
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #39 and a tribute to a dear friend

an encouragement link up and remembering a friend
Today, October 30th, is a bittersweet day for my family and I. One year ago today my husband lost his best friend and our children lost their god-father, Gary Ward Crawford, after only a three month battle with cancer. He left behind a wife and three beautiful children ages 5, 8 and 16. Cancer is a devastating disease that affects more people now than ever before and!! Today is bitter because this day a year ago the world lost
what I considered(next to my mommy) the sweetest person I know...sweet, because his lifelong mission was to one day see his Savior…and that he did a year ago today. You all know how I love to write letters to the beautiful  people in my life who have gone too soon, so if you get a chance I’d really love for you to read my letter I wrote to this awesome man of God the evening he passed away, entitled... “The True Essence of Friendship”  HERE. It may bring comfort to you if you’ve lost someone near and dear to your heart.

an encouragement link up and remembering a friend

I’ll resume with featuring bloggers next week. But I did want to let you all know that I’ve got the “Doing  You Well FB Group” up and going. Yayyy!! However, in order to join, you must be my FB friend. You can do that HERE and I’ll add you to the group. I’m limiting the group to about 50 people so that it serves its purpose. I may consider adding more to the group(if the members wish to do so).

Well, it's “DYWW”, so tell us what you’re “doing well” today! Link up your post(s), visit some other blogs in the link-up, give them some encouragement by spreading some comment love, and let them know you’re dropping by from “DYWW”. If you missed them, you can click on the links and read “Michell’s Weekly Pearl” and “Mastering YOUMonday”. Until next week…I call you BLESSED!!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam


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  1. Thanks for hosting, Michell. I added you to my FB page, and I read the beautiful letter your wrote to your dear friend. How devastating...especially knowing that he left behind children. I bet this year without him flew by, and you probably feel like it was just yesterday that he passed. :( Praying for his family on this anniversary. XOXO

    1. Hey Meredith! Thank you so much my friend! Yes it did, it really hasn't hit us yet that he's actually gone, not until his family comes down and he's not with them.... Thanks so much for your prayers!! order to join the group, we would have to be FB friend, then I can add you! Just hit the FB link in my post and send me a request! xoxoxoxo

  2. Hi Michell; praying that you all rejoice in the sweet memories and love that your friend left behind; that his presence is with you and encourages you; and that his love surrounds and embraces you!

    Blessings and love sweet friend,

    1. Amen Denise! And those, we have plenty of! :-D Thanks for linking up...blessings to you as well my friend!!

  3. So sorry. God only seems to take the kindest and best of people. x

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Thanks so much Louisa! Yes, seems like the good ones are going way too soon!

  4. Michell, I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I know this day will be tough, but sweet too, as you said, knowing you'll get to see him again one day!

    Thank you for hosting, sweet friend!

    1. Amen Heather! Knowing that He's with the Father makes it much better! You're so welcome my friend...THANK YOU for linking up!! :-)

  5. Michell, May your beautiful memories of your friend bring you peace today. Much love to you.

    1. Thanks so much Beth!! Love you too my friend!! ;-)

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today. Cancer is such a terrible disease and I am sorry you all lost your friend. Be comforted knowing that he is free from suffering and with the Lord. My twin sister also died of cancer. I have sent a Facebook friend request. Thanks for hosting and take care.

    1. Wow, so sorry for your loss! Yes, he and your sister are definitely without pain anymore, thank God! He was diagnosed with pancreatic, gall bladder and liver cancer and within three months he was gone... Thanks so much Judy for stopping by! Btw...I added you to the group already! Blessings!

  7. Prayers going out to you and Pastor Crawford's family~

  8. Good morning. Prayers go out to his family, as well as yours. You find comfort in knowing that he is in a better place. Where there is no more sickness, no more hurting and no more suffering.

    1. Hi Talitha! Thanks so much...yes, he is in a much better place!! Thanks for linking up! today, have a wonderful week!

  9. I am so sorry about your friend and your loss. I understand completely. A dear friend of ours with leukemia is about to be sent home so he can spend his last days there. He's in his mid thirties. Cancer is definitely to be hated.

    1. So sorry Bekah! Praying for you all and his family...that's so sad and he's so young! Yes my friend, it is to be hated with a passion! Thanks so much for linking up...have a great week!

  10. Michell, so many people lives have been touched by cancer. I have aunt who is currently taking chemo.

    1. Praying for your aunt Wanda!! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up my friend!!

  11. Hope you're holding onto the good memories today, prayers to everyone affected by his passing.

    1. Yes we are Jenn...and we have MANY! Thanks so much! Blessings to you my friend! :-)

  12. Good Morning...This is my first time linking up and I am already inspired by all the beautiful comments and links everyone is leaving. Have a beautiful day and always remember to smile!

    1. Hi there Marisa!! Aww...thanks so much for joining glad to have you here!! You do the same and I will!! :-D

  13. Michell, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet friend. Prayers being sent your way. {hugs}

    1. Thanks so much Stephanie for your thoughts, prayers and ((hugs))!! Have a wonderful week my friend!!

  14. Sweet friend, this is a beautiful tribute to a friend. Take comfort in knowing that he is at peace and with the Lord now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you have peace and rest for your heart and mind. I lost my eldest brother 2 years ago to lung cancer and I know how devastating it can be to not only the life of the individual but to their family and friends. I am truly sorry for your loss. Please know that there are so many of us out here that love you and are praying for you today. I hope you can feel that love today and every day.

    1. Awwww Angel, I sure do!! Thanks so much for your heart-felt words my friend!! They mean a lot! So sorry for the loss of your dear brother as well!! Thanks again my sweet friend...may you have a blessed rest of your week!! ;-)

  15. Hi Michell, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. God desires that we love each other, and then when our loved ones are taken, it's so painful... I am not a big fan of cancer either. My mom died of pancreatic cancer, and I know that there just can't be anyone who is unaffected by this horrid disease.

    So happy for your advanced on FB! Your ministry is just growing my leaps and bounds!

    1. Hi Ceil! Thank you my friend! So sorry for the loss of your mother to such a horrible disease! Thanks so much for the God be the glory! Have a blessed week!!

  16. How do I get to the group? Link me in, lol! I am gearing up for a for a literacy based academic celebration at a local foundation this weekend. I'm pretty excited, we'll be cooking and exercising :) If you didn't see Facebook, I had pretty exciting news this week, stay tuned on the blog as I know you will.

    Now for Mr. McDreamy (Lord, rest his soul...sorry but he was very handsome :) ), I am so sorry for his family, your family, and his congregation. I am right there with you! I HATE cancer too. My prayers to you all as you celebrate his memory today!

    1. Bahaha Joi you are a mess girl!! Only you would have me cracking up! Yes, he was handsome...and his personality and disposition was the sweetest! Thank you my friend for your thoughts and prayers!

      As far as the group, I added you this morning lady! Whoohoo, can't wait to see the news! Make sure you add the link to the FB group! A literacy celebration sounds exciting...have fun and whip them into shape, lol! Have a good one darlin'!!

  17. Hi Michell. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I agree cancer is a devastating disease and unfortunately has probably touched every family in some way or another. Thanks for the party and hope you enjoy the rest of your week.


    1. Hi Heather! Thanks so much my friend! Forgive me for the lateness of my response...I am so behind!! Have a good one!

  18. Michell, parting is such sweet sorrow. But to be absent from the body... hallelujah! And think of the reunion that awaits all of you, my dear! "T'will be sweet when we meet..."

    1. Amen Alison...that's the Word!! Thanks so much my friend! Blessings!

  19. Blessings during your time of sorrow. I know sometimes the heart just hurts & it is unbearable, praying for peace. XO.~Amber~

    1. Thanks so much Amber for your kind words! Blessings! ;-)

  20. Michell, I read your letter and my condolences to you, your husband and your family and friends.
    I know what your talking about and cancer is from the pit of hell. God is a God of love and I know he didn't take my mother who went to be the Lord almost 19 years this November. Satan is the deceiver and the lord of sickness and disease.
    I can relate to how you feel and prayers go out for peace and comfort.

    1. Thank you so much!! Wow, you were so young when your mother passed away! Will keep you in my prayers as the anniversary of your sweet mother's passing comes around. Blessings to you and thanks so much for stopping by!

  21. Oh sister, how I hate cancer, too! I am sorry for your loss and am praying for you guys and for Pastor Crawford's family. I speak life and blessings over each one of you. May you know the comfort and peace of the Father's Presence today.
    Scarlett xo

    1. Thank you so much my friend! I receive it in Jesus' name! Blessings sis! ;-)

  22. Sorry about your loss. Cancer is not good. Praying for you guys.


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