
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #36 and a state championship

an encouragement link up and winning a state championship
Happy Hump Day y’all!! Hope everyone is doing well…I am! This week, Monday to be exact, I started my new series…”Mastering YOU Monday”.  I hope you’ll join me each Monday! If you missed it, you can read that post right ----> HERE

On another note, our youngest son Blake and his high school track team are doing themselves well! Why you ask…because they are the 2013 AAAA State Championships in track and field in SC! Whoop whoop! They actually won back in May, but they just got their rings last week. So as a proud momma, you know I had
to show you all! What do you think…pretty snazzy for high school don’t cha think? I mean, they’re the size of a super bowl ring, lol! So, a BIG CONGRATS to the "Spring Valley Vikings" of Columbia, SC!

an encouragement link up and winning a state championship

As promised, here are my two features for the week! Show some love to the lovely Bekah who blogs over at "Re-solve" and the lovely Alison who blogs over at "Embrace the Struggle". Go and check them out will ya!

You all know the rules(actually there are NO rules), BUT, (1)I ask that if you're doing something well, do tell us by commenting (2)if you follow me PLEASE let me know in the comment section how you're following, so I can follow you back, (3)visit some of the blogs in the link-up and show them some lovin' and encouragement (4) MOST importantly, link-up your post(s), any you'd like (5) PLEASE let them know you're dropping by from "DYWW". :-) 

 Don't forget to drop by on Friday for "Michell's Weekly Pearl" and Monday for "Mastering YOU Monday"!  That's about it! Until next time...I call each and every one of you BLESSED!!

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  1. State champs, Whoop! Congratulations indeed!

    1. Hey Joi...thanks girl and thanks for linking up! ;-)

  2. Yay Blake!!! So exciting!! I know you are a proud mama!!

    1. I am indeed Heather! :-) Thanks for dropping by...have a great rest of your week!

  3. Heartiest Congratulations to the Spring Valley Vikings! The way to go! Thanks a lot for hosting and have a wonderful Wednesday Michell.

    1. Thank you Judy!!;-) You are so welcome my friend...thanks for linking up! May you have a wonderful rest of your week! ;-)

  4. Congratulations to your son!! Boy can we moms rejoice with the accomplishments of our kids. Even other people's :) Very exciting for your family!

    1. Thanks Joanne! Haha, yes we can can't we and you're right...other folk's kids too...funny! Have a good one!

  5. Thanks Michell for hosting a super party. Hope you're having a blessed week!


    1. You're welcome Heather...thanks for linking up! I am and hope you are as well! ;-)

  6. HOPE the rest of your week is AWESOME!!! Thanks for letting me join in the party!!

    1. Hi Miss Debbie!! So glad to see you! Anytime time ma''s always great to have you join in! ;-) I am and HOPE you are as well!! ;-)

  7. I love this link up so much!! I love reading all of the other beautiful writers- but I need to remember to add the DYWW in my comments! I think I am forgetting... Sorry Michell!! I posted my devotional, because I want so badly for all to read that they are BEAUTIFUL in His Eyes. :)

    1. Awww shucks...thanks girl, that means a lot! problem at all Chris!!:-) Oh yes, that is a MUST READ, glad you linked it up! Have a good one! xoxo

  8. Congratulations! That is awesome! What am I doing well? I'm training for another marathon and just rocked an 8 mile hill run!

    1. Thanks Jen! Whoo hooooo...that's AWESOME!! You.go.girl! You're definitely "doing yourself well"! Thanks for linking up!

  9. Oh how wonderful, congrats to your son! I would be a proud momma too. :) Thank you for always hosting such a lovely link up. Enjoy the rest of your week Michell.

    1. Aww...thanks Stephanie! You're always so sweet! You're so welcome...THANK YOU for linking up! Have a lovely week!

  10. Very cool. Congrats to them.

    Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks so much Patrick! I knew you would get a kick out of that one! Lol! You do the same my friend!

  11. Those are some really nice rings! Congratulations to your son. I'm linking up my black and white bean chili and my Sunshine Award nomination posts. I am doing well this Wednesday because one of my BFFs is coming to town to hang out with me this weekend. We don't get to see each other often, but when we do--it is like no time at all has passed. Enjoy the rest of your week, Michell!

    1. Thank you Kimberly!! How nice! Hope you and your BFF had an awesome time over the weekend! It's always good to catch up with old friends! Thanks for linking up...have a lovely week Kimberly!

  12. Go Blake! Congratulations. I'm sorry I'm so late getting by this week. I'm working extra shifts recently and my schedule is all mixed up. It's like every nurse in the unit got pregnant at the same time, lol, I'm also so glad to have you be a co-host at our CLIMB link party. Come by later and link up with our Thursday link party after 9pm if you can. Thanks so much for another awesome link party this week.
    Sew Crafty Angel

    1. Hey there Angel!! No problem at all...I DEFINITELY understand! Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Thanks for your dedication to your much needed and appreciated service to the community! As you can see, I'm in the same boat as you with the time thing, lol! I'm sure I missed the link-up, but I'll head over anyway, just in case! ;) Thanks for linking up!

  13. New follower thru GFC. Just dropping by from the chain linky. Thanks for co-hosting.

    I Create Purty Thangs

    1. Hi Julie! Thanks so much for stopping by and following! Headed over to your blog now! Have a lovely week!

  14. Oh Ms. Michell!! Thank you for the shout out! I so very, very much appreciate it. Thanks for being a constant blogging friend and a fount of wisdom to us bloggie chicks! And congrats to your son and his team. Wow, they're all blinged out! LOL

    I'm doing me well by getting two big projects at work out of my hands this week. They take months to complete, so you can imagine my sense of accomplishment (and relief!) to be free of them. I still have another one pending, and a new one starts at the end of the month, plus my regular stuff. I feel like singing Whitney Houston's song "I Never Knew My Own Strength"! LOL I thanked God profusely for bringing me through this challenge at work, because at one point I was looking up and seeing bottom, never thinking I would get it all done. But God... !

    Have a great weekend, Michell! Hugs, Ali

    1. are so welcome my friend!! I so appreciate your wisdom as well Alison!! I will let them know...IKR, total bling, lol! Wow...kudos to you for completing such a huge assignment! AMEN girl...BUT GOD!! :-D (((hugs))) back at ya lady!! Have a lovely week!

  15. Congratulations to your son Blake and his team; a fantastic accomplishment!

    Signed up at the Chain "Linky" CLIMB and saw you were co-hosting this month. Way cool, thanks! Super busy this month with two writing challenges and next month with NaNoWriMo, but will try to participate in your link-ups next week. :O)

    1. Hi LuAnn! Thanks so much for connecting!! You're so welcome! Sounds like you're going to busy...may you have much success with it all! Have a lovely week!

  16. Congrats to Blake and to you as a proud mom!

    This week, I'm enjoying the cooler temperatures and drier weather. This kind of weather does me extremely well. I don't like the heat. Have a blessed weekend, my friend!

    1. Thanks so much Trinity! I am too my friend!! I'm not fond of the warm(hot) weather either, but I LOVE this! Lol! Thanks so do the same lady! ;-)

  17. Congrats on your new series. I will be sure to check it out. Blessings to you.
    Love, Beth

    1. Hey Beth! Thanks so much my friend...I'd be glad to have you stop by! Have a blessed week!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)