
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #18

an encouragement link up promoting community
Hey everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and hope your week is going great so far! Y'all know what time it is! It's time to visit some blogs, show some lovin' and some encouragement! And if you've been "DOING YOURSELF WELL", share it in the comments, so we can party with you! For anyone who is new to this linky party, click HERE to get the 411(do they still say that)? LOL! Oh well!

As you all know, every week I feature a new blogger,
however, this week I'm featuring two ladies I've featured before. I'm doing so because the first blogger is hosting her very first week long blog challenge/giveaway, and I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop by and show her some lovin' and go visit Joi HERE! The second blogger put up a very special post about her decision to be proactive when she learned she had the genetic mutation BRCA1. If you or anyone you know has suffered from cancer, please read Chris' heartfelt story will inspire you! 

Alrighty...back to the link up! Don't forget to tell everyone you visit today that you're visiting from the "DYWW" link-up. And don't forget to tune back in Friday for "Michell's Weekly Pearl" for the answer to another question asked by one of my lovely readers! Keep sending in those questions Okay, now let's get to linkin' ladies(and gents) ;-)
Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Hi Michelle
    Thanks so much for the party. I love it here

    1. Hey there Angel! You are so welcomed!! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up...have a wonderful Wednesday! ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. Hey Meredith! You're welcome! As always, thanks so much for linking up! Have a great day my friend! ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Inge...thanks for stopping by! I'll head over in a few...have a good one.

  4. Thanks so much for including me as a feature and supporting my first event. Thx for assisting with my DYWW for the week.

    1. Hey Joi! You're welcome lady! So excited for looks like it's been a success! Kudos to you for "doing you well" this week Joi! Have a good one!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Karen! Thanks for letting me know! I'll head over and join in...thanks for linking up today!

  6. Thank you for hosting! For my DYWW, I'm doing my best to get back on track with spending quiet time with God! Meditating on Him and His word :) Blessings!

    1. Hey Lisi! That's a good one...MORE quiet time indeed! This time of year is crazy busy, but like you said, we must get that quiet time in with Him! Thanks for linking up...have a blessed day! ;-)

  7. Thanks for hosting this link up!

    I'm happy to be your newest follower! I'd love it if you could take a second to check out my blog and follow me back :)

    Thanks so much,
    Tyson @

    1. Hi Tyson! Thanks so much for dropping by and following! I'll head over to your blog in a few. Have a great rest of your day!

  8. Thank you, Sweet Lady, for letting me join in again this week. HOPE you have a great week!

    1. Aww...thank you Ms Debbie! You're the sweet one! :-)Thanks so much for joining in! I am and hope you are as well ma'am!

  9. Happy Wednesday!!!! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! How fitting that the post I'm linking up is inspired by one of this week's spotlighted bloggers, Joi! Can't wait to connect with her and Chris this week - as well as everyone else that links up! This week I'm doing well with carving out time for myself during the busy work day. I'd gotten bad about skipping lunch, working late, blah, blah, blah - this week I'm focused on taking my lunch and actually walking away from the work rather than eating while answering emails and phone calls (this goes for work and my personal endeavors. Having that time makes a huge difference with the remainder of my day. Thanks again for hosting the link-up!

    1. Hey Michelle! Oh yes, we all need to slow down and just take it in...stillness that is. Lisi was mentioning the same thing above(must be a sign to us all huh)? :-D Happy Wednesday to you too my friend and may you have a fantastic rest of your week as well! Thanks for linking up...blessings to you my friend! ;-)

  10. Always a pleasure to stop by the party Michell. I appreciate you the opportunity to connect with others in the blogging community.

    1. Hi Wanda! I'm so appreciative that you take the time to stop by each week! Thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful week Wanda...hey that kinda rolls off the tongue, lol! :-)

  11. You are such a gem Michell. Thanks for you presence in the blogosphere and for hosting this link up. I'm doing me well this Wednesday, by taking a much needed rest from the pavement. I love running, but it's just as important to know when to rest. Happy Wednesday and enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Awwwww Hope, you're sooo sweet!! Thank you and you are as well my friend! :-) Yes Hope, we all need to recognize when it's time to take a rest...even from the things we love! Kudos for doing you well! Thanks for linking up...may you enjoy the rest of your week as well!

  12. Happy Wednesday! It is so great to be here and link up with you Michell. Thank you for hosting!

    1. Hi Emily!! It's great to have you here my friend! Thanks for linking up...have a Happy Wednesday as well! :-)

  13. Hi Michelle. I'm visiting from Joi's linkup. This is a really neat idea to ask people how they are doing themselves well, as I LOVE being positive and hearing how other's have been blessed.
    Lately, I've been doing myself well in the area of nutrition and fitness. I've lost 30lbs since October and I am back into running(one of my passions). I feel like I am being an example of health to my daughter.

    1. Hey there Veronica! So glad you found me! Yep, I like to keep it positive around've found the right place, lol! Anyway, BIG KUDOS to you...30 pounds? Awesome!! It's so good to be an example to our children in all areas. Thanks again for linking up...have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-)

  14. Replies
    1. Hey Denise! Thank are TOO! Thanks for linking up! Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Sorry that I am a day late. End of the year businesses at school.

    Hope everybody is doing good and thanks for hosting this deal.

    1. Hey Patrick! You're not too late, lol! Thanks for linking up! Hope you have a safe and happy Memorial weekend!

  16. Well I just couldn't get my post out in time for this link up, but I wanted to come visit now!!! Perhaps I can still add my link today!!!?? I love that you have so many joining you here Michell!!! You are a BLESSING to so many!!!!!

    1. Hey still have time! You can actually link up any post from this week. Awww...thank you so much my friend, you are too!! Have a blessed holiday weekend lady!! :-)

  17. Oh And I forgot to thank you for the shout out up there!!! You are such a dear... THANK YOU!!!! :)

  18. Kinda late from Oh My Heartsie WW but wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting this week. Hope you have a safe weekend!

    Oh! didn't want to leave without letting you know, Im having another Linky for weekend Recipes, hope you can stop by: Strawberries In Your Kitchen

  19. Having fun looking around your blog! newest follower :)

    1. Hi! So glad I found your comment! I tried to follow you back via GFC, but there wasn't a link! I can now, now that I have your website! Thanks so much for the follow...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful day!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)