
"Michell's Weekly Pearl"...(Is It Abuse)

an advice column question about domestic abuse in relationships
As always, I thank you for joining me for another edition of  "Michell's Weekly Pearl", where I seek to use Godly wisdom to offer encouragement. If this is your first time visiting, let me tell you a little about my advice series. This is where you can ask me anything on marriage, women's issues, family matters, relationships, parenting, homemaking, or life in general. If you want an honest, biblically based, to the point answer; email me your questions via (please put "MWP" in the subject area). I'll post your question, along with my answer, anonymously. Easy as that! I'll also delete your email once I've transferred your question. To read all the questions and answers in this series, you can do so (HERE).

Keep sending in those questions!!! In the meantime, read on to see what "Is It Abuse" asked...

Hi Michele,

My fiancĂ©e and I are planning to get married next spring.  I’ve bought my dress and have already paid half on my venue. When we first started dating he was verbally abusive to me and now he has started to put his hands on me, nothing too bad, just a shove here and there and twisting of my arm. I should tell you that my parents have only met him a few times and they HATE him, actually everyone in my family hates him. They tell me I should pack up and move back home with them, but I’ve established a life here with him. I understand where they’re coming from, but I love him and he’s the only person I have here with me. I’ve told him how my family feels about him and it just makes him mad. He tells me that I should cut off communication with them, but I know that’s something I will not do! I don’t want to overreact and miss out on a great relationship either. Michele, I’m confused because I have two parties telling me to do two different things and I just don’t know what to do! I should tell you that I’m finding myself afraid to be alone with him…

Hi “Is it Abuse”.  First of all thank you for being brave enough to reach out! So many women are either too scared or too ashamed to do so…so I applaud you! Okay, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. This is a subject that really gets me heated, so please bear with me! Let me first start by saying don't ever for one moment think you deserve this or that you brought this on yourself! I should also say that your dress and venue should be the least of your concerns. I’m concerned about your safety! And your last sentence proves that you are also! I’m no expert, but I’m to assume that when a person is abusive, it starts out small, but then progresses to something greater. You said he started out verbally abusive, but has now started to push/shove you and twist your arm. Let me tell you there’s NOT “nothing too bad” about that, but definitely “a whole lot of something that is”. I’m afraid if he continues to become more and more angry, what his next level of abuse could be. The fact that he wants you to cut off communication with your family should be a red flag. Usually abusers want you to isolate yourself from your loved ones. I can imagine how you must feel though, being away from your family and having him as the only person you really know. But hon, I suggest you find some help ASAP, before you go any further in this relationship, because being married to someone who abuses you takes it to another level. With marriage, comes children and you’ll put them at risk of abuse as well. As far as your family is concerned, DO NOT cut off communication with them. They’re not trying to hurt you, they love you and are only looking out for your safety and best interest.  I’m not telling you what to do, but as a pastor’s wife, I’ve seen way too many situations like this escalate into BIG problems the farther along the relationship goes. I’m not sure where you’re located, but here in South Carolina, we’re ranked in the top 5% in the nation for domestic abuse/murder of women…a sad, but true statistic. I’m not trying to scare you, but am only giving you the facts and I feel so strongly about you getting help. So I’ve included the website for the "The National Domestic Violence HOTLINE". They’ll be able to get you the help you need in the city you’re located in. You can visit their website HERE! I always tell women to never be too afraid to let something go that is not good for them! It may feel awful now, but you're better off in the long run. Do know that you’re not alone, there are so many women out there who have experienced what you’re going through and are in a position to give you the support and help you need. I hope this helps and I pray you visit their website and call. I’ll be praying for you and I’ll keep in touch!  

*Is there a stigma that comes with being a victim of domestic abuse?

*Have you or anyone you know ever experienced domestic abuse, if so, how did you escape?

*Do you think domestic abuse has become an epidemic in our society?

I’ve been married for over 24 years to my husband, a pastor. I’ve worked alongside him in ministry full-time for over 17 years. During that time, we've pioneered two ministries and I've established a women’s ministry(Women of Excellence). We have three adult children and a son-in-law.  My areas of specialty are family, marriage and women’s issues. Hopefully the (Godly)wisdom I’ve learned through my years of experience will lead you to and keep you on the road to doing you well!  As my husband always says...why spend your life going down a road you don't have to travel, when someone else has already learned the lesson and can show you how to avoid that path.  

*Disclaimer*: I don't profess to be an expert, but what I have learned...I'm willing to share.  With that being said...what I write on my blog is my opinion and advice. It is not my counsel. This also applies to anyone writing on this blog. If someone uses any advice, opinion or recommendation from this blog and is upset, angered, or harmed in any way, I am not to be held responsible or be held liable in any way. What I write on this blog is not to be taken as fact or absolute. My intention is to do no harm. The content in this blog is the opinion of this blogger and is not intended to disparage or malign anyone or anything that has the ability to be offended. I am not responsible, nor will I be held liable, for anything anyone says on this blog in the blog comments.
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. I will be praying for her to be able to break away from the situation permanently.

    1. Yes Alison, as will I! Agreed, it's best she gets out now! Thanks for stopping by lady!

  2. I guess I'll be the first one to say it, but I know more than one woman who was in an abusive relationship, and yes there is a stigma that goes with it. One person, is in a verbal abusive relationship, and they have been in it for decades. It's sad to watch them because they are so used to it now. The other person, the husband used to abuse her physically, and she eventually got out of it, but it was hard. No one can really understand that type of relationship, and the pull that another person can have on you and the fear. No one understands that unless they have gone though it themselves.

    1. That's so sad Kalley! It's a shame she's been so demoralized that she thinks it's normal. :( So glad your other friend got out before it was too late! Unfortunately for some, that's not the case. You're correct, it's easy for us to say "GET OUT", but there's a mental bondage that the abuser has put the victim in that is sometimes hard to break. Thanks for sharing Kalley...have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  3. I pray that this woman will take your advice, Michell. This abusive behavior should NOT be tolerated. I'm believing that God will show her, through the professional help that you directed her to, how to break ties with that individual once and for all. God has BETTER for her. In order to get the "hero" that God has, she must drop the "zero"! Have a blessed weekend.

    1. I sure hope so Trinity! So true, may she be led by the Spirit to RUN for her life!! Have a blessed week my friend!! ;-)

  4. That was hard to read. She should run, not walk, out the door as quickly as possible. Abuse always starts small and escalates. The warning signs are already there. It will only get worse after she marries him.

    1. Yes it does Michelle! It never diminishes, but always increases! She should run while she still has a chance to easily break free! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Very responsible advice as usual. If you're scrolling the comments, I'm praying for you. I have 2 wedding dresses in my closet From weddings that didn't happen. Don't worry about that. You will not think about that venue deposit or cost of the dress a few years down the line.

    1. Oh Joi, that's good! I'd have ten dresses in my closet if that meant me keeping my peace and happiness! I know that's right...she'll be so relieved to be free, she'll forget about it "quick-like"! Thanks for sharing Joi...have a good one my friend! :-)

  6. This is really great advice. And it can be so confusing for individuals who are going through situations like the writer. Hopes and prayers go out to the letter writer.

    1. I agree Heidi! It can be especially confusing for someone who isn't used to being in a healthy relationship! I hope she seeks the help, so she can see that there is a great support group out there who have experienced what she's going through! Thanks for visiting!!

  7. hi I've been in this situation before and may I suggest when she is free. One thing she can do to help herself in future is to read about abuse and be more aware of the types of abusers who are out there wonderful Dr. wrote a book called "Why he does the things he does by Lundy Bancroft excellent book and another one How to Spot a Dangerous Man not sure of author these do help.

    1. Great advice Robin! She needs to be aware, so that she won't put herself in this position ever again! I hope she picks up the book too! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  8. Oh how I gasp when I read this as it truly makes me want to climb through my laptop and take her away AWAY from this man.
    She MUST get away, now. Now. She must ONLY see this man for who he is. Sick. That is not NOT love. She MUST escape from the danger he holds or she will be captive and destroyed.

    Her life will be ruined, her dreams shattered, her identity crushed, her soul broken...if she stays. Praying she finds the strength to get out. Now.

    1. Well said my friend, well said!!! Praying that too Chris! Thanks for sharing...have a wonderful week lady! xoxo :-)

  9. A man who will abuse his wife, will sooner or later abuse his children too.. If not physically. then emotionally and/or verbally.. Even if he never lays a hand on the children they may have together, they will be witness to the abuse of their mother.. Growing up in that sort of environment can destroy a child and any relationship they may have later in life..
    I pray that she heeds your advice and the advice of her family..
    Just run away, a life no matter how 'established' is no life at all when you're being abused, and a man who will willingly hurt a woman can not possibly love her..

    1. Amen Ren..."a life no matter how established is no life at all when you're being abused"...such a profound statement! She needs to get out before she "establishes" her life anymore with this man! Thanks for sharing Ren!

  10. thank you for addressing something that no one wants to talk about, but everyone NEEDS to hear. you always say things with such grace & tact.

    1. Thank you so much's the Holy Spirit(I give Him the credit)! :-) I couldn't agree more...this needs to be talked about EVEN MORE! Thanks so much for stopping by...have a wonderful week!

  11. Ouch, this story was hard to read. You're right though, the wedding dress and venue deposit are the least of her concerns. Michell, you're a great mentor for her to have in her corner. XOXO

    1. Thanks so much my friend. I'll definitely keep in touch with her! Have a lovely week Meredith! xoxoxo

  12. Please get out of this relationship. My first husband hit me once and only once. Now some people may not have left after one time but he had abused my pets because I paid too much attention to them. I didn't want my children to be next. When I left he said if he couldn't have me he didn't want to see the kids either. It's been over 20 years and we've never seen him again.. Abusers want to control you and have your focus on them and no one else.

    Michelle your advice is solid. It's so sad that so many people are affected by domestic abuse.

    1. GOOD FOR YOU Carla!! When a person shows you who they are the FIRST time, BELIEVE THEM!! Good-bye and good riddance...I'm sure it was no lost to you! :-) Great that you got out...too many women make the mistake of staying in thinking things will change, but that's never the case, unless of course they have an Apostle Paul encounter with the Lord, lol! Thanks for sharing...have a great week!

  13. "I don’t want to overreact and miss out on a great relationship either." - but you ARE. You're staying in a relationship, where your fiancĂ© treats you less than a queen. In the meantime, there's a respectful, God-loving man out there looking for you and you're presently unavailable. Get out. Get out now and DO NOT tell him of your plans to leave. Confide in a friend {if you haven't already} and have them help you grab your stuff, while he's away at work. Change your number and never talk to him again. He's sick - not the kind you stick around for to help him sort out either. Whatever money you've poured into this wedding is less important than your life, sense of self-worth and safety. Sending hugs & prayers your way. Thanks for sharing this, Michell.

    1. Great advice!! So true...she must be strategic with her plans, as people like this can be very cunning, so she has to be a step ahead of him! Totally's definitely NOT more important than her life and self-worth! Thanks for sharing...have a wonderful week! ;-)

  14. Oh my. This is horrible. I pray that this sister heeds your advice and get out. I'm praying for strength for her. When someone show you who they are, believe them. I totally agree with the previous commenter that she's potentially missing out on what God has for her while she remains in this relationship. I know it must be easier said than done, but the signs are already there. Michell, thanks for posting the resource may also help someone who haven't shared their situation yet. Blessings to you.

  15. Hey Hope! Yes, she'll definitely need strength for this one, seeing as if she's there alone with him...I sure hate that! I sure hope it does too Hope! Thanks my friend...have a blessed week! ;-)


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