
Stay on the wheel!

Am I the only one who’s willing to admit that I can be very impatient at times? I’m not sure if it’s a female thing or not *I’m sure it is though*, but you know…we want it when we want it, AND it had better be done right. Go figure! Sometimes our rushing the process so we can get to the next thing can be our downfall.(<---tweet this)

Jeremiah 18:3, 4 says, “Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make”. 

The word marred means - blemished, disfigured, impaired, ruined, scratched, warped or damaged. In other words…messed up.(insert sarcastic smile here) Because the clay was marred, the potter had no other choice but to use it to make something else, which I’m sure was disappointing and time consuming to the potter. You see, when we’re unwilling to wait, when we’re anxious and restless (all things that can lead to us getting off the potter’s wheel prematurely), we’ll be made into something; just what that something is, no one knows. But, I can assure you, more than likely…it will be far less than the original plan God had intended for you! Just like the beautiful vase in the department store that has been chipped or slightly damaged or the beautiful broach that’s missing a stone – they still must be sold in order for the owner to get some value from them; unfortunately, they will be sold for far less than what they’re worth! God’s girls have the patience, fortitude and self-control needed to stay on His wheel to allow Him to make us and form us into the masterpiece He desires! Don’t force God to make something out of a half-baked piece of clay that no one has any idea of what its finished state will be! Don’t allow yourself to be your very own downfall. Stay on the wheel ladies until it stops spinning!

All Rights reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Whoooo Hoooo.....Awesome word my friend, simply Awesome!!!!!!!

    Blessings and hugs to you!!

  2. Hey there...thanks girlie! :-)((((hugs)))) to you too darlin'! Have a blessed day my friend! ;-)

  3. I agree !!! Awesome ! Real word !!! ☆★☆

    1. Thanks Shenika and thanks for stopping by! ;-) Have a blessed day! ;-)

    2. Oh, btw Shenika...the (<--tweet this) is working this week.:-) I forgot to copy the link last week...oops. :-)

  4. LOVE this Michell. Such a powerful reminder to be patient and persevere and stay the course to grow into who He intended us to be! Thank you for your inspiration... :)

    1. Thanks so much Chris for the encouragement! ;-) Yes ma'am, sometimes it's hard, but we must stay on the wheel! :-)) Have a blessed day! ;-)

  5. Great post Michell, the rush does us no good but damage. We are at our best when we wait till The Potter is done. Thanks for sharing, have a super blessed day!

    1. Thanks Ugochi! Yes we are at our best then, aren't we?! You have a super blessed day as well my friend! ;-)

  6. Thank you for following me over at Moms Surviving Kids! Happily following you back!

  7. Thanks for following back Megan! Have a blessed day!

  8. Once again you are so on key with a message that seemingly speaks directly to the week I have had (last week). So right you are!
    I've been advised from my Deacon to just wait and have Faith on more than one occasion. I am just about the least patient person I know!
    I hope you have a beautiful and blessed week!

    1. Awww...thank you so much my friend for the encouragement! May you have a beautiful and blessed week as well! Thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  9. Ugh, patience, something I have little of. Thanks for the reminder to stop and enjoy the process and not just the outcome!

    Stopping by to thank you for linking up with the GFC Collective, hope you made some new friends and I hope to see you back next week :)

    1. Oh yes is hard sometimes isn't it? Thank you for the great idea...can't wait until next week. I did and I will! :) Thanks for dropping by and have a fantastic day!

  10. Hi there!!! I am Hanna and I found you through the blog hop!! I love making new friends and your blog is lovely. I am your newest follower:) Happy Holidays! You can find me over at
    xooxxo Hanna

    1. Thanks so much Hanna for dropping by and thanks for the follow! Headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful day my new friend! ;)

  11. I'm so guilty of this, have little patience that when I set my heart on something, I want it done or given right away. It's true, we need to give God a chance to work through us in His own time, His own way. I just get so stubborn many times but I just have to keep on trying.

    1. Lol, I know right...don't we all! ;)Yep, that's all we can do...keep trying! :) Thanks for dropping by Anne...have a blessed day!;-)

  12. Your posts always bless me and help me! God bless you!! Hope you have an amazing Christmas!!!

  13. Hey good hearing from you!! ;) Thank you so much for the encouragement! God bless you and may you and your family have an AMAZING Christmas as well my friend! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Thanks for the WORD - Staying on the wheel gets so tough at times. I have to remind myself to stay focused because He is still working on me. " Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him" (Job 13:15)

  15. AMEN! Thank God He's still working on us and He's so merciful! :) Thanks so much for dropping by, have a blessed day! ;-)

  16. Hi Mitchell, compliments of the season and thanks for this word in season. Impatience is a human trait and it goes hand in hand with anxiety. We are so anxious to see what the next stage may unfold, that we impatiently get off the wheel to try and have a sneak preview. It takes discipline which only a close walk with the Spirit of God can give, to chose to wait until God is done molding us into who we are supposed to be. Thanks for this reminder, God bless you and yours.

    1. Hi Unyime! Yes, patience is something that all believers must master. When we don't have it...we open the door for unbelief, worry, stress, etc. to enter in. Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day! ;)

  17. This is a lovely blog. I love the pictures of the family. Please look at my website at : Thank you

  18. Thank you and thanks for the follow! Headed over to your website now! Have a blessed day! ;)

  19. Oh, you are not the only one! The busier I get in my personal life, the more impatient I become. I need to be reminded to slow down. Thank you!

    1. You're right Rachel, it's not easy is it. ;) Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed day! ;-)

  20. I so needed to read these words today. Thank you for the inspiration and motivation to keep pressing forward despite everything that seems to be forcing me to sit down and back down. Many blessings to you. Connecting with you via Palmetto Bloggers - thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello :)

  21. Thanks so much Michelle for your encouraging words! Yep, that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do...back down,by trying to make us believe it's not worth the fight; but God gives us strength to endure, because we are "victorious" overcomers through Christ. Thanks again for dropping by...and it's great to be connected to a fellow Carolinian! :) Have a blessed weekend!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)