially #12 is valid in my case, I have to leave him alone, he won´t even hear me haha. Also happy belated anniversary, I hope we can look back some day and say that we are married for this long also.

    xoxo Pakize

    1. Thanks so much Pakize! Haha, too funny...they will definitely tune you out!;-) Yes, I'm sure you will...have a blessed day! :-)

  27. Congratulations on 24 years! I have been married for 1 year and 7 months... so far so great! #5 is my favorite tip! I'm looking forward to following your blog. :)

    Stop by if you have some time!

    1. Hi Tiffany! My daughter will be married for a year in June...congrats! Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week!

  28. Michell I am obsessed with this post. I have been telling all my friends about it, and your blog. So I also nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Well deserved.
    Please check out my post where I mentioned you.

    1. Awww...thank you so much Andee, you're a doll! Have a blessed week my friend! ;-)

  29. Congratulations! Great words of wisdom. I totally believe that you should not forget about your husband once you have kids. It's hard, but my husband and I try to have a date night once a month. We should do it more often, but at least we are trying.

    1. Thanks Linda and thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now! should give yourselves an "A" for trying, lol! Thanks again and have a blessed weekend!:-)

  30. Congrats on your 24th Anniversary; what an accomplishment! You're obviously doing something right! :)

    I love your writing; what an inspiration. I'm your newest follower from the Saturday Morning Blog Hop, and I'd love for you to follow back. I'm looking forward to more updates!

    Diary of a Debutante

    1. Awww, thanks so much Stephanie...I try! ;-) No, but seriously...without the help of the Holy Spirit, it wouldn't have been possible. Thanks for your encouraging words...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed weekend!

  31. Wow, 24 years, Happy Anniversary! Your points are so true! We are coming up to 8 years and still very, very happy. I am your newest follower from aloha blog hop, I'd love for you to follow back - I am very new to blogging and only just sharing my blog publicly - eek! Looking forward to reading more from your blog!


    1. Hi Sarah...thanks so much!! So glad you're still very, very happy...that's a GOOD sign, lol! Welcome to the world of're going to love it! I started in June and am LOVING it! Headed over to your blog now...can't wait to see it! Have a blessed weekend!

  32. Wow! Congrats on 24 years. That is awesome and unfortunately rare nowadays. Thanks for sharing. And thank you for following, I'm now following you too.

    Have a great weekend and I am looking forward to reading more.


    1. Thanks so much Natosha and thanks for stopping by! May you have a GREAT weekend as well!:-)

  33. thanks for stopping by my blog- glad to meet you!

    1. Thanks for dropping by Emmy...glad to meet you also! Have a great weekend!

  34. Hello and Happy Anniversary!

    I am your newest follower from the Follow Friend Friday Link Up Party! Can't wait to check out the rest of your blog! Feel free to stop on over and enter the giveaway on my blog: {GIVEAWAY} Custom Jewelry Organizer!

    See you around!
    Finding My Happy

    1. Hi Allison...thanks so much for dropping by and following!! Headed over to your blog now to check it out AND of course to enter your give away, lol! Thanks again and have great weekend!!

  35. Wow!!! What a good word!!! I am your newest follower and I love your blog. it is such a joy to see a mighty woman of God at work!!! Have a Simply Heavenly weekend! God bless you!!! :):)

    1. Awww...thanks so much Kelekia and thanks for your encouraging words! May you have a Simply Heavenly weekend as well...ha, LOVE THAT! :-) God bless!!

    2. What a great post! Happily married and loving it

    3. Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by! Good for you! ;-) Have a blessed weekend!

  36. Some great advice! Happy anniversary! Cheers from your newest follower!

  37. Thank you! Thanks for dropping by...have a great weekend! ;-)

  38. happy anniversary to you and your husband!! so many wonderful tips you shared! your blog is full of inspiration. looking forward to following!

    1. Hi Maria! Thank you so much for your kind words! Headed over to your blog now...have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  39. Congratulations!! I love your 24 points. They are full of godly wisdom. My husband and I have been married almost 18 years....praise Jesus, I love my husband more now than the day I married him.

    So glad I found your blog. I am now following it. :)

    1. Hi Marci! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by and following! Yes, praise Jesus...congrats to you and your husband! Headed over to your blog now...have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  40. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this list. Thank you for telling it like it is! I don't think there's one point that I disagree with, but I especially love the "don't be easily offended," "don't nag," and for Pete's sake, let the man watch the game!

    Stopping by from SITS, and just signed on as your newest GFC follower. Can't wait to read more!

    Michelle @ this little light {}

    1. Hi Michelle(love the name)! :-) Thank you so much!! Yes, the "don't be easily offended" is sometimes easier said than done, lol! IKR...let him watch the game! :-) Thanks again for stopping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed weekend!

  41. Congrats! My husband and I have been married 31 years. I agreed with everything you said! Great advice.

    Visiting from SITS.

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for dropping by and visiting! 31 years...that's wonderful, congrats! ;-) Have a blessed weekend!

  42. 24 years!?? Congratulations! That's an amazing accomplishment that many don't achieve. The husband and I are newlyweds so your advice is much appreciated. Visiting from SITS. Enjoy your Saturday! :)

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for your well wishes and thanks for dropping by! I definitely's going to be 78 degrees today and tomorrow...YAY! :-D May you enjoy your weekend as well!

  43. Happy Anniversary Michell! These are GREAT! I'm only 5 years in and still learning!! I love the one where you said to "keep yourself up" and and always check the temperature! so crucial!! Happy Saturday!

    1. Hi Nellie...thanks so much! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday! People don't realize how important keeping yourself up is. As for checking the temperature...honey goes a long way, lol! Have a great weekend my friend!

  44. Happy anniversary. What a fun post to commemorate it!

    We'll be hitting our 24th in a couple of months. And, yes, we've sure learned a lot along the way.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  45. Hi Robin...yay for 24! Thank you and congrats to you also! Thanks for dropping by and may you have a lovely weekend as well! :-)

  46. Congratulations, Michelle! 24 years is amazing, truly amazing. A thing to celebrate, for sure. Your list is full of "pearls". My husband and I have to make a conscious effort to make #2 a reality.

  47. Thanks so much Rachel! Oh yes, #2 is a hard one, especially when they're young! ;-) Thanks again and have a blessed weekend! :-)

  48. New follower here. So MANY wonderful tidbits here. Did I say tidbits? Rather big stuff. Follow the word... oh yes! The directions are in His work! Date night is a BIGGIE especially as the years roll on! Such wonderful wisdom here and thank you so much for sharing!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

    1. Thanks so much Nancy! Yes...the directions are in His word! Thanks for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  49. Happy Anniversary! What a list full of wisdom. Thank you!!!

  50. Hi Susie! Thanks so much for your kind words and thanks for dropping by! Have a blessed weekend! :-)

  51. HI Michell! What an awesome post! Happy belated anniversary on 24 years and Congratulations on the addition of your new Son-in-law to the family. You have a beautiful family. I just started my blog and have been so consumed in health and fitness blogs, but I'm discovering as I make my way around the blogosphere that there are so many voices that speak to my soul. This post was a blessing to me. I am not married yet but have been engaged for a while. Some things on this list are a hold up for moving forward. I will be following you. I know that you will have a good word for a young sister trying to move forward and marry a minister. So glad I found you today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Joi! Your words of encouragement mean a lot! Wow...marrying a minister, how cool is that! Whatever way I can be a blessing to you, please let me know. Glad we connected...have a blessed rest of your weekend! ;-)

  52. LOVING your new look on your page! Beautiful! and this post? Ah-mazing!! You are such a wonderful writer!

  53. Awww...Ashley, thank you so much. You sure know how to make my day! ;-) Thanks again and have a blessed rest of your weekend my friend! ;-)

  54. Happy anniversary! I think #2 is a great point. I'm not a parent but I do think marriages fall apart when the focus is entirely on kids - it's important to understand that the parents' marriage will be an example for the kids to follow one day.

    1. Hi Robin! Thanks so much for dropping by! Yes, I agree, #2 is one that many women find hard to balance unfortunately. Thanks again and have a blessed week!

  55. Happy Anniversary! So happy to have found you. Great list. I've been married almost 11 years and can relate to all of them.

    1. Thanks so much Andrea! Thanks for stopping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening!

  56. Your give some really good advice! I am your newest follower (returning your follow) and look forward to more visits.

    1. Thank you so much Meryl for dropping by. Have a blessed evening! ;-)

  57. Hello! I am a new follower from Followers to friends!

    Thanks for sharing these words of wisdon - I am printing out a copy to carry with me! I am almost at a year of marriage and realize more and more I know nothing - ha!

    I really like what you said about making the home a haven - we both have been in horrible jobs and Ive been coming home angry and upset and falling apart and not keeping up with cleaning, or whatnot. After a lot of prayer, I turned in my notice at work and going to be a stay at home wife. My marriage is far more important than my job and I want to be there to invest in our lives and to be the best helper I can be.:)

    Thanks again for this and Stop by and say hello!

  58. Awww...your sweet words blessed me, thank you! What a wise woman you are. You're right, your marriage IS more important! My daughter and son-in-law will be celebrating their first anniversary in July, so congrats to you both! Thank you so much for dropping by Clara! Have a blessed day! ;-)

  59. Replies
    1. Hi Bree! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by to say hello. Have a blessed rest of your weekend! ;-)

  60. Great advice! Congrats to you and your husband on 24 yrs of marriage! I can only hope I glean as much wisdom as you have in the coming years. My husband and I are only approaching year 2 but I'm trusting God to take us all the way. Marriage is such a blessing!

    1. Hi Shaina! Thanks so much for dropping by and thanks for your well wishes! Congrats to you and your husband...two years may not seem like a lot, but trust me, it is! May you and your husband have many years of marital bliss! I invite you to drop back by Wednesday for my 2nd "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" link-up! Have a blessed week!

  61. Much appreciated. I couldn't find a single item I didn't agree with. In from SITS.

  62. I love that you through in the one about letting them watch the game. I have been married 7 years on Oct. and that is something I learned a long time ago (along with, if you can't beat 'em join 'em for the game). Some of my friends and even my mother don't understand why I let him watch the game and leave him alone...because he leaves me alone!!! :0) Happy SITS Day!!!

    1. Hahaha...EXACTLY Kendra! Because they leave us alone! Besides, we really want our husbands to "like" us, lol! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a lovely weekend!

  63. Great list! We've been married 20 years but there is definitely a few I could work on!

    1. Hi Michelle(love your name)! :D Congrats on 20 years...what a milestone! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a wonderful weekend! :D

  64. I love the mention of the 'grumpy hat' - it really does help to leave it hanging in the closet! :)

    1. Yes it! Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely weekend!

  65. Happy SITS Day; congratulations on your long and happy marriage.

    1. Thanks so much Danielle!!:D Thanks for dropping by...have a wonderful weekend!

  66. LOVE LOVE LOVE this list! I've been married about 7.5 years now and I think this list is SPOT ON! Thank you for sharing. Congrats on your wonderful marriage. Wishing you many many more years to come.

    Happy SITS Day!

    1. Thank YOU!! Amen...and wishing you the same! Thanks for stopping by and visiting! Have a lovely weekend!

  67. Love the list! It had a few reminders on there for me. I really don't think people today realize just how hard a marriage can be unless you follow a lot of these guidelines.

    Happy SITS Day!

    1. Thank you! I agree...people don't realize marriage takes hard work, but if you're willing to work at will be that much more rewarding! Thanks for visiting from SITS...have a wonderful weekend!

  68. We are working on our 41st year and I go by one rule. Marriage is 100%-100%. It's the 50-50 mentality that is flawed. Congrats on your 28th. Enjoy your SITS Day.

    1. How awesome is that Miss Sheila! Congratulations on 41 can teach us all something! :D Couldn't agree with you more...marriage is a selfless partnership with both parties giving 100%! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful weekend ma'am!

  69. I really loved your #2 as that is something I'm learning right now!! Thank you for your insights!! Happy SITS day!!

    1. Hi Jessi! Yes, #2 is a hard one and so easy to do! We just have to find the balance, but it can be done! :D Thanks so much for dropping by from SITS! Have a lovely weekend! :)

  70. Reading your post today was right on time for me. I read every word. And took it to heart. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from SITS.

    1. Wow...that's so awesome Kimberly! Thank you so much and thanks for visiting today from SITS...may you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  71. This was a very nice post. Have a great weekend. Happy SITS day!

    1. Thanks so much Adrienn! May you have a great weekend as well! :D

  72. Good advice! My husband and I are halfway to this point and still learning!!

    1. Hi Rabia...thank you!! Congrats to you and your husband! We are all still learning! :D Thanks so much for dropping by...have a lovely weekend!

  73. 24 years!!!! I have some catching up to do. We're only on year 4 and already my brow is sweating. Happy SITS day. Andrea @

    1. Hahahaa Andrea...too funny! It gets easier, I promise! :D Thank you so much for dropping by...have a wonderful evening!

  74. Congratulations on your SITS day AND your marriage! I love the tip about the grumpy hat. AMEN.

    1. Hi Lynn...thank you so much!! Yes, it makes life so much more peaceful and stress-free! Thanks for stopping by...have a lovely rest of your weekend!

  75. Happy SITS...great blog post...god bless!!

    1. Hi Fatzee...thank you and thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful evening!

  76. Loved the list! Very practical and sometimes 'hard' to follow... :) But I guess its worth to try it out for maintaining the relationship. Its been 7 years only since we got married..have our ups and downs occasionally, but at the end of the day, in spite of all the differences, I know that he loves me and I love him...

    Thanks for sharing these great tips :) Hopping over from SITS!

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much! Yeah, marriage can be hard work, but what's worth having is sure worth working hard for! Like you said, as long as you both love each other at the end of the day...that's all that matters! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by...have a wonderful evening!

  77. Wow,this is alot! I'm actually thinkng of getting married very soon. I think your advice is great and I'll be back for more! I'm Jennice visiting from SITS. Come visit me sometimes at!

    1. Hi Jennice!! Thanks so much and congrats on your upcoming nuptials! I'll head over in a few! Have a lovely evening!! :D

  78. This was simply some of the best advice I've read regarding marriage. Congratulations on your SITS Day again, so glad we've met one another.

    1. Thank you so much Whitney!! I'm so glad we met also Whitney! :D May you have a lovely evening my friend!! :D

  79. Congrats on the anniversary. This year will be my 11th :)

    1. Thank you so much and congrats to you as well! May you have a lovely weekend!!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)