
Listen Up Ladies!!

a man's view on Valentines

Hi Ladies! With the upcoming holiday known as Valentine’s Day AKA “Lover’s Day”,  I decided to peruse an article I read back in February 2012 from *Women’s Health Magazine *entitled "WHAT MEN THINK OF VALENTINE'S DAY" and share it with you. As you read an excerpt from this article, keep in mind that it is coming from a man’s point of view. ;-))
“Most guys have a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day. Sure, it's a fine opportunity to
show just how much we care about you, to smother you with tokens of affection, to gorge on chocolate-covered-everything (Please) and suck down mid-week champagne like it's New Year's Eve. But to many of us, it's also a ginned-up, commercialized, soul-sucking sham of a holiday that goads us, each year, into obligatory (and expensive) displays of ardor we’d rather spend in other ways, at other times (though still on you, of course).

Fact is, if we’ve been doing our jobs right as boyfriends, fiancés, husbands and sons, February 14th shouldn’t hold sway as such a spotlight moment, this steroidal, adrenalized love hijacking dressed in red ribbon and made sick on bad candies and cheap wine.

If we’ve been pulling our weight, we wouldn’t be force-marched through this macabre amateur hour, with its teeming hoards of mind-controlled love zombies dully thronging the city, just going through the motions while the *REAL ROMANCE*—stolen moments, unexpected gestures—is left backstage.

Okay, okay. We’ll suck it up. But if we had our way, it’d just be the two of us, some big glasses of wine, and —some takeout (or some skirt steak and hen-of-the-woods mushrooms if we’re feeling ambitious).

As for us? If you’re really so inclined, help us evolve a bit. A boutique bourbon instead of a handle of the cheap stuff—maybe even an appointment to tour a local distillery. Or how about a butchery class, with a nice new chef’s knife that, come to think of it, might slice nicely through the aforementioned beef. Is a buttery-smooth overnight bag stuffed with some beach clothes and two round-trip tickets to someplace sandy too much to ask? Probably.

But you get the point. We love you—we really do. We just want to show it OUR way, NOT Hallmark’s. And we want you to do the same. And if we’re doing our job, as I’ve mentioned, we already will have said thoughtful things, commented subtly on your new haircut, maybe even picked something up at the store for you on an out-of-town business trip.

So help us stand apart from the pack. Valentine’s day, to most guys, isn’t about following a script. It’s about getting away from all of that. Okay, some of the sappy stuff we’ll keep: You, me, a bearskin rug in front of some roaring oak limbs. We'll put on some slow jams. The wine will flow. Will there be s'mores? That's up to you. Yes? Great, we’ll bring the chocolates. But whatever the case, we'll spend the night melting into each other instead of a manufactured tray of waxy, pre-packaged chocolates.

Wouldn’t that be nice?”

Are you listening ladies? An interesting article that really makes you think, huh? While you’re on your quest to "doing you well"…I advise you to NOT be selfish on this day! Remember, it’s a holiday about the love and affection between TWO people…and contrary to what we’ve been taught, it’s NOT just about us! Take the pressure off your significant other ladies and enjoy the day! Thank God He gave you someone who loves you for you and as the gentlemen in the article said…"we love you, we really do. We just want to show it OUR way, NOT Hallmark’s". each and every one of you out there, whether you're in a relationship or not; always remember AND don't ever forget...;-)...the GREATEST love is that shown to us by the Son, who gave His life so that we might THAT'S TRUE LOVE!! 1 John 4:10, John 3:16 

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam
Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Replies
    1. Hi Judy! You're welcome and thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week!;-)

  2. Amen!! In my opinion, Valentine's day is far too overrated.

    1. Hey Ren...I sooo agree! Glad to see you back! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Hahahaa Meredith! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful week! ;-)

  4. Amen to that!! We don't even go "nuts" at Christmas. Everything has become SO commercialized, that we just got sick of it! And, do you know why it's become so commercialized? Because WE let it. I believe in calling a spade, a spade. If we would start being sensible with our money, the manufacturers and retailers would lose their power. It's just that simple.

    1. IKR! I mean really, how many variations of a teddy bear, red roses or boxed chocolates can one make? Where's the originality, lol. However, what I DO like most about Valentine's is the "day after" candy sale! ;-) Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed week!

  5. I am always being told that this is just another day. I understand where they come from with regard to taking care business 365 days a year so one day shouldn't be the prove all moment. However, our parents spoiled us as kiddos, so they gotta keep up with the expectations. Ok, enough....I will listen to the wisdom that comes from this post and be a big girl this year! Thank you as always Michell!

    1. Lol...too funny Joi!! IKR...our mom did the same thing for my sisters and I, and the grandkids as well. I'm sure he won't have a problem doting you with all kinds of goodies, lol! Have a good one Joi...hope to see you Wednesday!! ;-)

  6. Great post, and I try and do a little something special for my guy on Valentine's day, but we don't go over board. I came by via the blog hop and now follow you on GFC, hope you can come by and check out my blog too.
    Angela x

  7. Hi Angela! Thanks so much for dropping by and glad you found me. Headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed evening!

  8. Hey, new follower from the GFC blog hop. Looking forward to checking out your blog some more! :)


    1. Hi Kristen! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful day!;-)

  9. New follower via the GFC Blog Hop!

    1. Hi Nathan! Thanks so much for stopping by and following...will visit your blog as soon as I can! Have a great evening!

  10. I absolutely agree!! Great article Michell!!!

    1. Hi Chris! Thanks so much! It's amazing what men think. ;-) I guess all we have to do is ask them,and we'll find out, huh? Lol! Have a blessed evening lady!;-)

  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE this, girl. Amazing

    1. Hey Ashley! Thank you girlie! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed evening!;-)

  12. Wonderful post and perfectly said. I always do something special for my man.
    Your newest follower, Linda

    1. Hi Linda! Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful evening! ;-)

  13. blog hop follow x

  14. Great article, Michell. We've never done the big holiday thing, but I do happen to be on a beach in Florida. Ha! This week is a working holiday for my RB and next is a seminar for his doctoral program. We have four glorious days in the middle just for us. It's a big blessing for God. I did wake up yesterday to a sweet note asking me to be his valentine.

    1. sweet! Sounds like that's a Valentine's gift! ;-) I agree, I'd rather have 365 days of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves and cares for me than one day of being showered with candies,flowers, balloons and teddy bears, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'd just rather have the 365 days, lol! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Hi Nantawan! Thanks for visiting and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. This is such a great post! Here in Australia, Valentine's Day isn't really a big thing. Yeah it's pretty commercialised and advertised, but not many people actually celebrate it, other than the younger generation who has been brought up watching American TV. This year, my partner and I are going through a massive transition period - we just moved in together and now he is working away, and supporting me financially while I study, so I used Valentine's day as a way of showing him what he means to me with a nice home cooked meal and handmade card. I think that maybe this is something I need to do for him more often - surprise him when he comes home with one of his favourite meals or movies and have a nice stay-at-home date, just the two of us to show him I care. Thank you for stopping by from the hop, it's greatly appreciated :)

    1. Hi Sunae! Thanks so much for dropping by! Yes, sometimes its the small things that show how much we care.;-) Have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  17. Great post, and blog! A lot of inspiration here. :)

    1. Thanks so much Lisa for visiting and for your kind words!;-) Have a blessed weekend!;-)


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