
The Confidence Test

finding your purpose

Mornin’ ladies! 2013 has inspired me to really focus on what the purpose of my blog is all about; it may seem redundant, but I can’t say it enough…do YOU WELL! I was looking back at my archives of post and came across one I decided to get off the shelf, dust off and re-post. Even though I wrote it last summer, it goes perfectly with what I'll be sharing today. But, before we get into that, I have to give our oldest son Joel a BIG shout-out for helping me out with this. We were talking the other day *yes, my 21 year old son and I have “talks” quite often*. I do love how our “grown” kids don't think it's
the worst thing in the world to have deep “convos” with mom and dad. Personally, I think it shows a great sign of maturity...they're natural leaders you know. :-) The perfect mother response, right. ;-) Anyway, back to his brilliant idea. He calls it the "Pulliam Confidence Test"...IKR! We were discussing how so many people are miserable about what they’re doing in their lives. They go about life just existing, or at worse; hate what they’re doing all together.  

For those of you out there who can’t quite put your finger on that “thing” that makes you tick, that thing that puts a spring in your step and makes you want to get up in the morning...this is for you! 

It’s very simple, yet so revelatory! All you do is pair up with someone who knows you pretty well. Both of you take a sheet of paper…you write on your paper 5 great qualities about yourself or 5 things you do well. Have the other person do the same. After writing them, you compare notes. I asked my son why couldn't you just do it by yourself and he said often times we all have an exaggerated view of ourselves and we sometimes need others to balance us out and if it's something that we're really good at...someone else other than yourself should know it. Wow, that’s enlightening coming from a 21 year old. Not only is he a handsome dude, but he’s quite wise also. Mind you, he already has his life mapped out until he’s… let’s say retired! It’s a very impressive list might I add. 

It’s amazing how affirming this exercise is. You’d be surprised at the many things you are good at(if you'd only take the time to find out). After discovering what your niche is, start honing it and take the leap of faith and walk it out. It’s as simple as that! When I started blogging last year, I had NO idea this was going to be something that I would actually LOVE to do! Each day, I'm finding ways to improve. You see, we’ll never get to what we’re actually called to unless we know what it is. If I had done this exercise before I started blogging, who knows…I would probably be on my way to med school right now studying to be a top neurosurgeon. Okay, maybe not…remember that "exaggerated view" of ourselves that I mentioned before, yeah…so, I won’t get carried away!

Well, here's that old post I was telling you about earlier…read on, enjoy and I hope it inspires you! 

Do you ever notice that the things about ourselves we hate AND make so LARGE are more than likely unnoticed by everyone else? It’s true! You know…your “so called” big ears, that gap in your teeth, or that blemish you think everyone can see miles away. Sounds funny right…because it is! When someone comes along who we THINK (and I do emphasize the word think) is better looking, or more talented than we are – those insecurities tend to magnify themselves. It’s the enemy’s job to make us feel inferior to others, when in fact we’re made in the image and likeness of God Himself. Instead of wishing you had the physical attributes or the spiritual abilities of someone else, ask the Holy Spirit to help you discover your own gifts and talents and hone them. When we start comparing ourselves to others and letting our insecurities rear their ugly heads, we sell God and ourselves short. In fact, 2 Corinthians 10:12 teaches us that it's UNWISE to compare ourselves to anyone. Anything that is unwise is considered foolish, immature and ridiculous!  Each and every one of us were sent here by God with a purpose and an assignment. Think about it...if God made US in His image and likeness, then obviously He knew what He was doing, right! Oh, you can best believe the enemy loves it when we're down on ourselves or when we think we're inadequate. He uses those moments to get us off course and make us lose focus; when this happens, it opens the door to him and all his devices. Sure, we all have inadequacies and we may not be the best at everything, but what we are good at...we should do it to the best of our ability. God has told us in His Word that we ARE fearfully and wonderfully made! So go ahead girlfriends...take that leap of faith, you can do it! Do yourselves a BIG favor and do YOU well, because there’s no one else on this earth who can!
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Thanks for the repost! I've just recently joined your community and I obviously missed that one. I enjoyed the entire post. I always try to get my girls that I mentor to focus on this in their daily walk. It is a very hard quality to develop but so necessary or else you end up chasing _________(fill in that blank with just about anything)! Enjoyed this! I'll see you Wed for the 1st Doing you Well Wed:) Enjoy the Holiday Michell!

    1. Hey Joi! IKR...mentoring is so important. If we can get this in the thought process of ladies at a young age, they're more likely to become leaders and not followers. There is nothing more powerful than a woman who knows her worth and who knows who she is in Christ. Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to Wednesday! Enjoy your holiday as well and have a blessed week!

  2. Michell, you are such an inspiration to me! Your words and your work for the Lord are really helping me! Bless you today, and have a wonderful week!!

    1. Hi Ashley!! Awww, thank you my sweet friend...TGBTG! Much love and may you have a wonderful week as well! ;-)

  3. Thank you Cindy! ;-) Of course I'll stop by...headed over there now! Thanks for dropping by and following! Have a blessed day!

  4. Loving your blog! Thanks for stopping by Hairspray and High Heels! Following back.


    1. Hi Ange, thank you!! Thanks for stopping by and following! Have a great evening!;-)

  5. Oh My!!! This is so in-line with my beliefs. I read this entry and LOVED IT. Your 21 year old sounds very much like my 15 year old. He's an awesome student and he has very big plans for his future-I really admire those things about him. I really enjoyed this reading and I look forward to seeing more from you. I will be taking this test with my hubby, I'm intrigued... Lol-I hope I don't over-exaggerate too much, hahaha!- Now following your lovely blog

    Maya D

    1. Hi Maya! I'm curious to know how your test came out? Lol! Thank you so much for dropping by...and NO, I don't think you! Love your personality! Headed over to your blog now, have a blessed week! ;-)

  6. This post is so critical for all who are lost in that "worthless view". We are all WORTHY of beauty and love and finding a purpose in His Plan! My favorite verse you shared combats this very thought process: I like to "own it"!!! "I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE BABY!!!" All of us should shout it from our mountain tops!

    1. Hey Chris...I hear you girl! I agree, we must "own it"!! We ARE women...hear us ROAR, lol! :-) Thanks for stopping by lady...have a blessed day!

  7. In a world that focuses so much on visuals, it is a challenge for us as women to take hold of this truth. The media does everything possible to make us feel that we are lacking in some area or another. However, we must continuously meditate on the fact that we are indeed "fearfully and wonderfully made". Amazingly, your post today and my Sunday post reiterate the same scripture and a similar tone in messages.!

    1. You're correct...WE must continuously meditate on this! I LOVE the way the Holy Spirit works...don't you? :-) Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed day!

  8. Thanks for following from the blog hop. We are now following back! Looking forward to more posts!!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by and following back! Have a blessed day! :-)

  9. You're so right about the things that bother us so much--most of the time, other people don't even notice the things that we're picking ourselves to pieces about! And I love your parting line: "Having a blast serving Him!" That's what we should all be doing!

    1. Thanks Rachel! Yes, the enemy deceives us by making us think we're not worthy, when in fact Jesus thought we were worthy enough to die for! ;-) I am so having a blast serving Him! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed day! ;-)

  10. Hello fellow GFC hopper - I'm your 255th GFC follower :)
    I love your blog title. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Yayyyy...thanks so much Ang! Thanks for stopping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed day! ;-)

  11. I am excited to be you newest follower! I hope you will follow me back!

    1. Hi Jenn! Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my blog...headed over to yours now! Hope you can drop by tomorrow for my "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" linkup. Have a blessed evening!

  12. Hey, I'm your newest follower! Found you through the blog hop! You have a wonderful blog! I love the layout too!

    Follow back?


    1. Hi Ochi! Thanks so much for your kind words! Thanks for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week!

  13. I enjoyed reading this post :)

    I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop

    1. Thanks for dropping by and following...on my way to visit your blog now. Thanks again and have a blessed day!

  14. Hi Michell, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Hi Chris!! Thank you so much for your sweet words and for following. I most definitely will stop by your blog...headed there now! May you have a wonderfully blessed day as well!

  15. oh this is a great post. it IS so important to instill confidence in our kids. your son does sound wise. i get so upset when someone says or does something to one of my girls that makes them feel "less than". as a mom i spend so much time building up their confidence and showing them their beauty and minds and how unique and individual they are. they are learning to identify these things on their own now because they can see what i have always told them is true.
    great post, so happy to have found you and following. very inspirational!
    hope you'll come

    1. Hi Kendra! Thank you so much for dropping by! I agree, if we don't start instilling in them now while they're young, they will grow up as adults who miss out on living the life God intended because they have to spend time healing their hearts, dealing with issues and coping with low self-esteem. So glad you found me also...headed over to your blog now! Would love for you to come back and link-up to my "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday Link-up", which is still opened(go to the home page and you'll find it). Thanks again and have a blessed evening!

  16. {Melinda} What a great idea!! :) I think the gifts that I am using are ones that I didn't see in myself. God placed people in my life to point them out and give me the confidence to pursue them. I am so grateful for that!

    I'm sorry I missed your Wednesday Linkup this week ... hope to join in next week! :)

    1. Hey Melinda! Thanks so much for dropping by! I can attest to was my daughter and husband who encouraged me to start blogging. They saw in me something I had no idea existed...yes, I am grateful as well! That is no problem, our lives are so busy, I'm surprised if we can remember the things that are constant in them, lol. I didn't send out a reminder email, which I will definitely do next week. Thanks again and have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  17. I love your posts. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I should just head over to your blog. Stopping by from SITS, just wanted to say hi and give you some blog love!

    Diary of a Debutante

    1. Awww, thank you're so sweet! Headed over your way to love ya back!;-) Have a good one!

  18. Hello Michell,
    Looks like I'm your newest follower. I really enjoyed reading your posts.
    God Bless,

  19. Hi Angel! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening! ;-)


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)