
"Michell's Weekly Pearl"...(Not Needed Anymore)

and advice column question about disciplining children
I missed you guys last week! As always, I thank you for joining me for another edition of  "Michell's Weekly Pearl", where I seek to use Godly wisdom to offer encouragement. If this is your first time visiting, let me tell you a little about my advice series. This is where you can ask me anything on marriage, women's issues, family matters, relationships, parenting, homemaking, or life in general. If you want an honest, biblically based, to the point answer; email me your questions via (please put "MWP" in the subject area). I'll post your question, along with my answer, anonymously. Easy as that! I'll also delete your email once I've transferred your question. To read all the questions and answers in this series, you can do so (HERE).

Keep sending in those questions!!! In the meantime, read on to see what "Not Needed Anymore" asked...

Hi Michelle. I’ve been reading your column/series now for a while. I love the way you answer the questions, so I thought I’d write you. I’m at my wits end with disciplining. Our son won’t listen to anything I tell him anymore. It’s very frustrating because he listens to my husband, but not me. It’s as if he’s taken over and I no longer have any say so in how to raise our son. I feel as if I’m not needed any more and truth be told, that really hurts! I just don’t want to fight with my husband anymore about this and know we can come up with a solution, but it’s gotten to a point where my son sees us arguing about this all the time and that just hurts my heart. What advice can you give me on how to handle this tough situation? I’ll be waiting on your answer.

Hi “Not Needed Anymore”! Thanks for your question! It can be frustrating and being the mother of two sons(22 and almost 18), I feel you! It is hard letting go, because all of our sons’ lives, they have been our little boys! The old adage is true…”momma’s boys and daddy’s girls”! I’ve been a SAHM for some 18+ years and also homeschooled our kids during their earlier years of school. So I’ve been with them the majority of the time and letting go was very hard. But, it’s something that must be done in order for them to mature and grow.

Disciplining children should be a joint venture for both parents, however, children SHOULD NEVER get mixed signals! You and your husband should be a UNITED front. Children should never feel as if they can go to one parent over the other. As far as your husband taking over the disciplining of your son, I agree with him. Hear me out though. When my sons were in the age range of 10-13(critical ages), I noticed they started tuning me out when I would do my usually yelling at them. You know, the “go clean your room”, “don’t get up from the table until you’re finished”, “hurry up”, “did you do your homework”, type yelling. My husband “nicely” told me that I was going to have to stop that, because they were getting to an age where they were turning into young men and that it’s not in a man’s nature to be “bossed” around by a female. Not that I was bossing them around he said, but that’s how they heard it and instead of instruction, they perceived it as nagging. Now this was news to me, because I was use to just telling them what to do and them just doing it! This is why you have young men who at that age start to get annoyed by their mothers because their ears no longer hear sweet momma, but that lady who is constantly yelling, nagging and telling them what to do. Besides, there are just things that I, as a mother, cannot and will never be able to teach my sons about becoming a man, likewise with girls. When my daughter was that age, my husband did the same thing for her. He said he wasn’t able to teach her how to become a woman and she was at that age where she started getting emotional about everything, so I took over. Don’t get me wrong, we both still parented them, we just knew the psyche of our own gender and knew what worked and what didn’t. And contrary to popular belief, our roles as parents never go away just because our children become adults…we just parent from a different perspective.  We relied on the wisdom of God to discern when and how we disciplined them when they were going through those years. Yes, there will be times when you cross the line and you have to determine if this one is for dad or can I handle it. With that being said, you can slowly start to loosen the mothering strings and know that your son is in good hands with his dad. Is it easy…I’m not going to lie, it’s not. But it’s all a part of them developing and growing up. SN…for single moms and/or dads, who are raising kids of the opposite sex and you're having problems; find a “trustworthy” person in your life who can help impart into your son/daughter and give you advice on how to make that transition during that critical age period. I know many single mothers and fathers who have raised awesome kids and didn't have a problem at all, but for those who are having problems, it's okay to ask for help! Hope this helps…have a great weekend! Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4

Okay readers, what have been your experiences with raising the opposite sex?

I’ve been married for over 24 years to my husband, a pastor. I’ve worked alongside him in ministry full-time for over 17 years. During that time, we've pioneered two ministries and I've established a women’s ministry(Women of Excellence). We have three adult children and a son-in-law.  My areas of specialty are family, marriage and women’s issues. Hopefully the (Godly)wisdom I’ve learned through my years of experience will lead you to and keep you on the road to doing you well!  As my husband always says...why spend your life going down a road you don't have to travel, when someone else has already learned the lesson and can show you how to avoid that path.  

*Disclaimer*: I don't profess to be an expert, but what I have learned...I'm willing to share.  With that being said...what I write on my blog is my opinion and advice. It is not my counsel. This also applies to anyone writing on this blog. If someone uses any advice, opinion or recommendation from this blog and is upset, angered, or harmed in any way, I am not to be held responsible or be held liable in any way. What I write on this blog is not to be taken as fact or absolute. My intention is to do no harm. The content in this blog is the opinion of this blogger and is not intended to disparage or malign anyone or anything that has the ability to be offended. I am not responsible, nor will I be held liable, for anything anyone says on this blog in the blog comments.
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam


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  1. That's interesting insight. I don't have kids yet, but this was a good read. I'm all about the "United Front" but the gender aspect of this was definitely news to me!

    1. Hey Bekah! was to me too! ;-) Thanks a bunch...have a good one! ;-)

  2. I love the idea of a united front. Kids need consistency and not mixed signals. I am raising one of each but my son is only a year old so I don't discipline him much. Of course he has to be told "no" but it's too early for tantrums or talking back. I am curious to see what it will be like to raise him. I will have to turn to you!

    1. Haha...don't you love them at that age(the no tantrums/talk-back stage)! ;-) It is amazing to see their personalities develop and how each child responds to discipline. Sometimes it's not "one size" fits all where discipline is concerned. :-) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. That's it! My son is not allowed to grow up pass 4 years old. :) My son has never responded we'll to yelling. I always have to look at him eye to eye and speak to him. There are things that I gladly relinquish to my hubs...including discipline of my son. Sure, I discipline him also, but there are times that its exhausting and I gladly ask my hubs to take over. I think if mom and dad are on the same page as far as the appropriate discipline, if boys relate better to dad and girls to beit.

    1. Hope you're a trip girl! I know what you mean, our youngest is the same way. He has a quiet disposition, so yelling WAS NOT going to fly with him, lol! But that oldest son of ours, lol!! and dad should definitely be on the same page. Thanks for chiming in Hope!

  4. I don't have kids of my own but as a teacher, we also tell the parents of our kids in school to do the same. A lot of the real world is confusing enough, let's not add ourselves into the mix. Kids need a lot of structure and discipline these days.

    1. Hi Anne!! I agree, this world IS confusing enough and we, as parents, must do our part in giving our kids discipline and structure. Otherwise, we'll set them up for failure. Thanks so much for stopping by...have a wonderful week!

  5. It does hurt when we have to let go and realize that ,as children grow up, our parenting styles must change. My prayers are with this dear sister.

    1. Hey Trinity! It does doesn't it! Our seasons dictate change, and as hard as it is, it must be done. I will be also...thanks for chiming in my friend! ;-)

  6. Great advice, Michell! Our son is 23 now, out of the house, working, with a girlfriend, cat and dog -- quite a different scenario than when we were picking up his toys all over the house! My husband and I are more united in our parenting now than we were when he was a child. He is a great blessing and we thank God that he is saved and a responsible, intelligent, caring young man.
    Blessings to you and to your readers,

    1. Oh yes indeed Laurie! It's hard work at first, but to see them turn out as responsible, respectful adults is so worth the hard work, isn't it my friend! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. Amen, Michell! We feel especially blessed when people used to ask us about our "secret" to bringing him up, and we would just smile and say that we tried to raise him as the Bible instructs. This always brought a puzzled look to those who were unsaved, and would be an opportunity for us to witness to them.
      God bless,

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Denise! Thank you my friend...have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  8. We try to be a united front, but the kids definitely see my husband as more of the disciplinarian. It can be frustrating sometimes.

    1. Hey Michelle! It can be frustrating can't it! My husband made sure he told our boys that even though he was taking over, they STILL had to respect me. Sometimes males assume just because moms are females, they don't have to listen at not true! They'll try it if you let them though, lol! Have a good one!

  9. I always fear that if I have boys, I want have a clue what to do. It is a blessing that the father is there to teach him. So many will not listen to their mothers and she is doing it solo. I do however like the united front method. Kids have to respect no matter what the gender!

    1. Exactly Joi! Like I told Michelle, my husband made sure that regardless of who was doing the disciplining, our sons had better respect me or else! ;-) As for the solo moms, it's so important to have a strong male figure in their life, who their sons respect. Thanks for chiming in Joi!

  10. Great advice as always Michell!!! The parents have to have a UNITED front like you said, but most importantly- the kids need to see respect in their parenting and marriage. If they are arguing, it will not only divide the family- but the child/teen will see the inconsistency and that is always pebbled ground they will try to "kick around". It's in their nature to do so!! Definite conversations need to be had in their marriage about compromise and honoring each other's views in parenting.

    1. Oh yes Chris! It's definitely in "their nature"! Those little stinkers, lol! But seriously, I can't stress to parents enough, to have their game plan down when it comes to disciplining their children! Sorry for the delay in my response...don't know how I missed this one! :-/

  11. You're advice was spot on as usual.. I would add that when a parent does not agree with the decisions or the discipline of the other, to take the discussion somewhere private.. Never disagree about the children in front of the children.. My daughter is 17 now, when she turned 13 I began to "take over" with my husband's blessing.. But I took it too far.. When she would ask him if she could do something or go somewhere, if his decision wasn't what I would have decided, I would say so in front of her.. One day I noticed that when she asked his permission for something, if he said 'no' she would look at me for what she considered to be the 'right answer'.. I realized that I was teaching her that his decision was not the final decision.. I was teaching her not to listen to him.. So I stopped.. When he would say 'yes' or 'no' and she would look at me, I would just say something like "don't look at me, you heard your father".. Then later, in private I would tell him why I disagreed.. More often than not, when I would explain to my husband why I disagreed, he would understand where I was coming from and the next time he would take my advice.. My daughter learned that just because Mom runs the house, Dad is the boss of it.. She sees us as a united front.. I'm so glad that I saw it when she was 13 and not 17!

    1. Wow Ren, I missed yours too! Sorry about that! :-) But you're so right, especially when they're young! Great point Ren! Many people are too prideful to admit when they've made a mistake, but you took it and turned it into a teaching moment for your daughter along with reassurance for your husband that you had his back! Anything can be resolved when you do it with the right spirit! Thanks so much for sharing your experience Ren! Have a wonderful weekend!


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