
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #21 along with celebrations!

an encouragement link up and celebrations
Hi everyone! Welcome again to another edition of the “DYWW” link-up. A place where you can drop by every week to catch up on what everyone’s been doing, where we celebrate and encourage you AND you get to meet some new blogging friends! You can’t beat that, huh? :-)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I did and was so excited because I actually got a chance to meet one of my blogger friends face-to-face! Yayy!! I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Michelle(eh em, lovely name don’t cha think), who blogs over at "Divas With a Purpose". She was an awesome hostess, who made everyone feel welcomed. She held her “Celebration of Friendship”  seminar at the Columbia Chamber of Commerce. It was quite lovely might I add, and  I also got a chance to meet up with some lovely ladies/vendors.
an encouragement link up and celebrations
Guess who won that lovely lunch bag in the middle of the table?

Monday, my younger sister and I took my older sister on a day trip to Charlotte, NC for her 50th birthday(you know we women can't pass up a road trip). Can’t believe I have a sister who’s 50, lol! It was great spending the entire day with my two sisters…love those chicas!! I cherish the time I spend with my family! We ended the day with a three course meal from the  “Cheesecake Factory”. I must admit…we ate waaayy too much!

an encouragement link up and celebrations
The lemon raspberry cheesecake was divine!!
On with the show!! Tell us what you did/are doing well this week! Go ahead, don’t be shy…you’re allowed to toot your horn over here!  After linking up, don’t forget to stop by some other blogs, show them some encouragement and luv!! Don't forget to come back Friday for "MicheIl's Weekly Pearl". I do appreciate each and every one of you and call you BLESSED!!

Having a blast serving Him !



  1. Hi Michelle
    Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.

    1. Hey Angel! You're welcome...and thanks for linking up! May you have a great week as well!

  2. I always love your blog hop, but I don't always know what to link up. That means sometimes I don't participate, but today I decided to link my two latest posts. I hope that's fine with you! God bless and enjoy your day.

    1. Hey Christina! Sure that's fine and I'm sure they're great post! ;-) Thanks so much for linking them up! God bless you too lady and have a great day as well! :-)

  3. New here, but looks fun! Thanks for hosting!

    1. Hey Gwen...WELCOME, so glad you joined us! Thanks for linking up...have a lovely day!

  4. Isn't it a wonderful blessing to meet another blogger friend? I remember my first opportunity; it was awesome! Blessings sweet sister; I hope your week continues to be full of joy!

    1. Awww...thanks so much Denise! Yes it is a blessing...I'm on the prey for some more bloggers here in S.C. Lol! It's amazing how we don't know each other outside of cyberspace, but there is a kindred spirit among us all! As always, thanks for dropping by Denise...and I receive it, may yours be the same!

  5. Hi Michell, such a short welcome to the party packed with fun! Firstly, YAY to meeting Michell...she built up so much suspense for that event, I'm glad you got to attend and meet her. Congrats on winning the swag. You know I'm a sucker for some family time. So sweet that y'all took a day trip & Charlotte has so much to offer. Happy 1/2 a Centenniel...ha, I'm sure she wants to hear that right? Seriously, What a blessing!!!

    I'm DYW with vacation! I plan to enjoy my family and get some overdue work done & of course get ahead on some blog stuff ;). Thx for hosting!

    1. Yes, it was great meeting her...she's a sweetheart! You know I had to make up for missing out on BBC in Charlotte Joi! ;-( I won the swag by paying attention to the directions, lol! Yes, my sisters and I had so much fun! Even though there's a five year difference between my older sister and myself and seven year difference between my younger sister and I, we're very close. After our mom passed away, we make it a point to bring our families together on a consistent basis. As with you, family is sooo precious to me! Thanks Joi...I'll be sure to let her know!

      Yayyy for vacation...have fun with the family! Thanks for linking up...have a wonderful and restful vacation!

  6. What a great weekend! It must be fun to meet a blogger friend face to face. Glad you got to go! Hope you have a great rest of your week, Michell!

    1. Hey Heather! Yes, it was great! I almost didn't make it though, but was able to at the last minute! Thanks for linking up...may you have a a great rest of your week as well lady!

  7. Oh how nice to meet another blogger in person. I love hanging out with my sisters as well. Hope the rest of your week is a great one.

    1. Hey Wanda! Yes it is, and I hope to meet up more often. Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Thanks and hope the rest of your week is great as well Wanda! ;-)

  8. Happy Wednesday Michell!!! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

    How fun to meet other bloggers in person. I would love to attend a meetup.

    1. Hey Emily!! That's right, you're in S.C. too aren't you? If you're ever in the Columbia area, I would love to meet up with you! Happy Wednesday to you too lady...thanks for linking up! ;-)

  9. It looks like you and your sisters had a fabulous time celebrating. I love the Cheesecake Factory! Have a great rest of the week!

    1. We did Trinity! The food was absolutely fabulous! I wasn't kidding when I said I ate way too much, lol! Thanks for linking do the same my friend!

  10. Well this week I have provided my readers an insight to Doll Houses, hope you will join us and take a peak!! Wordless Wednesday The Unbelievable
    Enjoy your day and thanks for hosting!!

    1. Hey Karren! Doll them! The designs they're making now are so cool. I'll be sure to stop by! Thanks for linking up Karren...may you enjoy yours as well!

  11. Looks like you all had great fun. Thanks a lot for hosting again Michell, have a super blessed day!

    1. Hey Ugochi!!!! So glad to have you over's been a while! We did, and I so enjoyed it! Thanks so much for stopping by...may you have a super blessed week as well my friend!! :-)

  12. Waving at Michelle who is a beautiful woman I had the pleasure of meeting last month when she was in St Louis. I shared a post of preparing for disasters, I know we don't like thinking about, but we should be aware of. Have a great day everyone!

    1. Hey Whitney! She is isn't she(inside and out) and she was such a wonderful hostess!! With all this crazy's much needed Whitney! Thanks for sharing it! Have a wonderful day!

  13. I think it's impossible NOT to eat too much at the Cheesecake Factory!

    Thanks for hosting, have a great week!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`¤... Jennifer
    Jenn's Random Scraps

    1. Haha true! I normally don't eat an appetizer and dessert with my meal in one sitting, but there's something about "The Cheesecake Factory" that just sucks you in and makes you want to overindulge! Lol!! Thanks for dropping by and linking up...have a lovely rest of your day! ;-)

  14. So cool that you were able to attend and even win something. A day trip sounds great. Happy 50th Birthday to your sister :) My running partner is way faster and much fitter than I am is turning 55 this Friday. She's having an classy adult only shing ding and I'm piggy backing her party as a date night with the Anyway we can get it

    1. Hey Hope!! IKR...I love winning door prizes! :-) It was great and I will tell her, thanks! Too funny about your running partner! Hey, I'm not mad at her, because when I turn 55, I'm looking to be that way, lol! God did promise to renew our youth like the eagles'. But of course, anyway we can get it in! tehehee! Thanks so much for linking up Hope...may you have a lovely weekend my friend!!

  15. Hope you are having a blessed week.

    1. Thanks Patrick! I am and hope you are as well! :-)

  16. It is great that you have been having an enjoyable time with your family Michell! Thanks for hosting. I am linking up for the first time. Take good care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hey Judy!! Welcome!! Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by and linking up! Have a wonderful week!!

  17. Thank you (again!!!) for coming out to support the event, Michell! It was definitely a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face! Your support meant so much and will definitely not be forgotten :) We've got to get our fellow SC Bloggers together more often. As always thanks so much for hosting DYWW


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)