
Mastering YOU Monday...why should He stick around

mastering life by making God first
You can find me reading a self-help book every now and then(especially if it’s a “free” Kindle download). The problem is…I never seem to finish them! That could mean one of two things…either I’ve mastered the topic at hand OR I’ve given up hope that I’ll ever be cured of whatever my “work in progress” might be. I’d say it was the former…but more than likely it’s the latter! :-)


My “current” self-help read(which by the way, I’m telling you upfront…I probably WON’T FINISH) is a book by Amanda Jenkins, entitled “Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist(learning to be free)”.  Pretty deep huh? In her chapter about relationships she talks about how she spends her day checking off her list of all the things she has to do…running errands, taking care of her kids and home, writing, etc. And by the time she’s finished -because she’s so tired-  all that’s left over for God are mere crumbs. She talks about how she picks up her Bible and skims through the scriptures, just to say she’s “spent time with Him”. Wow, how many of US have been there, done that?!  She makes a statement that is so profound, that it prompted me to write about it for this week’s “Mastering YOU Monday”.   She states…

“In truth, I plan most of my days without consulting the one who made the sun come up. I say I’m a Jesus follower, but I often operate like He’s an intrusion to my productivity. If I were God, I’d break up with me. Obviously, relationships don’t survive – let alone grow and thrive-under such neglect.  But our immediate-gratification, fast-food culture has conditioned me to try to get the most done in the shortest amount of time – which works for laundry, but it sabotages my walk with God.”   

GAH…I couldn’t have said it any better!!

mastering life by making God first

We must be into Him, so that He can be into us ladies! We attend to and give attention to those things that are most important to us. So I ask you a question…are you giving God a reason to stick around? Yes, life is and can be demanding…I get that! But it’s never a reason to put the One who created our very being…on the backburner. As if honoring Him is some menial task that we check off our “to do” list, so we can put another notch in our “oh I did good today, now pat me on the back” belt. Come on, lets be honest. If we had someone in our lives who took us for granted and thought of us only as an "afterthought"...would we stick around? So let's not treat our God as if we're doing Him some BIG favor by merely "thinking" about Him when we need or want something! My husband(did I tell you how much I love that wise man) – anywho, said in his message yesterday, that God (through Jesus) changed His ENTIRE lifestyle for US, so we OWE Him EVERYTHING! That’s deep y’all!  Jesus(and ONLY Him), left glory to come here, with His ultimate goal being to die, just so that we could live and have that life until it fills to the overflow! Not only that, but when we do fall short, He never turns His back on us! His grace is right there for us and His mercies are new for us every morning! Now how awesome is that! Listen, God isn’t hanging around us and sticking by our side because of anything GREAT we’ve done! NO, He does it out of His MAD LOVE for us!! Now how can THAT not move you?! Godly wisdom tells us the VERY least we can do is show Him proper honor by fellowshipping with Him on a daily basis, by giving Him thanks and gratitude, by worshipping Him with our whole heart, by meditating on His Word and doing all the other things that cause us to draw closer to Him.  For He is the ONLY ONE who is worthy of all the honor, glory and praise!! 

And what about ALL those other “necessaries” of life that we must do? Well, Matthew 6:33 sums it up pretty well as to how we should deal with those, don’t you think? “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and ALL His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you”.  If we focus on Him and do those things that honor Him, then He’s obliged to do His job…that’s to take care of our every need! So give Him His proper due, making sure we give "The Creator of the universe" 100% of ourselves, just as He consistently does for us on an everyday basis! Listen, God doesn’t want us to be condemned by our actions, but He does want us to be convicted …why, so that we can DO BETTER, because WE ARE BETTER! That my friends, is the first step on the road to mastering life!
Matthew 6:33, Jeremiah 63:1, Hebrews 11:6, Deuteronomy 6:5

And as far as that “self help”  book…I think I might just finish it!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam


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  1. I love love love this post! I think any working mom, or stay at home working mom can completely relate to this! I know I can. I can't tell you how many times I finally find time to read my bible and fall asleep in the first verse. Distractions are one of the Devils best devices!

    1. Yes they are Stephanie! You and me both! And of course the enemy comes in and makes us feel like crap, which only makes the situation worse! That's where meditating on Romans 8:1 comes in handy!

  2. I love it too! It is so much truth in her comment for several I'm sure! I have pinned Michell and as usually, you've taken me to church (on a Monday)!

    1. Thanks so much Joi!! Too funny...I'm so glad you were able to get your Monday morning praise fest on! Have a good one my friend!!

  3. Amen. I needed this so much today. Thank you Michell. Tara.

    1. You're so welcome Tara and thanks so much!! Blessings! :-)

  4. You are amazing!!! Love all your words. They just light up my heart.

  5. Oh My Goodness! I've certainly been there done that. Offer mere crumbs to God after I'm totally wasted. I owe Him everything. Thank you Michelle for this reminder...especially on a Monday so that I can redirect my week and prioritize. Blessings to you, my friend!

    1. Yes Hope, haven't we all my friend?! And not intentionally, because life is overwhelming. But as you said, it's as simple as redirecting and prioritizing our day. Thanks Hope and blessings to you as well my friend!!

  6. I am so guilty of this. Knowing that "He is jealous for me" and yet I can barely find the time to dive into His word. Oh, but I sure find the time to check my email and get on FB. :( Thanks for this important reminder today. As always, you keep it real with us! XOXO

    1. You're right Meredith...He is jealous for us! But aren't you glad He loves us so much that He shows us where we've fallen short and gives us another chance? I sure am! :-) Love ya Meredith! xoxoxo

  7. we're always trying to do so much that so little is left over for God. wow, that's so powerful. if we focus on Him, he will take care of our every need. YES!

    1. HA Catherine...that's it isn't it! Now, if we could just get the distractions out of the way and do just that...FOCUS, we'd be doing just great! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful week!

  8. Powerful words Michelle!!! Wow!! Thank you for sharing. I needed to hear that, I am so thankful for your boldness.

    1. Hey there Heather!!!! So good to have you stop by! Thank you so much my friend...blessings to you!!

  9. It's startling isn't it? How easily we all can slip into this world of living and push back the creator of our lives and universe? Amazing. And yet, even the most faithful fall.

    What an excellent reminder and conviction Michell. Thanks dear friend. I love how you are reaching so man with His Truth. LOVE it!!!

    1. Hey Chris! Yes girl, so true! We're ALL guilty of this one! I thank Him for His grace and mercy my friend! :-) Thank you.... xoxo

  10. Ooh Ms. Michell, you definitely hit a sore spot! I'm so guilty of the "mere crumbs" approach. I have to 'fess up to Him that I have put everything else ahead of Him. How shameful is that? I make time for everything else; why don't I make time with Him a priority? SMH

    1. Ha Alison, aren't we all, aren't we all! I'm constantly SMH at myself over this! We're in a good place though my friend, when we feel like crap. It's when we don't care if we don't spend time with him, is when we're in trouble! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. That statement - If I were God, I'd break up with me - and your follow up about being an afterthought - wow! Yes I need to do better. This time of year I always say I'm going to get up earlier (gaining the hour) but I only last a couple days.

    1. I know Kenya! That was a profound statement she made and so true! You're not alone, I need to do better myself! Thanks so much for dropping by!

  12. This was so beautifully written and right on time, Michell. I make to-do lists daily, and think I'm doing something big when I read my word or get my prayers in. I really need to spend more time in my Word and drawing closer to God. Like the author of your book said, I feel like I'm just giving God mere crumbs of what's left over of my time and energy. I believe this post was God's way of waking me up and telling me what's up! I'm going to do better about devoting more time with Him as well as starting and ending my day with Him..

    Thank you so much for sharing your pearls, miss lady. May God continue to bless you and your family :-)


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