
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #22 along with some "Old School Blogging- Alphabet Soup"

one year bloggavesary
Hey Y’ALL!! Welcome to another week of “Doing YOU WELL Wednesday”!  Hope you all are doing fabulous!  I’m doing something a little new here on my blog today! This came at a great time though, as I wasn’t able to unveil my new blog design yesterday…insert sad face and booos here--->(technical difficulties…ahem, right Mr. Producer, lol). Well, yesterday, June 18th, yours truly…“Prowess and Pearls”, celebrated it’s ONE YEAR BLOGAVERSARY!!!

No big fanfare! I guess I’m treating it like I treat my birthdays…the older I get, the less hoopla(with the exception of my 50th, which will be rolling around in five years)! For that one, there will definitely be a BIG SHINDIG!! LOL! Anyway, as I mentioned, I had to postpone my new blog look for a week! Anyway, come back next week to see my new blog design and a little something for all my lovely blogging friends!

Back to my something new! Well, HOPE over at "Defining Hope" tagged me in the "Old School Blogging- Alphabet Soup", hosted by Elaine and Jennifer (I’m sure you all have heard of it. It's where you go through the alphabets and list facts about yourself). I’m not a big fan of these(I LOVE reading them, however, I'm not a big fan of participating in them), BUT I thought this one would be fun. So Hope, you can credit yourself with getting Lola(that would be me), to let her hair down and have some fun...tehehehe.  If you don’t know that much about me,  read on to find out more! I promise, you’ll absolutely LOVE me when you’re finished reading, lol!

Don’t forget to link up your post(any that you’d like)! Visit some other blogs in the link up, give some encouragement and love and make some new friends!! Oh, and don’t forget to come back Friday for “Michell’s Weekly Pearl”. I do appreciate each and every one of you! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

A. Attached or Single?   Attached to the BEST teammate EVER! 
B. Best Friend?  Umm…my teammate of course! Oh, I have to include my college roomie..."MHFPDYKM", whose birthday happens to be today.
C. Cake or pie? Both, cake(lemon pound cake) and pie(key lime) 
D. Day of choice?  Sundays of course…WORSHIP with my family and church family and family time afterwards 
E. Essential Item? Trident gum and my iPhone. Can’t believe there was a time when cell phones didn’t exist and I actually lived to tell about it! Talk about “roughing it”! 
F. Favorite color? Black…I know, I know. That’s a hard question though, because I like different colors for different things, i.e.( yellows, seafoam green, red, orange, browns, soft blues, tans, creams and taupe for decorating and wall colors and white, pinks, aqua, soft greens/yellows and black for clothes). Oh and black for shoes.  I guess it’s safe to say I like all colors, eh? 
G. Gummy bears or worms? Neither! Did you know they were made from bones??!! So stop eating them NOW! Ewwwww!! 
H. Hometown? Eastover, SC 
I. Favorite Indulgence? That’s a hard one! I like so many things! But nothing beats a trip to Cupcakes in the Vista(downtown Columbia) for one of their key lime, lemon or red velvet cupcakes! Oh my, oh my!! 
J. January or July? I like both, but one is too hot and the other is too cold…I guess I’ll go with July…why? Because it’s summer of course! 
K. Kids? Three(Keri, Joel and Blake) and a son-in-law(Allyn), so I guess you can say four. :-) I absolutely love them to pieces!! I’m patiently awaiting grandkids though…I’m so over kids, lol! Just kidding kids…just kidding! Wow, people can’t take a joke these days, geez! 
L. Life isn't complete without? JESUS the Christ!! Enough said! 
M. Marriage date? January 7th, 1989
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 2 sisters and I’m smack in the middle 
O. Oranges or Apples? Neither, but I LOVE strawberries, peaches and blueberries 
P. Phobias? It’s a crazy one! But, I don’t have to worry about it anymore, now that I’ve been natural for five years.  I had this crazy phobia of just when it was time for my hairdresser to rinse my relaxer out…the water would shut off! Crazy isn’t it, but can you imagine it? My head’s on fire and my hair falling out! Makes me shiver every time I think of it! Aaarrrggghhh!!!  Also, I’ve worn corrective lenses since I was five(forty years now). Every time I psyche myself to get Lasik surgery, I get this image of the doctor sneezing just when he puts the laser in my eye!  Can you say black holes on my face with smoke coming out of them!! Yikes!! Scary, huh?!! Hahaha. So, I guess it’s safe to say I have a phobia of fire. Let’s just say I’m making sure my relationship with Jesus is SOLID, so I won’t see hell…cause’ me and heat…WE DON’T MIX! :-D 
Q. Quotes?  Ummm…”Do YOU WELL” of course! :-) 
R. Reasons to smile? Sooo many things! Jesus and the Kingdom, my family, beautiful scenery, nature, reminiscing, daydreaming, good music…the list goes on and on... 
S. Season of choice? Fall…can you say COLLEGE FOOTBALL(whoopwhoop)! Michigan Wolverines and South Carolina Gamecocks!  Also, the smell of cinnamon and apples, picking apples/pumpkins, crunchy leaves, the fresh fall air and the beautiful fall colors. But most importantly,  snakes start going underground!! There is a practical reason for my choice too, you know! 
T. Tag 5 People.  Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern  I sure hope they can do it, but I might have caught them at a bad time. 
U. Unknown fact about me? When I was younger I had a mad crush on Bruce Lee and was devastated when he died…tears. Oh, also when I was younger, I wanted to be a race car driver and mafia princess when I grew up and I had an alter ego whose name was Dana Polinksi (I actually wrote “this book belongs to Dana Polinksi” in all my books)…IKR, too funny right! I had a VERY vivid imagination as a kid(actually, I still do)! I should’ve gone into show biz! 
V. Vegetable? Kale and spinach 
W. Worst habit? Staying up too late! I’m trying to get in bed by 11:30, but it’s soooo hard! 
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Ummm…NEITHER, unless I absolutely have to! I mean really, who likes radiation and who likes cold slimy gel? Personally, I think the question should have been Xylophone or Ukulele? Don’t cha think? 
Y. Your favorite food? What? Really? With all kinds of food out here, how can one possibly have a FAVORITE? Oh well, I guess it will have to be a GOOD cheeseburger…doesn’t matter where it’s from, as long as it’s GOOD! Along with a side order of shoestring fries drenched in ketchup. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! You know the kind that makes you take your shoes off and twinkle your toes with delight! Come on, don’t you all act as if you DON’T know what I’m talking about!! 
Z. Zodiac sign? I don’t do zodiac signs, but my birthday is May 28th, so it would be Gemini

Alright, now that that's over with and I've shared waaay too much about myself...let's get to linking up ladies and gents!


  1. Happy Blogoversary!!!! Congrats to you! I'm so glad you're a part of the blogosphere and part of my circle of blogging buddies! This week I've been working on organization and order within my home. My oldest son left for the summer, so I was able to get into his room and do some, ahem, summer cleaning :) Hope you have a fantastic week and, as always, thank you for hosting this link-up!

    1. Awww...thanks so much Michelle! So glad to be a part of your circle too! :-) Tell me about it...that's exactly what I did this week...ORGANIZED, good for you! Lol! You are so welcome...thanks so much for linking up! May you have a fantastic week as well!

  2. Congrats on a year dear!!! That is so wonderful. Well Dana, I'm gonna continue eating my gummies. That is totally gross though. Too funny about the relaxed, that would be gets to burning right before the rinse.

    I'm DYWW on Vacay!!!

    1. Hey Joi...thank you!! Too funny, and I'm not surprised, I knew you would wouldn't let something like BONES deter you! Bahaha! IKR...the MAIN reason I went natural!

      How fun...have a wonderful time and get some relaxation! Thanks for taking time out to stop by and link up on your vacay...what a friend! :-D Have a good one lady!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Happy blogiversary! Love your answers! Especially the Jesus Christ one! So true! I wish I could say my favorite veggies were spinach and kale! I need to work on that. ;) Hope you have a great rest of your week Michell!


    1. Hey Heather, thanks so much! Yep, He's definitely my EVERYTHING! :-) All you have to do Heather, is close your eyes real tight and say to yourself, I believe, I believe and you'll like them...HAHAHA! JK, but hey it could happen!;) Thanks so much for dropping by, may you have a great rest of your week as well!

  5. So many praises; love your uplifting and joyful attitude! :) Congrats on your one year...and I can't wait to see your new look! :) Love the questions and answers; always fun to learn more about our fellow blogger friends. :)

    Have a week full of joyful blessings!

    1. Thanks so much Denise!! Yes, so many praises my friend! I thank Him for the opportunity to do this...I absolutely love blogging! It is fun learning about's amazing how much we find out we have in common. Thanks so much for dropping by...may your week be full of joyful blessings as well!! :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Bekah and thanks for stopping by and linking up my friend!

  7. Happy Anniversary! Keep doing what God has called you to do :)

    1. Hi Lisi! Thank you...I pray that I will my friend! Thanks so much for linking up...have a blessed day!

  8. Hahaha! Yay! I'm glad Lola let her hair down. I absolutely loved and laughed at you answers. Who knew you were such a comedian. You gotta add that to the list of unknown facts. I'm with you on the phobia. When I was young I used to hear some church folk sing "Wanna go to hell? Hell no" Ha! (gotta love the church folks. Thank for doing this. Congrats on your blog anniversary. Can't wait to see what's in store for your makeover. have a blessed rest of the week.

    1. Hahaha Hope! You should feel real special, as you're the only one in the bloggersphere who's gotten me to do it, lol! :-D I guess I could add it to my resume, seeing as if I do like to make people laugh, lol! "The first lady of comedy"...has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Yeah right...Haha! Yes, gotta love us church folk, wow! Thanks so much and thanks for linking up! May you have a blessed rest of your week as well my friend! ;-)

  9. Thanks so much for the great party Michell!

    Have a Sweet Day!

    1. Aww...thanks Heather and thanks for linking up! May you have a Sweeter Day! :-))

  10. I enjoyed your answers to the Alphabet Soup, Ms.Dana Polinski! It's funny that you mention your phobia. When I was younger my older sis and her bff were dying each other's hair. There was a thunderstorm that night and mid-dye for the bff all the power went out! She was flipping out and kept screaming to my sister to help her find her way to the bathroom to wash out the dye! Gasp.hahaha

    1. Hahaha Veronica! See, that's exactly what I'm talking COULD happen! Lol! I sure hope she got it out in time...gasp is right! Thanks so much for dropping by...have a wonderful rest of your day!;-)

  11. Happy Blogaversary! I love the joy I hear in your writing:) And your list is so fun! I might have to try it myself.
    Have a great day!

    1. Hey there Kristen!! Awww...thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed it and yes, you should try it! I would love to learn some fun facts about you! :-D Thanks for linking up...have a great day as well!

  12. Congratulations! Joy to you and this absolutely fabulous blog! Blessings!

    1. Aww...thanks so much my sweet friend! Thanks for linking up...blessings to you as well! ;-)

  13. Congratulations Michell!!!! I hope you are having a fantastic week!

    1. Thank you Emily!! I am and hope you are as well lady! Thanks for linking up!!

  14. Oh Michell!! I didn't know you have only been blogging for a year! Amazing... CONGRATS!!!!
    And I LOVED learning more about you through the ABC's!!! SO fun! Now I want a cheeseburger and shoe string fries too... thanks for that. LOL ;)

    1. Yes ma'am, only a passed right by me! Lol! Thank you so much darlin'!!! It was definitely so much fun!'re welcome!;) I so want some right now! Thanks for linking up...have an awesome week my friend! xoxoxo

  15. Oh my! It is so funny that your phobia is the same phobia I use to have when I was relaxed. I always imagined that the electricity and the water would go off at the same time, and I would be running around in the dark trying to find some kind of water to get that stuff out of my hair , ha ha ha!

    1. Hahaha, now that is TOO funny Trinity...what a coinky dinky!! It's so glad to know that I'm not crazy!! Lol!! Thanks for linking up...have a lovely week!

  16. Congratulations - and happy birthday! What an exciting landmark to reach! Really looking forward to seeing your new blog design too! Have a blessed week! Ruth

    1. Thank you so much Ruth!!! Thank God!!Thanks for stopping by and linking up...may you have a blessed week as well my friend! ;-)

  17. Happy Anniversary. You have taught me some lessons. Hope you keep on, keep up the great work.

    1. Aww...thank you Patrick for your kind words!! As always, thanks for linking up...have a blessed week!!

  18. Happy Anniversary! LOL to linking all the superheroes!!

    1. Hey Nellie! Thank you!! Haha, yes, I had to throw them off! :-) Have a good one!

  19. I love a good burger and fries too, SO GOOD! Thanks for linking up with Old School Blogging! :D

    1. Hi Elaine, yes they are!;-) Thanks so much for was fun! Have a great day!

  20. Congratulations on your 1 year Blogaversary Michell! Interesting post. I learnt a lot about you. Thank you very much for hosting and enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Hi Judy! Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by and linking up...may you have a wonderful rest of your weekend! ;-)

  21. I'm a day late.. Glad the link is still open.. It's not my usual type of blog post, but it needed to be done.. *sigh*

    1. No problem Ren!! Just glad you were able to join us this week! Have a wonderful evening my friend! ;-)

  22. You know you had me cracking up on your answer to P. I'm natural now too, so I don't have to worry about the relaxer (which always burned!) but I've thought about Lasik. Now you're giving me second thoughts!LOL!

    1. Hahaha Alison! It's amazing how many people have that same phobia...LOL! That says something, don't you think! :-D PLEASE don't let my antics stop you from getting your eyes worked on, lol! Thanks so much for stopping by...have a lovely week lady!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)