
"Michell's Weekly Pearl"...(What Should I Do)

an advice column and a question about being unequally yoked
Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of  "Michell's Weekly Pearl", where I seek Godly wisdom to offer encouragement. If this is your first time visiting, let me tell you a little about my advice series. This is where you can ask me anything(within reason) on marriage, women's issues, family matters, relationships, parenting, homemaking, or life in general. If you want an honest, biblically based, to the point answer; email me your questions via (please put "MWP" in the subject area). I'll post your question, along with my answer, anonymously. Easy as that! To read more post in this series, you can do so (HERE).

Keep sending those questions in ladies!!! In the meantime, read on to see what "What Should I Do" asked...

Hi Michelle,

I've been dating a man for two years who claims he isn't a Christian and doesn't have any desire to be one. He simply does not believe in God. He's not a bad person and he respects my faith and my views towards Christianity. His views do not interfere or hinder my views for my love of our Savior, but I do wonder if this is pleasing to the Lord and if it's better for me and my relationship with God to end the relationship with me and this man?



I want to first start off by saying that I can’t tell you what to do; it’s a decision you’ll have to make. It’s a very interesting question, in that I think within your heart of hearts you probably already know the answer. I say this, because as Believers, we know what the Word tells us about being unequally yoked in 2 Corinthians 6:14. God isn’t just telling us this for the sake of saying it, but He tells us this for our own protection. Remember, you’ve been bought with a price; Jesus shed His blood for you to be His own, not to share allegiance with someone who doesn't believe in Him. When we as Believers enter into any kind of covenant, it should be with those of like faith, if not there will be a time where compromising will come into play. Because you have not married him yet(which I’m assuming you’re thinking of doing), YOU must make the decision NOW as to what you’re willing to live with. You mentioned that he doesn’t interfere or hinder you and he respects your faith, however, there’s a big difference between being his girlfriend and being his wife. Once that happens, all bets are off. You then, as a Believer are required to be submitted to your husband. Who’s to say that his views won’t change, in that he may tell you that you can no longer worship God, etc?  There's a deeper aspect and purpose to marriage for Believers that can't be fulfilled if one of the parties is an unbeliever. Your situation is different from two people who are unbelievers when they get married and one party becomes a Believer after being married. In that situation, I do believe God graces the marriage when 1 Peter 3:1-2 is walked out. In your are aware of your partner's unbelief BEFOREHAND. You have to decide as to whether you’re willing to take that chance. It’s a decision you’ll have to make and must be willing to live with. There are consequences to every decision we make, whether good or bad. You may want to sit down with him and discuss your feelings, but; what you don’t want to do is try to change him(not saying that you have done this). It should be a decision he makes on his own, as salvation should never be forced on anyone as an ultimatum for someone staying. The beauty of salvation is that Jesus wanted us to CHOOSE Him as our Savior. As previously stated, whatever your decision is, it should be just that, “your decision”, because it’s your life. However, you must be willing to live with the consequences of the decision you make.  Hope this helps…have a wonderful day! Praying for you!

I’ve been married for over 24 years to my husband, a pastor. I’ve worked alongside him in ministry full-time for over 17 years. During that time, we've pioneered two ministries and I've established a women’s ministry(Women of Excellence). We have three adult children and a son-in-law.  My areas of specialty are family, marriage and women’s issues. Hopefully the (Godly)wisdom I’ve learned through my years of experience will lead you to and keep you on the road to doing you well!  As my husband always says...why spend your life going down a road you don't have to travel, when someone else has already learned the lesson and can show you how to avoid that path.  

Disclaimer: I don't profess to be an expert, but what I have learned...I'm willing to share.  With that being said...what I write on my blog is my opinion and advice. It is not my counsel. This also applies to anyone writing on this blog. If someone uses any advice, opinion or recommendation from this blog and is upset, angered, or harmed in any way, I am not to be held responsible or be held liable in any way. What I write on this blog is not to be taken as fact or absolute. My intention is to do no harm. The content in this blog is the opinion of this blogger and is not intended to disparage or malign anyone or anything that has the ability to be offended. I am not responsible, nor will I be held liable, for anything anyone says on this blog in the blog comments.

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam
Having a blast serving Him !


  1. Such a powerful, powerful post. I'm sure there are many believers with similar questions. I agree with everything that you've said. I've seen too many marriages become nightmares and eventually leading to divorce because of this same scenario. How can two walk unless they agree? Thank you for your Godly wisdom. I pray for the person asking the question that God will comfort and guide her through this difficult process.

    1. Yes Hope, I pray that also. It is sad to see so many marriages fall apart because the foundation isn't built on Christ. Anything not built on a solid foundation will eventually crumble. Thanks for stopping by Hope...have a blessed evening!:-)

  2. I'm with Hope, my prayers are with the questioner. I have only had relationships with believers so I haven't had to deal with this personally but for me (I know I'm on the outside looking in) I find that info out up front and it's a deal breaker if we aren't equally yoked. All the best with the decision, Michell as usual has provided awesome insight in going forward.

    1. I agree Joi! It is a deal breaker, as my faith is something I'm not willing to compromise for ANYONE! Praying the best for my sis! Thanks so much Joi...have a wonderful evening lady!

  3. I love the advice that you shared. I have seen so many women marry men with the intention of changing them once they are married. More times than not, that is only wishful thinking. If you give someone an ultimatum just to get married, then you'll probably have to give them an ultimatum just to stay. Who wants to live such a life? Marriage already comes with the usual "ups" and "downs", and it does not need the added burdens from pressuring one another concerning religious beliefs or the lack thereof. I think that only causes confusion. Why say, "I Do" to someone that hasn't made plans to spend ETERNITY with you? As believers, we must think beyond the moment. Our ultimate goal is to spend ETERNITY with the SAVIOR and to enjoy peace and happiness everyday. I don't know about anyone else, but I want my loved ones to enjoy the same thing. Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Yes Trinity, so true..."we must think beyond the moment". It is so futile isn't it, to ever think we could change anyone...only God can do that. Thanks so much for stopping by and chiming in...have an awesome evening!

  4. I love how you are such a bright light in helping with people's questions. You are a true lady, and a beautiful woman of the Lord. I love reading these!!!

    1. Awww...thank you so much Ash, that means a lot hon! I give all glory to God! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed evening! xoxo

  5. Oh Michell, you have such a GIFT for encouraging within your guidance and loving truths. This is surely a very difficult situation, and I believe you shared such powerful and inspiring points. God bless YOU.

    1. Thanks so much Chris! I so rely on the Holy Spirit to make sure I balance my answers, by sharing the truth WITH love! Thanks for stopping by! Have a lovely evening Chris...God bless you too! xoxo

  6. I'm with you Michell some times we really know the answer within ourselves but are simply seeking that confirmation from others. As always very seasoned advice shared.

    1. Yes Wanda, exactly! Sometimes we already know it, we just can't bring ourselves to accept it. Thank you my friend and thanks for dropping by! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Replies
    1. Awww...thank you my friend! Love you too sis! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed weekend!

  8. Beyond blessed to have found you today. I am splashed and refreshed.

    I would love to see you splashin' our little group of moms. We could use your words of encouragement. your tips. your photos. your anything gloriously mom.

    I jot some few notes on Mondays. But it's a link up whenever you can kind of thing. I understand the filled to the brim momma schedules. We would be honored to have you join. Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.

    Splashin' Momma,

    1. Hi Sarah! I'm blessed that you found me! Thanks so much for the invite, I'd be glad to join you all! Thanks again for visiting...may you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. You give serious food for thought in this post Michell! I like how you dealt with the issue. Thanks for sharing on Creative Monday.

    1. Hi Judy! Thank you so much and thanks for dropping by! You're welcome...thanks so much for hosting, have a blessed weekend!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Lisi and thanks for stopping by...have a lovely weekend lady!


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