
What matters most?

Newtown, CTIn light of the tragic events that took place in Newtown, CT; my post today is dedicated to those things that really matter. I am by no means a poet, but the Holy Spirit assisted me as I penned this poem from my heart. May we all keep these families in our prayers, as when the news media leaves and when the rest of the world carries on with life as usual, they will be left to grieve over a future with their loved ones that will never happen here on earth. As you read this poem, may it encourage you to take a step doing YOU WELL!

It’s not how many likes I can get on my FB status or the amount of followers on my blog, but it’s how many people have I told about Jesus the Christ and His amazing love

It’s not the fact that I didn’t get that purse I wanted or those brand new pair of shoes, but what about kids who walk every day on bare feet that are battered and bruised

It’s not about my frustration with the traffic jam or the fact that gas is too high, but it’s about that family down the street who are barely getting by

It’s not about my favorite restaurant not getting my order quite right, but it’s about the 
homeless man and his family who had nothing to eat last night

It’s not about whether my hair holds a curl and it just won’t do right today, but it’s about the little girl who wish she had hair, but cancer has taken it away

It’s not about our disappointment when we think our kids at times don’t get it right, but it’s about countless families who wish they had one more chance to hold their loved ones tight

As we look at our lives and find the many things over which we can make a fuss, only when we see the big picture, do we realize our lives are much bigger than us

During this holiday season as our families near and far come to gather, let us all look within and examine ourselves and focus on only those things that matter….

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !




  1. Beautiful my friend ~
    Love to you and yours!!!!


  2. Beautifully written Michell! Thank you for sharing this with us all.
    May you have a blessed week!!

    1. Thanks Nichole...may you have a blessed week as well! ;-)

  3. Yes, yes. This tragedy has put it all into perspective. We are praying for the families.

    1. Yes it has Rachel and yes, they will need our prayers long after the media and everyone else has left. Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

  4. Thanks Irfan and thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  5. Hi Rachel! Thanks so much for dropping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening my new friend. ;)

  6. That was a real wake up call. I hope we all learn the lesson from such an event instead of just focusing on the crime. let the state and the police do their job. Ours is to care and protect our own.

    1. Hi Anne! Yes it was a very BIG wake-up call for us all! Thanks so much for dropping by and visiting. Have a blessed day! ;)

  7. Oh this is so beautiful and SO powerful Michell. I absolutely love it. The message is so convicting and stirs passion in my heart for what truly matters. Thanks so much for sharing it!

  8. Thanks so much Chris, I really appreciate it! I know, while writing convicted me too. This tragic event really put our lives in perspective as to what really matters. Thanks again and have a blessed week my friend! ;-)

  9. Wow, convicting. You really captured it. Too often we become selfish, thinking only of our wants, when there are so many whose needs go unmet each day.

  10. Thanks Becca! Yes, it pains me that so many are hurting so badly, they don't realize how much Christ loves them. That's why we must be in our places, so that they can see His love through us. Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  11. {Melinda}Perspective. It is so easy to get focused on the things that don't really matter. Tragic events shake our world and cause us to see things more clearly. I pray, though, that we can live with clarity and eternal perspective every day, every moment. It is only possible through the Holy Spirit.

  12. Unfortunately it takes something tragic to make us regain our focus. May we all, in this season, learn to put others first. As you stated, the only way to stay on track is with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Thanks so much for dropping by, have a blessed evening! ;)

  13. Thank you for sharing. I found you at upward not inward. Tara.

    1. Hi Tara! Thanks so much for dropping by...headed to your blog now. Have a blessed day! ;)

  14. This is lovely Mitchell! How easy it is to live in our own selfish, self centered world sometimes. There is so much need around us if only we step out of our box and look around. What a blessing it is to give to others and extend His grace to those who don't experience it!

    Blessings and love to you for a joyful Christmas filled with peace and His amazing grace!


    1. Thanks so much Denise for your kind words! When God has blessed us with so much it's incomprehensible to not want to give and share with others. Besides, the experience of seeing the excitement of the recipient is one of the best feelings ever. Thanks again Denise and may you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!! :)

  15. Beautiful poem! I love it! It took me a few days to get here to your blog and follow you back, but I'm so glad that I got to come by finally, so I could see this wonderful post. With what happened last week, we all need to realize what matters most. Thank you for sharing such heartfelt words, words that we all need to hear.

    1. Hi Kim! Thank you so much for the encouragement! Thanks for dropping by and following back. Have a blessed weekend! :)

  16. You're absolutely right Michell. It's unfortunate that it takes a bad event for us to cherish the REAL meaning of life. May we all be reminded of how blessed we are , regardless of what we may be going through. There are people in this world who wish they had just a tenth of what we have.

    God bless you and have an excellent Christmas with your family !

    Gertrude @ A Chosen Remnant.

    1. May we learn to cherish what we have Gertrude. Thanks so much for dropping by my friend. May you and yours have an excellent Christmas as well and a Blessed New Year! :)

  17. Michell, Thank you for the beautiful meaningful post. So nice to meet you. Happy Saturday Sharefest! Your family is beautiful. Praying that you have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

    1. Awww...thanks so much Debby! May you have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year as well! Thanks again for stopping by...headed to your blog now. Have a blessed day! :-)

  18. This is so true, and it serves as a reminder that we should keep first things first. We must strive everyday to keep things in perspective and stop sweating the little stuff. Awesome poem!

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for stopping by! Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! ;-)

  19. You're welcome Katherine and thanks for dropping by! Have a very Merry Christmas!!:)

  20. Hi, Ms. Michell. I found your site thru a friend, Ms. Rhonda. Looking forward to getting to know you better. I'm your latest follower and would love for you to visit me, too!!!

  21. Thank you so much ma'am! Looking forward to getting to know you as well. It would be my honor to visit your blog...headed there now! Have a blessed evening!


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