
Mastering YOU Monday...time for a check-up ladies!

mastering life and doing a seff evaluation

Welcome! I’m so excited about getting back to posting on Mondays! And I’m really excited about my new series, “Mastering YOU Monday” where I’ll be blogging about things we need to unload out of our lives that hinder us from mastering ourselves so we can fully LIVE OUR LIVES! As my husband would say, “gettin’ rid of our stinkin’ thinkin’”! This week, I’ll be laying the foundation and giving you the background of why I started this series.

Anyone who knows me or reads my blog knows that “Doing YOU WELL” is my mantra, my catch phrase and my tagline. Some of you may ask, what exactly is this chick talking
about when she says…”doing you well”! Let’s just say, it’s taking full responsibility to really look at our lives and what changes we need to make in order to move forward. Regardless of how and what we feel about ourselves…God deserves our very best! Only by using Godly wisdom, will be able to bring these changes about.

We serve a BIG God and He’s given us the opportunity to live BIG lives, but we’ll never see that happen if we continue to do it our way. I’m not sure where this evolved, but I’ve heard it time and time again…that only a fool thinks he can do the same thing over and over again and get different results.Great piece of advice, huh?

No matter what God has called us to. It could be anything…blogging, teaching, mothering, wifing(yes I just made that up), ministering to people, working our dream job, owning our own business….WHATEVER it is, we’ll NEVER master that call or maximize our fullest potential until we’ve mastered “ourselves”. When I say “master ourselves”, I mean controlling, getting a hold of and reigning in every part of ourselves – our minds, our emotions, our thoughts, our actions our tongues and so on and so on!

Listen, people who refuse to do a self-evaluation of themselves annoy puzzle me…seriously! I give the side-eye to, don’t listen to or take advice from them…why? Because their thoughts are coming from a place of self-centeredness. The Bible tells us that only a foolish person takes his own counsel and think he’s right in his own eyes. I don’t know about you…but I don’t take pointers from clowns.

mastering life and doing a self evaluation

Many of us have so many gifts and talents, but unfortunately, for some of us, our biggest obstacles are ourselves!  We must come to the conclusion that until we learn how to master ourselves, we’ll never truly “do ourselves well”. And if we don’t do ourselves well…how on earth can we make full use of our abilities? Do you know why many of us like to emulate and copy other women…because it takes no effort at all on our part and it’s much easier to do. What…I can easily copy the way someone else blogs or their writing style, the way they dress, their mannerism, the way they talk, etc. etc. Plah-eez…that’s a piece of cake! But, when you can be with yourself, by yourself and honestly deal with yourself, so you can do yourself well…now THAT impresses me!

Let’s clear one thing up. We ALL can master “doing ourselves”. You hear people all the time encouraging others to “do you”, “be yourself”…that’s all fine and dandy. But girlfriend, I can do THAT with my eyes closed IN MY SLEEP! And we’re good for saying, “this is who I am”, “take it or leave it”. Guess what, we’re gonna  leave it! Why…because everyone, including God, is done with US outside of Christ(in our flesh). I know I’m dog-tired of myself outside of Him and you should be also.  Now that you know the difference between “doing ourselves” and “doing ourselves WELL”…NONE OF US should want to settle for just being ourselves, right? Do you realize how much more fabulous we’ll be when we add Christ in the mix!! If I don’t tell you this truth, you’ll find yourself always stuck in a stagnant place. And one thing about stagnant water is that it STINKS!  What’s this truth you ask? That (1), God isn’t going to use ANYONE who can’t master their flesh and (2),everything about “doing yourself well” is all about doing “YOU” in Christ!
We maintenance, upgrade and give check-ups to everything else in our lives, but ourselves, think about it; we do it to our cars, our homes, our gidgets and gadgets and even our pets…what’s up with that? We’ve got to be honest...who out there doesn’t want their children to live full, successful lives? So why, as God’s girls would we shortchange Him and ourselves, by not giving ourselves the opportunity to do the same? God wants our lives filled with encouragement and He loves us madly and wants nothing but the VERY BEST for us and is heaven-bent on us living out our lives the way HE planned…John 10:10 style(I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full till it overflows)! Now that’s living! Are you ready to get on the path to mastering life?

What is your mantra or “catch phrase” and how are you incorporating it in your life?

How often do you do a self-evaluation of yourself?  If and when, what do you do to make sure you’re not getting off track?

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. I tend to say "It is what it is" a lot. And I always liked "our greatest challenge exists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall". This is an excellent post and a great reminder to all of us about how to keep ourselves from coming in last!-Ashley

    1. Haha Ashley, you're not alone...I find myself doing the same thing(shame), lol! Love that and it's so true! I like that..."keeping ourselves from coming in last"! Thanks for stopping by...have a good one!

  2. I like I like. Mastering you Monday. Awesome. It's so important to do periodic self evaluations to see if we are truly mastering ourselves. You're so right. If we don't have control over what we say, our emotions our spiritual habits, it may be more difficult to fully manifest our calling and make significant impacts into the lives of others.

    My mantra, tagline, words I live by " Confident expectations"'s basically the definition of HOPE.
    Love this series. Looking forward to more. Have a great week.

    1. Hey Hope...thank you! Yes, it is and it's easy to forget to do just that, but as you said, in order for us to impact others, we MUST do it! I like it...hope(confident expectations)! ;-) Thanks Hope, I am do the same!! ;-)

  3. This is a great post! It reminds me that I need to do a bit of self-evaluation myself. I have just recently went through a couple of life changes so now is the best time for me to do some looking inward and making some changes. Thanks for sharing this and I will be looking forward to more from this new series. I'll be pondering a mantra for myself as well.

    1. Hey Miss Dre! Thank you and wishing you the BEST with the new changes in your life! Be sure to let me know what your mantra is! ;-) Thanks for dropping by, have a wonderful week!

  4. I have a mission statement but my blog tag line is Live Healthy & Active. Be Prosperous. I am proud of it and have stepped out into to territories that only fuel my tag line and passion in the last year +! It may have taken me 30 years to get here but I'm happy operating doing me well! Looking forward to this series!

    1. You should be Joi! I must say you have taken it and ran with it and I see the passion you've put behind it! Haha and it was all worth it wasn't it?! Kudos to you my friend...have a good one!

  5. Hey Michell! Loving the new series. Definitely information that leads to inspiration and then transformation.

    My mantra is from Proverbs 4:7 "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." I'm always asking the Lord for wisdom and understanding. If I get all other things and I'm not wise, what's the use of all the other things? So that's what I speak forth to myself: Get wise. Get sharp. Get it! LOL

    1. Thank you Ali!! Ahh yes, my friend, wisdom IS the principal thing! So true, it'll be for nothing and YES, I get it, lol!! Have a good one!

  6. i love this post and look forward to more! there is so much more we can do in Christ. my favorite mantra is st. francis's prayer: make me a channel of your peace, where there is injury...pardon,, doubt...true faith.

    1. Hi Catherine! Thank you and YES, there will always be MORE we can do in Him! Love your mantra...all the things a disciple of His should be doing! ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. This really made me think, and helped me! Thank you, sweet friend! Have an amazing week!!!

    1. Thank you Ash!! Have an amazing week yourself my friend! Love you!! xoxo

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!! AMEN SISTA!!!!! ;) I am constantly looking deep within myself and prayerfully asking God to reveal where I need work. It's CRITICAL that we do this ALL the time. Self checks- or when we are broken, it may be even more difficult to fix!!
    My mantras are vast and various depending on the need and the moment. Oh too many to count!! My favorite? God's GOT THIS. ;)

    1. THANK YOU Chris!!!! Oh yes my friend, we must do this OURSELVES and train ourselves to do it on a consistent basis! I'm sure you have MANY girl , lol! But I LIKE that one and YES He's GOT THIS INDEED!! :-) xoxo

  9. Wow, Michell! I've been pondering this post all week- seriously taking inventory. I believe my mantra is to, "Be the best you that you can be. No one can beat you at being you!"


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