
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #38 and something totally "new"

an encouragement link up
Hey ALL…Happy HUMP Day!! I’ve got an idea that I want to run by everyone. So tell me what you think?

I don’t know about you all, but I’m finding myself not being able to get to all the blogs that I love to read. So I thought to myself…”self, how can I solve this problem”? You know me, I didn’t want it to just be myself who benefits from the solution...I wanted to include all my friends! So I was thinking about starting a FB group for us bloggers! I know, I know…been there, done that! And I'm sure some of us belong to a few…but I don’t know about you, I just seem to get lost in those “big” groups and I’ve found that people just don’t play fair, which is one of my major “pet peeves”

We've created a pretty good community here, so I think we'll all benefit! I wanted to have a place where we can stop by and share our post, our give-aways, or whatever is going on over at our blogs and/or social media sites. And of course, I'll be promoting you as well! I wanted to also include link-ups so we can follow each others social media sites if we chose to. My job is to make sure you have a platform to display your blogs! I thought it would be an easy way for us all to get more exposure/traffic to our blogs without having to go all over the place. I’m looking at getting it started around the first week of November, so it’s still in the early stages. I’ll keep you all posted. Let me know what your thoughts are and if it’s something you'd be interested in?

In the meantime…let’s introduce our two featured bloggers for this week! Let's all give a shout-out to the lovely HEATHER who blogs over at "My Sweet Mission" where she shows off her cooking/baking "prowess" and the lovely KENYA who blogs over at "" where she shows off her writing "prowess". Let's stop by and show them some love!  In the meantime, everyone knows what to do, right? Link up your post(s) *any you'd like*, tell us what you're doing well, stop by a few blogs and give them some encouragement by showing them some comment love, and if you follow me please let me know so I can follow back! 

If you missed my post on Monday..."How Ugly Can You Get...My Story", you can read that HERE!  Don't forget to let me know if you're interested in the FB group! Until next time...I call you all BLESSED!!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam


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  1. I'm on Vacay this week from blogging on my own blog but popped in to say that's how I'm DYWW this week :) New outlet for sharing sounds great, I'm in!

    1. Hey Joi!! Ooh I feel so special! You dropped by on your vacay to tell me hello! Sure am missing those post this week, but I know you're enjoying yourself girl! Get enough rest for me too! Lol! See you next week darlin'...thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi. I'm a new follower. Thank you for hosting! : )

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. You're so welcome...THANKS for joining us!! Thanks so much for the follow...I'll head over to your blog in a few!

  3. Hi Mitchell,

    That sounds like a delightful idea....fellowship with our blogger sisters on FB! What an awesome way to inspire, encourage, and learn more about each other. Looking forward to it!
    Blessings sweet friend; hope you have a DYWW joyful day!!


    1. Hey Denise! I'm excited about it as well! We can only do so much through a linky-party! That's exactly what I encourage, inspire and promote one another! I am and hope you are as well my friend...thanks for linking up!!

  4. Michell, Hi, sounds like a good idea! What a way to spread encouragement, gifts, and talents. There's a lot of great stuff for us to share :) Blessings.

    1. Hey Lisi! Thank you! Exactly...we all have great stuff to share, but unfortunately we can only do so much ourselves. That's what community is all about...helping one another! Blessings to you as well my friend!

  5. A lovely idea! Bless you for your heart to connect and encourage each other. {Hugs}

    1. Thank you Beth!! It's so what I love doing! ((((HUGS)))) back at you my friend!!

  6. The FB group is a great idea Michell! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Wednesday.

    1. Hey Judy! So glad you'll be on board my friend!! You are so welcome...thanks for linking up! May you have a wonderful Wednesday as well Judy!

  7. Thank you for the shout out Michell! I already had a visitor from "DYWW" so I said, "What's going on?" Happy surprise. As for FB groups, I have left every one I ever joined. Like you said they get too big or are two big, if you get in there late then you feel like a needle in a haystack. Maybe getting in a newly established one will be a better experience.

    1. Hey Kenya!'re so welcome my friend!! I know exactly what you mean girl! Those big groups are such a turn off because .1) they're too big, lol .2) no one knows you and .3) most people are there just to get followers and people to visit their blogs with no intentions of doing the same! Really now! Lol! I plan on keeping it small, 50-100 people, if that many AND private! My plan is to make it where everyone gets exposure, so if it's too many it defeats the purpose! Have a good one!

  8. Michell, I think it's a great idea!! You're always thinking! ;)

    Hope you have a great rest if your week!

    1. Hey Heather!!'re so sweet, thank you!! May you have a great rest of your week as well!! ;-)

  9. I like the fb idea! Thank you for hosting!

    1. You're welcome Sara...thanks so much for linking up!!

  10. Hi Michell. I'm honored that I'm one of your featured bloggers this week, you are SO sweet! I love the FB idea, let us know when you get it up and running, it sounds very nice!

    Thanks again and have a beautiful day my friend!

    1. Hi Heather!! Awww, thank're so welcome my friend!! I sure will keep everyone posted! Thanks for linking up...have a beautiful day as well!! ;-)

  11. Michell the FB group is a good idea. My suggestion would be to keep it on the smaller side. I recently started in a group and everything was going great and then it got bigger and bigger.........It got to be overwhelming trying to keep up. I like the idea of having a group of close blogger friends. I have lots and lots of blogger friends, but there are a few that I turn to for advice and support on a regular basis. Wow! Did you ask for all of that? LOL!

    1. Hahaha too funny! No, I love the input! Most definitely...I'm looking to keep it smaller too. I ran into that as well with some of the larger ones and it got to be pointless! :-) I'll make it private as well, so I can control the size! Thanks again and thanks for linking up!! Have a good one! ;-)

  12. I agree -- it's hard to get to everyone each week. I did that for almost 2 years until I got so tired and God told me that I didn't have to do that much anymore. That's why I created the SDG small groups so people would feel like they had a smaller home. For the most part, I think it's been effective and a good tool when people need it.

    1. Exactly Jen! I like the small group...connections are made easier and no one gets overwhelmed! Big enough for everyone to get exposure, but small enough where no one feels left out! Thanks for linking up my friend!

  13. Hi Michell! I'd definitely be interested in a FB group. I know what you mean about getting overwhelmed. Thank you for being the always fabulous hostess. I hope you are having a lovely day! :)

    1. Aww...thanks Emily and you're welcome! Thanks for linking up! Looking forward to you joining up with us! I am...and hope you are as well my friend!

  14. Yes, it is so hard to keep up with all of the blogs I want to read! A FB group can work well or, as others have said, not so well. I need to un-join most of the ones I'm currently in - I just can't keep up with them either! The one I do follow regularly is smaller (30ish members) and takes a very positive approach to the members sharing tips and information and supporting one another. Thanks for considering this idea.

    1. Hi Gaye! I agree, the smaller it is, bloggers will have a greater chance of networking and supporting one another. Thanks so much for your input and for linking up! Have a great evening! ;-)

  15. I shared you on my blog today! Love you!!

  16. A good idea.

    Hope you are having a great week.

    1. Thanks so much Patrick!! I am and hope you are as well my friend! ;-)

  17. I always love dropping by your blog :) Whatever you're posting about always seems to speak with me. Thank you for all of your inspiration! Linking up this week!

    Diary of a Debutante

    1. Hey there lady!!! So good hearing from you!! Aww...thank you Stephanie for your kind words my friend! Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Blessings!!

  18. That's a great idea! I am already part of a couple of groups like that and it has been very fruitful. It's a great place to share ideas, get advice and promote each others posts. My recommendation though is that you keep it smaller as they seem to be the most effective groups :-) I would love to be a part of the group!

    1. Great Ruth!! I'm glad the consensus with everyone is for a smaller group...just what I had in mind!! Would love to have you join in! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up! Blessings!!

  19. We're linking up this week! Great idea for facebook we want to participate in the new group!

    1. Hi Stephanie...awesome! Looking forward to you joining us...I'll keep you posted! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up! Blessings my friend!

  20. Hey lovey!!! Just stopping by to check in and I would LOVE to be a part of a group with these awesome bloggers!!! It is IMpossible to keep up... I get it. XOXO No post to link up this week- taking a breather. ;)

    1. Hey honey!!'re so sweet Chris!! Would LOVE for you to join in darlin'! ;-) IKR...I'm patting myself on the back because THIS week, I'm caught up on responding to all comments...whoopwhoop! Didn't know if you got a chance to read this week's "Mastering YOU Monday", but it's been posted. Thanks for stopping by! xoxoxo

  21. Linking up late - but better late than never, right?

  22. PS. I am interested in the Facebook group as well!! Thanks Michell!

    1. Great Michelle! I'll let everyone know when it's officially up! Have a good one! :-)

  23. The FB group is a great idea, Ms. Michell! I'm all in.

    I'm doing me well this week by going to a women's retreat in southern Maryland tomorrow. Excited to get away and be blessed while I enjoy some spiritual food!

    Have a great weekend, Michell!

    1. Great Alison! Ooh, I hope you were blessed and refreshed girl...sounds like fun! I'm sure you'll be writing about it on your blog...can't wait!! Thanks so much Ali for dropping by...blessings my friend!!

  24. I think a FB group would be great. You are so right, I am a part of some, but looking to enter one that is not as big and the members have time to connect.

    1. Exactly...the groups are great, but if they're too big...then they don't serve a purpose...ijs! :-) Looking forward to having you on board! Have a good one lady!!

  25. I'm a day late, but I'm here! I linked up my post on 12 Seasonings and Spices You Should Be Using. FB group sounds great. I do belong to several but a few of them have little or no active participation. I'm always looking for new ways to connect. I'm doing well today because I just ordered a proof of the print version of my novel, Acting On Her Behalf. Can't wait to see it in print! Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Whoohooo yayy for you Kim!! I know it'll be so exciting to finally see it! My husband said that was the greatest feeling ever! Congrats again on your'll be able to promote it over in the FB group! Thanks for linking up...have a great evening!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)