
Not your ordinary link-up!!

Doing YOU WELL Wednesday Link-up

Hi ladies! I’m so excited to announce our new Linky Party…Doing YOU WELL Wednesday! Whoop whoop! You share with us  what you’re doing this week that leads  you to DOING YOU WELL, and you don’t have to be a blogger to participate. It can be anything…from making a career change,  to stepping up your walk with Christ, trying something new, changing your eating habits, asserting yourself…ANYTHING; no matter how big or small, as long as it’s

leading you towards…DOING YOU WELL! We as women have gone most of our lives doing others well, but when it comes to doing ourselves well…we must admit, we have fallen  short. Who knows, you may have something that will inspire one of the other readers…and besides, we can all use some encouragement!  As you can probably tell, this isn’t your normal linky-party. My goal is to create a community where we actually get to know one another and each other's blogs by connecting here on this link-up…where you’re not just a linked up post(if you get my drift). Instead of  co-hosts, I'll pick a lady or two each week to highlight. For all my sisters who don't have blogs, please leave your comment, so we can get to know you too! If you have a website or fan page, you can include the links to those in your comment. If you don’t have anything to share, you can still link up(I highly consider you say something though, so we can get to know you, that's the point, right).;-)  You may still want to view some of the comments posted, as I'm sure they will inspire you! Here are the rules:

  • Follow the host(that would be me) via GFC(Google Friends Connect) and if you’d like, you can follow  me via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or email. Make sure to let me know you’re following when you leave a comment so I can return the favor.
  • Leave your comment on what you’re doing well this week. If you’re a blogger, link up your post so others can visit and follow you. Go visit other blogs and comment/follow. Try to visit as many as you can each week. Remember, we're creating a community.
  • Please play fair(as I’ve seen so many bloggers in link-ups NOT do). If someone comments on and follows your blog…PLEASE return the favor! Remember, we're creating a community. Don't forget to let them know how you found them.
  • As I’ve stated, my goal is to create a community *I'm not trying to be redundant here*, where we come together to make new friends, connect with one another AND support each other's blogs. My goal is that you all get to know one another and your blogs, that's one of the reasons why we blog, right? If your goal is to get followers for the sake of just getting followers…then, you may want to keep it movin’...ahem, I meant..this may not be the link-up party for you. :-)
  • What are you waiting for ladies…get to linking!
  • Most of all...have fun, meet new friends and gain new followers, and while you're at it invite others to come!
  • Oops, I almost forgot…you can grab my button if you'd like. It's right there on the side(keep scrolling down, you'll see it). Paste it either in your post, on your sidebar, or wherever you put your buttons!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !




  1. Thought my link would be, like, the very. first. one. ever. on your new linky party...oh well, can't have everything, I guess, lol! Congratulations on the launch of your new linky party, and what a nice idea! Much success!

    1. Hahaha Sue...aww shucks! Lol! Hey, you do have the first comment! ;-) Thank you so much for your well wishes...I'm so excited about this! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  2. I would LOVE to join you! My post today is a theme I usually do on Wednesdays ... it’s called Whatchoo-WISH-You-Were-Wearin’ (kind of a play on the fashion posts) but I think I show a bit of my personality in them, so I’m hoping it counts for the link-up.

    What am I doing well today? I’d say it’s being a good wife and mom (made the boys bacon and eggs for breakfast) and a good snow-shoveler (4 inches and counting ... could be a long day!)

    And caffeine-drinker. I’m doing that REALLY well this morning! xo

    1. Lol, too funny...I'd say you're doing pretty well! Anything counts for this link-up(if it's doing you well that is). ;-)! It's going to be 78 degrees here. Wait, I guess I've got that backwards. I should have said 78! Seeing as if it IS winter, right? Have a blessed week!

  3. By the way, I just put your blog button on my sidebar, yay!

  4. Well, this week my husband and I are going to sign back up for school. We both had to take a break from college because of circumstances outside of our control. However, we're excited to finish what we started. Here is the FB page of our business: If you happen to like my page, or follow my blog, please let me know, so that I can return the favor!

    1. Yayy for you! What a great opportunity for you both to go back! Thanks for linking up...have a blessed day!

  5. Thanks for hosting, Michell! Glad to be a part of a great link up :) have a great week!

    Xo, Stephanie

    1. Hi Stephanie! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up! May you have a GREAT week as well!

  6. Morning Ladies! Im looking forward to getting to know you. :-)

    What I'm doing well today: Sticking to my Daniel fast! Praise the Lord I havent even felt tempted today. :0


    1. Whoop whoop for you Tiffany! Yes, thank God you haven't been tempted and in Jesus' name, you won't be! ;-))! Thanks for linking up! Have a blessed week!

  7. First I must say...I AM LOVIN' the NEW LOOK!!!! FABULOUS!!!!
    I am doing well today: Progress in my book I am writing!! :))
    God is so good!!!


    1. Awww, thanks girly...I did it just for you!! Lol! Amen, I'm looking forward to reading it! I would love to promote it on my blog when you're finished! Yes, He is good, isn't He! Well, you have a fabulous day my friend!

  8. Well....I think I am answering Eli's questions well today and debated linking up with my post- but hey- I think these ladies will get a kick out of my answers!! Now- if I can only figure out this linky deal... will try!

    1. Hahahaa...I most definitely will go check it out! I'm sure they will Chris. Hey you did well with the link up, but we're going to have to work with you on this avatar photo. LOL!! Thanks for linking up Chris and have a blessed day! :-)

  9. Michell - found your blog through friends to followers link up and am so glad I did. Love the positivity here and cannot wait to read more from you!
    Love this idea for a link up and am joining in. What am I doing well today? Girl, trying to get my butt in gear for a healthier lifestyle! Being a little nicer when I am PMSing something fierce, and giving a few extra cuddles to my little miss this morning after a late work night last night! Hope you are having a good day!!!!
    XOXO Bebe

    1. Hahahaa Bebe, too funny...sounds like a plan! So glad you found me and thanks for following...headed over to your blog now! Thanks so much for linking up...have a blessed day!

  10. I need to do this later tonight!!

    1. Lol, pun intended.:-) Hope you can back!

  11. Hey Michelle! I have joined the linky party and I am very excited about it. This week I am reading a new book "A Woman after God's own heart" By: Elizabeth George. ~Blessings~

    1. Hi glad you could join in! That's a very good's been a while since I've read it though, but you'll definitely enjoy it! Thanks again for linking up...have a blessed evening! ;-)

  12. I'm doing myself well by taking a day off my regular schedule tomorrow to get more organized for the 2013. Researching new nonallergen foods for my son and baking and putting up meals for him for the next two weeks. So excited to get it together!

    1. Hey April! I know you're excited about finally getting that done...that's a job in itself! Once it's been completed, I'll have to give you the "Doing YOU WELL" award, lol! Thanks for linking up April! Have a blessed evening!

  13. I am so excited for your new link up!! I submitted my link and I am so thankful for your words of encouragement and your blessing as a friend. Love you girl!

    1. Hey Ashley! Awww...thank you so much! Love you back girlie! Thanks for linking up...have a blessed evening! ;-)

  14. Just getting settled in from work and from Wednesday Night Worship. I was determined that I would not miss this link up. I am so glad to be a part of it. Have a blessed night!

    1. Oh yes, we must get our worship on!;-) So glad you could join in! You have a blessed night as well! ;-)

  15. Unfortunately, I don't have a google friends connect account. I found your link up through Ashley at Southern Girls Heart (on facebook) and wanted to check it out.

  16. Hi Crystal! So glad you stopped by, that's no problem at all. Ashley is a sweetie, isn't she? I'm headed over to your blog now. Thanks again for visiting, have a great day! ;-)

  17. Great Link-Up! These are always fun and a nice way to meet more bloggers :) thanks for visiting my blog the other day! Following you back!!

    1. Hi Devon! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up! I love meeting new bloggers as well and look forward to getting to know you! Have a blessed day!

  18. This thing is right up my alley... I will link up for sure! Let's see... I'm doing well by being thrifty this week. I'm doing well by "serving well" in our woman's ministries team. I'd like to commend you for coming up with this; there are so many times I focus on areas where I am failing God and my family. Feels a little weird to point out where I am doing well AND I LIKE IT! Clicked to follow; linking up NOW! Make it a great weekend! Jules

  19. Yayy Jules for doing YOU WELL!! So glad you stopped by and linked up! You're right, the enemy makes us focus on all the things about us that fall short. Thank God He sees the finished product and in spite of, He always sees the very best in us! Thanks again for dropping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  20. {Melinda} Love your awesome blog! Have been following for a while now. What have I been doing well? I had surgery this week and I let people do things for me. I have a really hard time letting go and taking others up on help. :)

    Your blog is a blessing -- planning on linking up regularly and meeting some other amazing bloggers here. :)

    1. Hey Melinda, thanks so much and thanks for dropping by! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Oh yes, I'd say that was definitely doing YOU WELL, as it's so hard for us as women to accept help, let alone ask for it, lol! Have a blessed weekend Melinda and thanks again for linking up!!;-)

  21. Hi there, I am new to your blog ad think this is a great idea you have going here, I wish you good luck. Looks like you have a good start. For me this week I have started a new Linky called 5 Question Friday and would love to have followers or just to link up your posts to. Hope to see you, Five Friday Questions of The Day 
    Thanks and have a great weekend!!

    1. Hi Karren, thanks so much and thanks for dropping by and linking up! I'm headed over to your blog now to check out your link-up! May you have a great weekend as well!

  22. Thanks for hosting :) Linked up and followed you back. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Hi, you're so welcomed! Thanks for dropping by and linking up! Have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  23. Awesome that you are hosting a blog hop. Congrats!

    1. Thank you for your well wishes...have a blessed weekend!;-)

  24. Hi! I'm a new follower stopping by from the aloha blog hop :)

    1. Hi Katie!! Thanks so much for stopping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed weekend! ;-)

  25. Hello! I really enjoy your blog! I'm a new follower from the followers to friends blog hop!

    1. Hi Aaliyah! Thanks so much for dropping by and following! Have a great evening!

  26. Hi Im excited. Im your newest follower via GFC. Visit me.


    1. Hi Vickie! Thanks for stopping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a great evening!

  27. I really love this! I came by to check things out from RXFitness Lady. Well, what I'm doing well today is that I worked out today, even though it feels really cold outside (12ºF) and I was not in the mood to do it. I didn't want to have any regrets about today at all. Going to check out the other ladies, and leave my link.

  28. Hi! I started following your blog! I am so excited to begin networking with other bloggers!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)