
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday and some gratitude

encouragement link up and showing gratitude for readers
Seasons Greetings, the Pulliams here...wishing you a Merry Christmas and a BLESSED New Year!! I know you're here for "DYWW", but I'm taking a break for Christmas and New Years. So I'll be gone until Monday, January 6, 2014...GAHHH! Did I just say 2014? WOW!! 

Anywho, I want to take this time to express my sincere appreciation and love for each and every one of you! I thank God for you and for you supporting me and my blog this past year! Thank you for always coming back to visit, even when I've fallen short and have taken FOREVER to
respond...I thank you for understanding. It.has.been.overwhelming. and I must take a break before I break(some of you know what I mean) wink, wink. :-) You just don't know, that has really bothered me lately, as I never want anyone to feel as if I'm taking them for granted. This is one of the reasons why I'm taking this break, so that I can catch up and personally respond to each and every one of you, my lovely friends! 

While I'm on my two week hiatus, I'll be doing just that...viewing and responding to all my comments, visiting your blogs AND doing some writing. Yep,doing some writing...I'm working on my first book! Hopefully, this time next year I'll have something to show you guys! But most of all, I'll be enjoying my family, as I'm sure you all will be doing also! If you missed the last "Mastering YOU Monday", you can read it HERE

Until next year, I'll leave you with this...

“Being in the habit of saying "Thank you," of making sure that people receive attention so they know you value them, of not presuming that people will always be there--this is a good habit, regardless...make sure to give virtual and actual high-fives to those who rock and rock hard.”
― Sarah Wendell,

To all of you, my faithful readers who take the time to come by and join me each week to shower me with encouragement, here's your ^_^ /, because you not only ROCK , but you ROCK HARD!!! May the blessing of the Lord run you and your family over this holiday season and may His angels be encamped around you!! Love you all!!

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  1. Love ya! I love it here. Enjoy your break!

  2. Enjoy your break. Mele Kalikimaka and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou

  3. Hope you have an extremely Merry Christmas, and I can't wait to see what you have to say when you get back.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  4. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love you!!

  5. As a blogger I understand the time and energy that goes into a blog and think it's great that you are taking a much needed break. I enjoy your words of wisdom and encouragement each week and believe your book will be amazing! Your post today is beautiful and I pray the same blessing for you and your family.

    Have a very Merry CHRISTmas my friend!
    Love & Blessings,

  6. Michelle hope you enjoy your time away and that you and your family enjoy a wonderful Christmas time. All the best to you on the upcoming book.

  7. YOU are a blessing. May God pour out His Blessings on you and your family, dear friend!!! Have a BEAUTIFUL Christmas and may God richly bless your new year!!! XOXOXO

  8. Have a blessed holiday and thank you for all you do.

  9. Hi Michell,
    Thank you for allowing me to be part of your link-up this past year. I am so blessed to have discovered you and your blog. You are such an inspiration. Your walk with God is evident by every word you pen on this blog. My prayer is that God will continue to bless you in your going in and in your coming out - to the full, in abundance until overflow manifests! Merry Christmas, my friend!

    BTW - I enjoyed reading your post from last week about your son. Thanks for sharing, and I know you will fully enjoy every moment of his BUSY senior year.

    Enjoy your time of rest and restoration! I look forward to visiting Prowess and Pearls in the new year.

  10. Wonderful post, Michell! Take time for yourself and enjoy. I am going to schedule a break for myself sometime in 2014. And yes, you're right, it does sounds weird to say that. Writing a book?! Fabulous. You know I can relate to that. Enjoy your holiday hiatus! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my friend!

  11. michell, you deserve a break. we love your blog so much, we don't mind the break. you enjoy yourself!

  12. lovely post! :)

  13. Happy New Year! Love your post! I've been on vacation for 3 weeks and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Many blessings and enjoy the time off. You deserve it!

  14. Hope all is well with you dear friend. Miss you but glad you have some time for yourself and your family.
    Happy New Year.


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