
A Legacy of Grace...

a tribute to my mother
This week my lovely mother would have celebrated her 70th birthday. I think it’s ironic that over the past few weeks I have come across so many people who have told me how special my mother was to their lives. Wow, considering it's been 5 years since she's gone on to be with the Lord! They don’t know how much that meant to me. I always knew my mother was special! She was what you would call a quiet spirit. For as long as I’d known her, I never saw
her in a spat, never saw her hold a grudge and never saw her in conflict with ANYONE, this is NOT an exaggeration folks!   

As I write this post it dawned on me that my mother exemplified doing HERSELF WELL. She never felt the need to be something she was not. Always comfortable in her own skin. She was content being the quiet one, even though she spoke volumes when encouraging others. She was content being the one who stepped back and let others take the spotlight, even though her faith took center stage. Oh, how I admire that woman now more than ever!  Yes, I’ll admit, while she was alive I took all of that for granted, being comfortable with the fact that she was “mom”; not gleaning from her all  I could have while she was alive. I realize today, she’s teaching me more now, than I’d ever learned from her before. Her legacy speaks volumes and it will live on forever!  I should have known she was special the day we laid her body to rest. The ten acres that surrounded our church had become a sea of cars as people who admired, loved and respected our mom came out *in 100 degree weather on what can go down as the hottest day in August* to pay their respects. It was awesome to see how many lives she touched! 

My mother may not have gone to college, she might not have  had a corporate job and she might have been a homemaker her entire life, BUT that day I realized just how IMPORTANT she was in the lives of so many people. As I look at my daughter and my nieces, I see the grace my mother embodied and am amazed at how it has passed on to them...for my mother was the epitome of GRACE. She wore it like a glove and extended it to all who crossed her path.  I thank you mother for teaching me how to finally…DO MYSELF WELL! For that mommy, I will be eternally grateful! 

A most grateful daughter,

Who has left a legacy of grace in your life?
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. My heart was touched by your testimony of your Mother. I think that each of us should not let it be a passing thought of what kind of legacy we leave behind, but a serious note of how much of Christ did I leave behind to minister to other's even after the LORD calls us home. I am inspired this morning by the reading of truth in your blog. Thank you sister!

    1. Awww...thank you so much! That really means a lot! I so we go on with our busy lives, we should always be aware of what kind of legacy we're leaving behind and ALWAYS remember that ONLY what we do for Christ will last! Thank you my friend for stopping by...have a blessed week! ;-)

  2. Dear Michelle, I think anyone name is never forotten if they touched before death. My dad died a few years ago and whenever I am back home, people stop me and tell me how much they missed my dad and how much I look and do things like my dad. I am happy to hear your heart is filled with her great memories! Thank you for sharing, what an encouragement. Have a lovely day sis!

    1. Hi Sara! I know exactly what you mean! I visited some family members who I hadn't seen in awhile and they just kept saying over and over how much I looked and sounded like my definitely put a smile on my face. Now, my younger sister on the other a spitting image of my mother, lol. It is a great feeling isn't it, to know your loved one touched so many lives? Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed week! ;-)

  3. What a wonderful legacy for her to leave! My grandmother and mother are the two people that come to mind. Like you, for years I did not truly appreciate the essence of who they were and what they stood for. They were just Momma and Mommy. But when my grandmother (Momma) passed away back in '06 and there were so many things I should have said/done - I vowed never to let that happen with someone that I cared about again. Both the maternal figures in my life taught me so much about self-confidence, virtuosity, and being a true lady of God. I pray I have that same impact on my daughter.

    1. Yes Michelle, I too pray I have the same impact on my daughter as my mother had on my life! Your mother and grandmother sound like awesome women of God who taught you how to do you well! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a blessed week! ;-)

  4. Oh Michell!!! This is just the most BEAUTIFUL post I have ever read!!! I know your mommy is smiling with joy and pride over her daughter's light that you are passing on from her. What an amazing tribute to a woman who embodies Christ. Humble servant she must have been... such an honor to read about her and embrace the life she lived! Powerful post Michell!!!

    1. Awwww...WOW! THANK YOU my friend! She absolutely was Chris, she was... Thanks so much lady, have a blessed evening! ;-)

  5. Beautiful Mrs.P! Mrs. Mary was the most kindhearted, sweetest, and most humble person I know. And every time I see you, I see her. When I think of someone who has left a legacy, I think of my grandad. He was a gentle giant and man did I love that big guy. I miss him so much. Often times I dream about him. I guess because Im always thinking about him. And in my dreams he's so peaceful. But thanks so much Mrs.P! I look forward to reading more of your blogs!

    1. Hey Jess!! Thanks so much for dropping by! Yes, she was a doll wasn't she! I didn't have a problem sharing her with you all though, lol! Your grandfather sounds like he was an awesome man! We were definitely blessed to have them in our lives weren't we Jess? Love you hon and give the triplets a BIG kiss for me! ;-)

  6. This is a beautiful memoriam of your Mother's legacy. Her story is much like many women. All Mothers are important. I love my Mother so much I can't even explain the bond to people. It breaks my heart when people walk around holding grudges toward their Mothers for foolishness. My Mother is my best friend and I can tell by your post that you adored yours too. Sending prayers your way while you enjoy the memory that is currently allowing you to DO YOU WELL and most excellently might I add. I just love the positive feel I get from visiting and participating over here. Thank you to you and your Mother. Be blessed! Having trouble with name..This is Joi @ Rx Fitness Lady.

    1. Hi Joi! Thank you so much my friend! Yes mothers are so important and she was definitely special to us all! Thanks for your prayers Joi! I now smile when I think of her because the memories are so great!! Thank you and you are DOING YOURSELF WELL also my friend!;-) Thanks for the goal is to make sure the atmosphere stays that way! Have a blessed week!;-)

  7. Just found you from Ashley's Sisterhood link up - looking forward to knowing you more!



    1. Hi Marissa!! Thanks for dropping by...looking forward to getting to know you as well! Headed over to your blog...have a blessed week! ;-)

  8. This is beautiful. My grandmother is my will forever leave a legacy of grace in my life. Your mother sounded like just a wonderful person.

    1. Hi Jenn! Thank you so much! Your grandmother sounds like she was a wonderful person as well! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed week! ;-)

  9. Stopping by from The Sisterhood over at This Southern Girl's Heart. It's so nice to "meet you".

    Your mother sounds like a wonderful example for us all, as women, to follow. After reading your words here, I feel like I've missed out a little on life for not having met her myself. Women like us are blessed to have godly mothers who have lead by example.

    I'm now following your blog via GFC. I'd love to have you check out my blog at and, if you like what you read, follow along with me.

    1. Hi Alana! Awww...thank you so much for your sweet words! Godly mothers are something to cherish. There are so many women who don't get to experience that and we are sooo blessed! I would be honored to follow your blog! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed day!

  10. Hi Michell, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, co-hosting the Mom’s Monday Mingle.

    What a beautiful testament to your mother! Very nicely done. Thanks for linking this up with the MMM. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Anne! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by! May you have a great day as well! ;-)

  11. This post has me in tears. My own mother wasn't ever there for me, but I did have my older sister who is that person for me. Your mother sounded amazing, like mother like daughter! Love you girl!

    1. Awww Ash...thanks so much my sweet friend! God knows exactly what we need doesn't He? ;-) That's why your community is so important girlie! :-D Love you too darlin'...have a blessed week!;-)

  12. I found your blog through Ashley @ This Southern Girl's Heart. Love it!

    1. Thank you Suzanne! Thanks so much...headed to your blog now! Have a blessed week!;-)

  13. My godfather.

    His wife said I am more like him than his own kids.

    1. Hi Patrick! Funny how those who are closest are so much alike, even if they aren't related. Thanks for stopping...have a blessed week!;-)

  14. Hi Michelle, I'm so glad I found your space here and what you have written about your mother is so touching. I lost my mom to cancer when I was 20. It was a huge blow to me and my sister, especially since we were brought up in a very sheltered way - always under her wings. We were so used to having her with us all the time that when she was gone, we just didn't know what to do. And just as the pain was beginning to lessen, we lost both my grandparents - one after the other...It was quite as ordeal to deal with it all. And am thankful to The LORD who gave strength to us.

    (I'm following you on GFC and Pinterest.)

    1. Hi Priya! My sisters and I were the same way when our mom died. After having someone in your life and suddenly they're gone, is a huge blow! It doesn't matter if it's a sudden death or if we know the person is dying...NOTHING prepares you for death. Sorry to hear about your mother and grandparents...yes, thank the Lord for His strength! Headed over to your blog, have a blessed day!;-)

  15. I just want to say what a great blog post. It's like a breathe of fresh air! I know how hard it is to lose someone~Pretty much any living human being knows how it feel to loose someone. I am following you from Peacoats & Plaid link up.

    1. Hi Lisa! Thank you so much and thanks for dropping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  16. Mothers are always special and dear to our hearts. Your mother must have been a truly beautiful person. This is such a nice tribute to her.

    1. Thank you so much Anne...yes they are and yes she was! Great hearing from you my friend...hope all is well! Thank you and have a blessed week!;-)

  17. What an awesome tribute to your Mother. My grandmother (Mamaw) left a legacy of grace to me and all of her grandchildren....males, too! She passed away the day before Mother's Day (how appropriate) in 2010, just 5 months shy of turning 100!!! I still miss her to this day. Thanks for the precious reminder of how important she was...and still me!!

    1. Oh wow...100! What a blessing to have had her for that long! I'm sure you and your family have wonderful memories! Thank you so much ma'am for visiting...have a blessed week!

  18. What a beautiful and touching post about your mom!!! The legacy she has left for you is simply a beautiful imagine of Christ!! What a mighty woman of God!!!!
    Wonderful post my friend!!!

    Blessings to you!!!

    1. Thank you so much lady!!! She was a beautiful example! Thank you Stacey...much love to you hon! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed week! ;-)

  19. What a beautiful tribute to your mother Michell, it really touched my heart! She truly was a blessing and so are you!!!

    1. Thank you so much ma'am! You are a blessing as well! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a blessed week!;-)

  20. She sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing! I am a new follower from the GFC blog hop! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much! Thanks also for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now. Have a great evening!;-)

  21. WOW! love this post, glad I found you on the Thursday Hop.
    I'm your newest follower!
    Stop by some time.

  22. Hi Natalie! Thank you so much and thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! ;-) Have a wonderful week!

  23. Michelle, This was a beautiful and moving tribute to your mother. My own mom is 89 and needs a lot of help and care from me. She keeps telling me she hates "to be a bother," but I remind her of all the years she put up with my siblings and me when we were noisy, scrappy kids.
    I join you in honoring your sweet mom and all mothers who leave a legacy of grace.
    (visiting from Soli Deo Gloria)

    1. Hi Janice! Thank you so much for your kind words! IKR...we owe our parents so much for the time, love and investment they gave us! Praying for your mother's recovery. Thank you for stopping by...have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  24. What a loved woman your mother was, and what a lovely tribute you have given her today.

    I am visiting you from Pamela's blog, and am your newest follower.

    ~ Kathy M.

    1. Thank you so much Kathy...yes she was!! Headed over to your blog now! Thanks again and thanks for following! Have a blessed weekend!;-)

  25. Such a beautiful tribute. I think her daughter inherited some of the traits that made her so lovely!

  26. Awww...thank you so much Pamela!! Thanks so much for your lovely comments...may you have a blessed evening! ;-)


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)